Wood Lawn Hell - The Nightmare That Keeps Making A Killing

in renting •  8 years ago 

It all started moving into the place in 2013, and you will never know the terror I felt these coming days.  I searched the place to and through, but I didn't think to roll around on the floor as if I was a mouse - to see the kinds of things that were happening - which now I was unable to stop and was leaving me out of my own home.

Let's just share some pictures shall we!  Here is some water weirdness - intrusion - damage...

Not only did we have these things happen, but we started to have backed up sinks, and sewage back-up into our apartment.  Next we had some flooding - water intrusion.

We were left to clean up all the water that came in from the ground or the walls or wherever, and it was never discovered where the water was coming from.  Instead, I was told - if you don't like it here so bad - why don't you just move!  And of course, I'd love to move, but - this place and living here has sabotaged by performance in work and my ability to perform daily tasks here.  No one should have to clean as much as we've had to clean in these Apartment Hell's.  It's too much for anyone that should have to deal with things that we've had to deal with on a daily basis - causing us more damage in our lives and our health conditions worsening.

Not to only mention that this is water damage, and never discovered where it came from - these things are also fire hazards and can cause people to lose their homes and everything - so when there is water damage and it's not being even attempted to be found out where the water came from, it's just left to us to deal with it even though it's gross, and cost us more money then we should have been having to use for laundry and soaps and cleaning and just taking time away from living natural lives.  It's horrendous!  But, just wait... it gets worse yet!

Mushrooms constantly come up from the carpet in the hallways back staircase landing; which means there are spores, and molds and gives away a nasty odor.  The place you walk into and can smell the funk in the air.  It's uninhabitable.

This is public; and left for everyone to be breathing which can cause symptoms of black mold and other itchy symptoms that we've been experiencing while living in the Hell of Wood Lawn.

Here you can see all the space between the sheet-rock and the floor landing where they are supposed to be sealed and well kept - to keep up to code.  None of which is being done here to maintain a safe and clean working environment.  I hate that term - even though it's true!  If you can't work on getting sleep, how are you going to do many of the other things that life has to enjoy!?  How are you supposed to be able to work - let alone, find peace in your home when you are having issues such as these are!?  I can tell you how - because; you can't, you won't, and you never will.  But, comes rent time - and they want their money.

Here you can see a hole just beyond where that space is between the wall and the floor underneath the heater where bugs and anything else is able to get into your home and into your things and onto - YOU - or whomever else you might want to ask over to your place to watch the football game over the weekend, or have Thanksgiving dinner.  What a lovely place to be able to invite company into, huh!?  Lovely!  This hole is where I first discovered what looked like a rat or a mole or a vole, but not a little baby mouse.  And, it was FAST! (Horrified look on my face!)

Here are a few pictures of the little rodents running around the winter last year:

It's getting to the point where I'm starting to lack concentration at work, and I was even puking around the corners because I was so sick, and so ill, and my mind just couldn't focus on work when I was just ill.  I was unable to sleep.  And, to top it all off - I was a snow-remover shoveling snow trying to work my way forward but, had really no way to move forward myself.  I was thankful this thanksgiving that I'm alive, but I was not thankful where I had anything for myself to concern myself with, as thanksgiving was sad.  My mom ended up in the hospital, and I just didn't make it to dinner with my family.  It sucked truthfully - it hurt!

Happy Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.  Here's a get well gift from Wood-Lawn Hell.  We hope that you enjoy your stay, and we're glad that you're now living in the best, since you've seen all the rest.  And, well hell - if this is the best then I don't care about any of them!  This place is trashy!

To begin, we've been asking for it to be inspected by an inspector, as even before we first seen rodents running around, we've been having health concerns that stem from the environment here.  It is to me as if we are breathing things in daily that, in a sanitary place, or a place that you can clean from one end to the other and it'll stay clean for a few hours at minimum - these things don't happen here.  You clean and clean and you never can stop cleaning because - your shit is being ruined.  And, you had to try sleep, you feel buggy, you wake up, you deal with mice issues and then you lose work.  Your shit is ruined now.  You've walked away basically from all of your things and all of your daily and normal life and normalcy in life you're desperately searching for, and you just can't find it - because the place you live in isn't providing that comfort to you.

Remind you these are just the ones that we actually started to capture on camera; we were also dealing with them running around us, and even waking us up by running over us.  The reasonable thing would be to move, and most practical thing to do, but when you are in a place where you can't necessarily do that; what are we now, slaves as inmates of some crazy hell!?  Because these things are getting old.  I'm losing sleep.  I can't concentrate on anything anymore because I'm living here, and have no place else to go.  But, the situation just gets worse!  These things just kept coming and coming and crawling around everything that now that we've had to buy unreasonable amounts of cleaning products and mice traps and things, we've also gotten our fair share of itchy biting jumpy bugs; like lice, or louse, or crabs.  So, now not only do we have more bugs in the home then there are out; what are we supposed to do!?  Not do anything about it!?

And, see that's just the thing - people are being left in uninhabitable conditions that are keeping them from living ordinary lives and people with reason for the most part - think practically and move and never worry about the next people moving into their apartment homes or their conditions that are there, are now being engaged with - with new clients and new people, and there is a lot of money that is being made where other people suffer based on people lacking the skills or the knowledge about how to press their concerns and press for actions to be taken.  My fear is that peoples lives are now at stake here, and these are how some people die.  So why is it so hard to find appropriate legal help, health-care help, and otherwise BE helped when people are driven into situations like these, and for the most part I think the people that rent to you love it.  They love it because they know that no one is going to take them to court, and no one has time; so 99 out of 100 times, no one is taking them to court and making orders and making these people change their habits in maintenance and how they are secluding their workmanship from the people within the city they provide housing for, low-income equal opportunity housing, where people with disabilities and such live in their homes and never get appropriations made because they are being abused at levels where even our healthcare doesn't concern themselves with your environmental issues that are causing these problems.


When, we can't even so much as be represented by the people we pay rent to - to come in an make these changes, and address the actual issues where they are coming from - I don't want them to come in a take pieces out to see if there is black mold or make more holes that are worsening the structure - over fixing the holes that are already here and now, and not making it seem as though there wasn't already holes here to begin with.  It's not as if you move into a place and roll around on the floor and act like a mouse and make sure that the wall touches the floor in every seem of every corner.  Sometimes, you're forced into places because of not having the incomes to change your living conditions to begin with; and a lot of other issues arise as a result of workmanship that is put into their apartment housing developments. 

They could start by making sure that their ground work isn't covered with mole holes and mouse holes, and keep the mice under the rug so-to-speak with wrapping the buildings with mulch and covering holes up to make it seem as though work is being done when it isn't.  It's a band-aid and anyone looking at the area in a real way; could see it.

Clearly see that there are puffed up grounds that should be maintained before allowing the buildings to be gotten into.  And, then just leaving these holes for the future tenants without proper inspection is a huge no no.

Holes that lead right into the foundation along with tracks around the entire complex.

Here's a note that someone had left, and IT was immediately removed from the door - and still, nothing to be done to help the people in the issues with holes or sink or bathroom concerns, but - more sequestered actions of shoving people down and out and just trying really hard to make certain that these people can't obtain the power of action to get things started.  And, in that regard - fuck this!  Let's get this party started because I can't live like this and I want all my money back, and I want these years back - so I want repayment for working here!?  I want repayment for my mom being sick and getting worse with her health, and I want repayment for the things that I could otherwise be doing with my time other then cleaning up after this shit-hole environment that lacks the regular comfort that a home should otherwise have.  I hate seeing people moving into and moving out of places like these without any kind of recourse in mind for the kinds of things that other people are going to be moved into.  The same exact conditions that you were leaving because of; other people are now moving into, and other people are getting worse things happen, and they progressively get worse, and the progressively ignore the situation for months on end, with NO concern for what might happen to the people in their conditions.

Here are some holes inside the place as well...

Here's one that got away.

Raised ground that is never taken care of properly by maintenance.

Constant bug problem that makes you feel like you are going crazy.

I've got plenty of picture where I'm literally feeling out of my mind thinking that if I get enough pictures of the lice, that maybe I can prove it.  I did catch one on my knee although I can't find it right at the moment.  But I do have more holes.

Here is some bugs...

Here are scalp issues that went along with moving my bed into this place.

I've been having to be forced to shave my body, as I have nowhere to go - and here is a picture of chest bumps that I figure are also from this place and the bugs and infestation that is ignored and left for people to work, and to work real hard for the money to be as uncomfortable as possible in their own homes.  I've never been so afraid to walk in my own front door in my life.

You could never understand the terror that I felt, the terror that we all were feeling I believed at some level.  If it's black mold, people are going to be feeling unnaturally itchy, and the only way to really get rid of it is to use bleach.  1/4 cup of regular bleach added to your bath and you're good to go.  For, at least 15 minutes, and if you run out the door, you can be good all day.  Or, at least a better portion then if you're to sit and wallow in it.  Which, I fear that disabled people are, and which is causing them to lack better health, or a health that could be sustained, is now diminished.  Thanks Wood Lawn Hell, you're a true pal!  You provide people with the BEST -homes - PUKE!

Here I am going crazy taking selfies again.  I just love the way I look, I so handsome!

I'd love to just sleep, for no reason at all, and not have to feel the ways that I've been feeling without any real or proper care coming from the health-care, or authorities, or anywhere - and yet - I know, that if I was someone that mattered to you people, that these things wouldn't be happening to one person.  And yet, they're happening to me.

No one ever thinks that these things could happen to them, and they could happen to anybody, because no one is holding these people accountable.  Which is why I'm angry now, and why I'm set out to do that very thing.  I want to shut down these Hell's from existing and getting away with their scary ability to not care and not concern themselves with the conditions that people are being left in. 

Just look at a few pictures of my face.  Is this a happy person!?  Is this a person that is even able to obtain the kinds of happiness or joy again in life!?  I want to know how to be that person again so badly, and no matter how I twist in the chairs I try sleep in, I'm getting sorer and sorer then ever before, and I'm restless to the point where I'm asking God send me an Angel, because I just can't do it anymore.  I just can't!  And, who would!?

I'm taking selfies again, I hope I'm beautiful.  I hope that I find some bugs so that I can prove to the world the kinds of devastation that is just put on people, and people are just supposed to roll over in it and play dead.

Here's me looking for bugs...

Bug, bug, bug, bug... where'd you go friends!?  I want to kill you - but you're sabotaging my reality.  And, fucking go to hell dammit - my mind is crazy, racing, pacing, I cannot sit, I need to sleep, I need to...  I need...

I want...  to not feel as though I'm dead already here on earth walking...  because I know these motherfuckers would have done blast themselves by now... and I'm sure some of these people would love you to blast yourself off, because - then they can keep all their ill gotten money.  And, fuck - if it really comes down to that money.  Allow me some STEEM!  Trust me, I'll chew this whole world up and spit it the fuck out at you!  

Then, they want me to watch what the fuck I do, and where I aim my camera even - by telling others that they're going to call the cops on me as a peeping-tom!?  Go fuck yourselves spreading that kind of information about people to others, and character sabotaging ass selves.  Go fuck yourselves and all your filthy money, I hope you roll over and die in that kind of living too.  Because, you're going to go to hell.  I know!  I'm God!

Every facet of this world teaches us that we are god and that there is no god so, yeah, I'm God.  Not God, God, in the flesh God, but God in the sense that I've asked, and I've prayed, and I've believed - so, yeah - I'm God.  And, though you might be able to sweep your little sequesters under the rug and work one over on people here in this life.  I ask that God appoint me judge to murder these people lyrically, because it ain't even funny - this shit isn't about money!  It's about principals and having the kinds of characters that these people portray!  Their no people - they're typical money hungry animals!

I literally haven't been able to sleep for months.  Days upon days of never-ending grief and struggle, and loss.  I've tipped over hard-drives with pictures in them that meant more to me then all of the world can and willingly does go to hell - can go to hell.  You too if you're laughing - you can - go to hell.

People shouldn't have to bare conditions that are scary and make a person feel as though they wish for death when normally they wouldn't even think those thoughts.  It's as if this world is so troubled by God-fearing people that they wish to diminish them in such ways that cause people to snap.  If you're dealing with issues, please don't snap.  It's what these motherfuckers want you to do - and they make cold-hard cash by getting you to even wish for death, so don't wish for death - instead wish to rise up and get people angry about things in the right ways, and utilizing their world to do things right.  Take these people to court.  Find a lawyer - anyone that is willing to represent you, and if you can't afford a legal attorney then become one.  Work your ass off to devastate these people because they don't deserve their pants let alone all their nice cars and nice things - making damn sure that you aren't able to live normal lives and know full well the conditions that they are leaving you in.  Stop doing business with these people!  Do, everything you can to be heard!

I had a vision that I was able to transform these things around.  I had a vision that not only was I able to, but that you were as well.  I had so many visions in these crazy events it's enough to literally revamp your entire world over twice.  The beautiful thoughts that you can still have trapped - locked - hidden deep down inside of you and not even know that it was there.  But, it is there.  All you have to do is ask.

Here you can see how deep I was able to press into the raised grade from the moles:

And more holes from the moles and mice:

And more of me going crazy looking for lice when it could just be the black mold spores in the air, or both... or who knows what else.  Either way, people shouldn't have to live in these conditions while losing their abilities in life, and losing their abilities to cope.  People are killing themselves over these things in parts of the country, and this needs to be stopped.

The incentive is not in making a habitable place to live anymore when no one deals with the courts, the habit is usually all the other way around, which is why so many people are left to the pain and the torture of dealing in their homes in ways that they shouldn't have to.  Nine times out of ten people are not taking the people to court and are left without appropriations and leaving the future people to be placed into more then likely the same conditions that caused you to leave in the first place.  What I'm saying is that no one should have to be run out of their homes.  My whole dream has been revamped because I'm unable to live.  My natural life has been altered and placed on hold, and once again I get to lose all of my things.

I'm miserable.  I'm also murder-able!

Which is why it's so sad.  I shouldn't be taking selfies hoping to find something there... I should be able to work on my passions and my dreams, or even just able to sleep so that I can get up; cope, and fight another day trying to make that money.  Money is a fiction!  Money is a facade, and so is health-care, and so is governance, and so is freedom.  When there is this much pain, you ought to know that something's not quite right in America.  And, there isn't!

No one should be forced to shave their heads based on their living conditions, and based on their environments not being kept up to code.

I'm just so sad, and I want to be happy so bad.  Sometimes, I wonder if I'll ever feel joy again.  And, if I do feel that joy, will it even be the same.  Will I get to experience that joy again God!?  Will I get to feel that happy again!?  Or is all of my life just going to be as painful!?  I cry sometimes and just say; I don't want it.  I don't want the struggle.  I want a new heart.  I want a new life.  I want a new...

I want a new...

I want a new...

Some pictures underneath the heater in the back foyer, leaving holes open for more mice to come in.

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