Repeal and Replace Obamacare.

in repealobamacare •  8 years ago  (edited)


Health Care/Maintenance Costs are the biggest drag on disposable income and our economy.

We don't want single payer. We want expanded Medicaid. Let the insurance companies keep selling insurance to healthy people. It will keep the lines shorter at the public health clinic. We can't stop free enterprise..... We can.... but doing so hurts everyone in the long run like in Venezuela; And if a company wants to refuse service to anyone that's their decision to make, not ours; ours is to simply band together and fund our own public system using payroll taxes and doc stamps money and tort reform limiting liability for public employee doctors and nurses.

We must lobby congress to replace Obamacare with expanded Medicare without means testing and without outlawing private coverage or care.

Obamacare had no chance in hell of reducing costs. The government injecting more tax dollars into an open market system will not ever reduce costs. Obamacare is just rebranded HMOs. They haven't required changes in the most obvious reasons for cost increases. People say that there will be less uninsured costs born by the hospitals.... But all subsidized costs will still be in the formula of overall cost regardless of who pays them. Obama care relies on the failed idea that pool sharing of resources will reduce cost. But it shifted uninsured costs from hospitals to government subsidized costs. Obamacare is in reality the Insurance Company and Hospital Relief Act (one they don't need) without limiting Hospital and insurance company profits and without instituting tort reform. Thus we have no hope. Costs will continue to soar higher as the hospitals and insurers collude to increase their profits and steal our tax money, until it flatlines broke. Maybe that's the goal of the progressives; to transition Obama care into a single payer system with the expansion of Medicaid nationwide to everyone, But this still won't reduce costs until the collusion ends and real competition is injected into the system. Without competition all systems fail. Everyone knows that a circuit without a load or too much friction, blows up.

Since Nixon, we have become a nation of addicts addicted to spreading the wealth of the middle class but not the wealth of the ultra rich due to their special interest prowess. At this point If we end the loathsome entitlement subsidies for food, housing and health care in order to lower taxes. We will kill the nation itself. We must have a public and private care as dueling systems.

I became a supporter of increasing payroll taxes to pay for medical care in the US. The day I realized that there is no going back to health care costs that I can afford to pay out of pocket like my father did. Sadness comes because I know the system has been stacked against us. Like the system confronting the people of Boston just before the Tea Party... Just before the revolution. There is no place to go though. The 1% has the middle class surrounded by the entitlement addicts and the 435 people in charge of defending my freedom can't hear me.

Now is the time to Vote to expand Medicare! To Vote to END Obamacare and replace it with a public system which can only be used exclusively at public hospitals and clinics competing with private insurers but there must be a dividing line where we don't continue to pay insurers to manage public funds. That's like letting the wolf into the hen house.

There is no way in hell to end the entitlements. We have to go full bore into payroll tax funded health care but we need to do it smartly and not kill the opportunity to top up to private care.

But the wealthy need to pay their fair share which is to pay until it hurts like it hurts a poor person to ask for assistance; like his hurts a mans pride when his wife has to work out of necessity. That's the fair share for the 1%. It has to be visceral. A fair share of the hurt. Otherwise it's just... Well.... Not fair.

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That's great!

just repeal it.

But what about the 25 Million entitlement addicts that can't get medical care because insurance companies refuse them coverage.... because they skew the acturial tables. (Seriously though.... it's not insurance if you plan to use it right?)

so sad, too bad.
a failure on their part to plan
does not make a emergency on my part.

Ok so no emergency.... what should happen to them? Left out to perish? Just curious about your opinion.

Before Obamacare there was an infrastructure that had grown over the decades and centuries to take care of the destitute.

You can't fight city hall (the guberment)

The socialists, the dhmiktrats and other slimy creatures, because they cared used the gubment to destroy that infrastructure.

What they replaced it with doesn't work. Never has never will.

So what do you suggest?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree it'll never work. Must be abolished. Yes expanded Medicaid without means testing and without eliminating private insurance companies. That's what this blog post was about. Ijs.

There are actually just two kinds of people in the world.
Makers who make stuff...who provide food, shelter, transportation, art, science and technology.


Takers: the guys with the swords, guns, bombs, nerve gas and all of the other weapons of OFFENSE. They are too damn lazy or 'privlidged' to actually get their hands dirty they steal. Many times they use the 'aura' of government to do so.

They are honest crooks
Fakers are a subset of Takers... they're not the least bit honest. They are typically religious, tax men, politicians, salesmen, or marketers of various stripes. They look you square in the eye, tell you it's gonna be for your own good

...while stabbing you in the back.

@everittdmickey Check out the solutions for creating dueling systems.

In the last paragraph I was referring to taxes. What is the fair share of taxes; if we are required by the law to pay an Income Tax. See my later post on the Velocity of Money.