I really often think why there are variations in the success of life. Of course I am very aware, the world will not be beautiful if all equally.
If all is rich or if all poor. If all the beautiful and handsome definition of beautiful and handsome will not be there anymore. The world automatically balances itself.
Indeed there is no good and easy way to change the not beautiful to be beautiful. Yet there are many real ways to change from ordinary people to extraordinary people or even from failing people to being a 180 degree success.
One way that will be discussed is repetition or repetition.
Without intending to discriminate, I would like to raise a question, why is the income of an angkot driver much different from the CEO of a large corporation? One answer is that both jobs have different levels of difficulty, different skills and responsibilities.
The public transportation driver will remain an angkot driver either after 5, 10 or 20 years, unless there is a certain phase when the angkot driver wants to change, for example changing jobs. But if not then day to day just driving and driving that he will do.
Unlike the CEOs of large companies. At first it is certain the CEO will crawl from the bottom. But with repetition, the addition of experience, slowly this person will rise to a higher position. Accepting new responsibilities, solving challenges so that they can finally arrive at a high enough position.
In this process there is one thing you really have to remember, repetition, repetition. Like a knife with a human repetition will be honed to be sharper. When one time fails to face something, we have to do an evaluation. Then repeat again until it can successfully achieve what must be achieved.
Expertise will be sharper by continuing to do the repetition. This is also the reason that in most jobs, one of the key determinants of salary is work experience. With longer work experience, it is assumed that people have sharper expertise because the skills have been 'repeated' a lot.
Thank You. Hopely useful.