Summary Report and Result SEC-S20-dttW1

in report •  6 months ago  (edited)
Hello, dear Steemian friends,

We present the report of SEC-20 by "Dev's Teaching Team," which covered the contest from 9th September to 15th September 2024.


We have made every effort to cover the best posts, we have not excluded any good posts based on their quality regardless of the user's country or rank.

We had four ideas, four questions, and four comments with our query/curiosity, and our focus was on how the participant responded to our questions, both in the post and in our moderation comments.

Most of the participants presented their business plans well, so it was not easy to select the winners based only on their business plans. We zeroed down on their responses and selected based on the combination of post quality and how they answered our queries.

There were 48 contestants :

Here is the chart of all participants posted in the first week of this contest-


We received posts from these countries-

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Moderated by-

Screenshot (2313).png


Here are the winners of the week. Your Prizes are in your wallet

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Author : @adrianagl
Post Link:SEC-S20W1 | Mis ideas de negocio | Pasteleria: DoceArte (bolos caseiros e mais)
Moderated by:dove11
Curation window: Open

Post- I asked different questions and she had an answer for almost every point in detail.

Answer- Ejecutas tu negocio con tus familiares ¿Es así o tienes algún otro apoyo en comercialización y fabricación?

No tengo otro apoyo, de fabricación mayormente soy solo yo y en algunas ocasiones mi esposo me ayuda cuando tengo algunos pedidos grandes.


Author: @josepha

Post Link: "SEC-S20W1 | My Business Ideas |

Moderated by:aviral123
Curation window: Will close soon

Post- Many of us here are being gifted with the idea to start a business and get it monetized through the delivery of services or products, but our major concern which I think is a setback, is usually capital. This is why the rich keep getting richer, because a rich person has a small business idea he or she will just start the business immediately.


Author : @suboohi
Post Link:SEC-S20W1 | My Business Ideas | (RentalCars)
Moderated by:dove11
Curation window- Open

Post- Fleet Management: Start off with a minimal fleet of 5-10 vehicles, made up of sedans, SUVs, and vans, acquired upon lease or financing. Target Market: Target the local population in need of temporary transportation.


Author: @patjewell

Post Link:SEC-S20W1 | My Business Ideas | 8Ocean Drive

Moderated by:dove11

Curation Window: Open

Post- Growing market: The short-term rental market has grown significantly, especially in our seaside town of Ballito.
Higher-income potential: Short-term rentals generate higher income than long-term leases, as rates are based on demand and peak seasons.
Flexibility: I have full control over letting out the unit. If I feel like not having guests, I close the availability.



Post Link:SEC-S20W1 | Doing business in the education sector

Moderated by:dove11

Curation window: Will close soon

Post- Mengingat saya sebagai seorang pendidik yang telah malang melintang di dunia pendidikan. Dari wilayah terpecil hingga perkotaan. Maka bisnis yang ingin saya lakukan dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak tertentu yang mempunyai visi, misi maupun tujuan dalam bidang pendidikan.


Thank you so much.

Best regards,

Dev's Teaching Team

We will see you next week with our next report.
Have a great time!


We have increased the prize money to 10 Steem for each winner for the current week's contest.

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Postingan yang penuh dengan inspirasi, ide untuk menciptakan bisnis yang dapat menyerap tenaga kerja dan tentunya merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Selamat kepada para steemians yang terpilih. Terimakasih.

Let's share what we know among the Steemians, well done mate! 👍

Congratulations to all the winners 🏆🏆

Thank you very much for this appreciation. I'll learn more about the business from your course. Thanks again for choosing me .

Thank you all for the support. Congratulations to all the selected winners.

Muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta mi trabajo, me siento feliz😁🤩😍 felicidades a los ganadores y que sigan los éxitos.


Thank you!! It is appreciated.
Well done to all those who participated and congratulations to the winners.
I read a lot of the entries and there were some great ideas for a business.