Steemit Update [ March 24th, 2023 ] : Steem Representatives #1

in representatives •  last year 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply to become a Steem Representative.

There were 55 applications in total.

It has taken extra time to assess and review all the applications as we are keen to select the very best people to become Steem Representatives.

We are now ready to announce the first batch of Representatives.

The New Steem Representatives #1

As this has been such a difficult task to ensure the right people have been chosen as Steem Representatives we have decided to make the announcements in two stages.

Here is the first batch of 20 Steem Representives…

Congratulations to everyone who has been selected.

Please would you all confirm your acceptance of the post in a comment below. Please include your contact details (Discord and/or Telegram) if we do not have it already.

We plan to have up to 40 Steem Representatives in total.

Over the next few weeks we will be continuing to observe the rest of the people who applied before announcing the second batch of Steem Representatives.

If you are still interested in being selected as a Steem Rep you should…

  • Post regularly - ideally with a diverse range of posts

  • Comment as much and as widely as possible - particularly making constructive comments to help people improve their posts and their activities on the platform

  • Vote regularly - make sure you use all your voting power

  • Keep powering up.

Make sure your posts are the very best they can be - in content and presentation. Ensure your posts look good, read well and do not have unnecessary spelling or other errors.

We want Steem Reps to stand out as role models for others on the platform.

The new Representatives should demonstrate a long term commitment to Steem, have a thorough knowledge of how Steem works, be actively engaged both within communities and beyond, and be willing to help people across the whole platform.

They should particularly be keen and willing to give advice and guidance to Steemians both new and old, both through commenting and through direct communication.

As well as generally promoting Steem, Representatives should also actively promote and support new projects and initiatives launched by Steemit Inc and Tron.

Rewards for Steem Representatives

Steem Representatives will be rewarded in two ways - though a delegation and through votes on weekly reports.

As we are keen to reward commitment to the platform, the delegation will increase according to the amount of Steem Power a Representative has…

  • Representatives with at least 12,500 SP will receive a delegation of 5,000 SP.

  • Representatives with at least 25,000 SP will receive a delegation of 10,000 SP.

  • Representatives with at least 50,000 SP will receive a delegation of 15,000 SP.

Steem Reps are also invited to make weekly reports which are rewarded with votes from @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02. Reps should limit their reports to one report per week, which should be posted in the Steem POD community.

These reports should not just be lists of people voted for in the past week. They should include details of contests, events or other activities they have organised in the week to support Steemians across the platform, as well as any issues they have encountered.

Steem Reps may also be given preferential voting support for activities and contests they organise.

We look forward to seeing the new Steem Representatives in action - and to announcing the second batch of Reps in a few weeks.

As the process has taken a while we are open to further applications if anyone thinks they can meet the standards required - just follow the previously announced application guidelines.

We will be following the new Steem Representatives closely. Anyone falling behind in performance or activity may be dropped from the role. We will also be looking out for Reps increasing their Steem Power to the next delegation level.

The current Country Representative role will now come to an end and the delegations removed shortly. Thank you to all Country Reps for the work you have been doing.

The Steemit Team

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  ·  last year (edited)

Wise and fair decision making in the selection of new steem representative #1.

I say a big thank you to the steemit team for trusting me before.

With the issuance of this announcement, my duty as country representative of Indonesia also ends. I hope is that steem will grow and reach the peak of success in the future

I'm staying active as always because it's not the end of my journey in steemit

Congratulations to friends who were selected as steem representatives


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @o1eh at 10%.

Many thanks to the Steemit Team for this great opportunity, I will do my best to live up to this important role.

I accept with great pleasure all the responsibilities that come with being a Steem Rep.

Congratulations to all the other Steem Reps, I am sure that by working all together we can contribute to the improvement and growth of the platform.

@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @inspiracion @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @pelon53 @patjewell @o1eh @wilmer1988 @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman

My Discord: mikitaly#1156
Best regards. ❤️

It is nice to see you among the representatives Michela and of course, my congratulations!

Do you know that Italy is one of the countries with the highest wealth inequality in Europe?
Please read,

Muchas gracias, igualmente para ti 😊❤️

Celebro a lo grande con la gente exitosa. Felicitaciones. Bendiciones....

Hola querido amigo, muchas gracias por tu apoyo 😊

Thanks for the support 🤗

Thank you very much, congratulations to you too

Felicitaciones, hermano. Éxito en lo por venir....

Muchas gracias por la mención, y felicidades por este logro

Congratulations!!! Nice to see you in the list!

Felicitaciones, hermano. Éxito en lo por venir.

Thank you so much dear.

Thank you for the support and opportunity given to me. Hopefully it can carry out its duties and functions properly.

I am sure that with the support and trust given at this time, I will be able to do it, I really need support from other Steem Representatives for the success of the program in the future.

I can't run it alone, teamwork with mutual support will be a strength for me and other selected SRs to actively contribute to the platform.

Criticism and suggestions will always be open for my growth and development on this platform.

My discord: irawandedy#9048
Telegran: @irawandedys

Your the best my bro.!

Cheer :)

Terimakasih dukungan dan doanya sobat...

Hello my friend where have you been?

I am here

Count on me :), congratulations friend!

thank you for the support so far, I would be nothing without the support of all platform users. you have given me many things for my development so far.

Congratulations to all who were selected and I also hope that in the next announcement another great steemian will be appointed who is my teacher.

Congrats! My best wishes!!!

Felicitaciones amiga. Éxito en esta nueva etapa.....

Selamat kepada anda Pak, peran yang cukup pantas buat anda.🙏🏻🙏🏻

Terimakasih atas dukungannya pak... Pada dasarnya bapak juga telah memberikan kontribusi lebih, saya doakan semoga bapak akan segera menyusul

Congratulations sir. You have been one among the steemiams i look up to. Keep up the good work sir.

Thank for your support... Without your support, I am nothing and can do more

Congratulations bro....

Thank you for the support and motivation that has been given to me so far, I realize that my achievement today is the biggest contribution from you.

You have given me many things and I can't forget them all. I hope you will be re-elected in the next announcement

  ·  last year (edited)

sama sama, tetap aktif dan saling mendukung dan bukan berarti kalah dalam pertempuran, tetap semangat untuk hari- hari yang lebih baik

Hola querido amigo, muchas felicidades, te lo mereces 😊🙏

Thank you for your time and positive communication so far. You are an amazing person and I'm sure you will do your best for the platform

selamat untuk pak @irawandedy atas terpilihnya menjadi perwakilan indonesia

Terimakasih pak atas doa dan dukungannya. Saya berada disini berkat dukungan bapak dan steemian hebat lainnya

sama sama pak, semoga sukses dan berkah

Congratulation bro!! Totally deserve it!!

You deserve it bro! Congrats!!!

  ·  last year Reveal Comment

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  ·  last year (edited)

Thank you for the announcement and for trust. It is an honour to be in the group of selected users. All the name of users who are here for some time already doing a great work as representatives.

Congratulation to all selected Representatives: : @adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @inspiracion @josevas217 @irawandedy @kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif @nadiaturrina @naleha @o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman @ripon0630 @stef1 @wilmer1988

I am happy to accept the post of Steem Representatives, discord: Stef1#0658

Congratulations for you as well!

Celebro tu victoria, la cual es la victoria de todos. Felicitaciones. Éxito en lo por venir.

Thank you very much for the mention. Let's keep doing the work, supporting, growing.

Felicidades para ti, y ahora vamos a seguir trabajando por la confianza que tienen en cada uno de nosotros.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Felicitaciones hermano. Disfruta al máximo esta gran bendición de Dios.

Amen amen gracias hermano por el apoyo.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Muchas gracias Stef1, igualmente para ti. 😊

thank you ,dear . congratulations everyone

Thank you!
Congratulations to you also!🎕

Felicitaciones amiga. Me gozo en lo profundo de mi ser por esta nueva etapa brillante que viene para ti en Steemit. Éxito.

Thank you so much for these beautiful words! ☕

Thank you very much for these beautiful words.

All the success to you.

Happy afternoon.

Off to bed for me... my glass slippers just turned into flops!
It is midnight!
Good night!

Happy rest my friend, tomorrow will be another day with God's blessing.

And... I am alive! Ready for another day. Amen! 🙏
Wishing you a beautiful day!

Congratulations @stef1, you truly deserve this role for all you have done and continue to do for the Steemit platform.

Thank you for choosing me as one of the Steem Representatives. I am grateful that I can continue to develop Steem. Hopefully in the future there will be more and more Steem representatives who are elected and can become a solid team in maintaining and developing Steem's strengths.

Thanks also to all the steemians who have supported and helped me so far while serving as a country representative. Your support in the future will continue to be an encouragement for me when carrying out this new assignment as a steem representative.

Discord: radjasalman#2911
Telegram: @radjasalman

Selamat atas tugas baru, tetap semangat dalam memnerikan kontribusi untuk pertumbuhan steem di masa yang akan datang

Terimakasih, mohon terus dukungannya. Semoga kamu juga akan terpilih pada kesempatan berikutnya untuk menjadikan tim SR semakin kuat.

Selamat pak.... Sukses selalu dan keberadaan saya disini berkat dukungan dan motivasi dari bapak

Sama-sama, saya juga senang dengan kehadiran kamu semakin menambah warna dalam perkembangan steem selama ini

Thank you so much for this new opportunity to continue supporting and contributing, I will be doing my best to fulfill what is expected.

Congratulations and much success to all those who continue and to the newly elected representatives.

My discord: inspiracion#0799

Congratulations my friend, you are the best

Thank you my friend 🌺

You're a true inspiration, keep it up! Congrats!

Amiga, celebro tu victoria. Felicitaciones y mucho éxito en lo por venir.

  ·  last year (edited)

Thank you very much for the opportunity to be one of the representatives of Steem, it is a pleasure to try to be useful to the platform.

Congratulations to all those selected, especially @alejos7ven, @franyeligonzalez, @graceleon, @inspiracion, @josevas217, @nahela, @pelon53 and @wilmer1988. As well as friends @o1eh and @stef1 fellow community members.

Discord: adeljose#6334

Felicidades para ti también querido :D

Muchas gracias querido compañero. Sigamos trabajando juntos por un mejor ecosistema.
Felicidades para ti también que eres d ejemplo para todos

Amiga me regocijo en gran manera por esta bendición. Felicitaciones y éxito en lo por venir.

Gracias amigo por el apoyo. Y felicidades para ti, que haces un gran trabajo.


Felicitaciones hermano. Disfruta al máximo esta nueva bendición en la plataforma. Éxito.

Gracias amigo🤩

Igual para ti mi querido amigo❤️🙏

It is a great pleasure to see you here, my congratulation!

Gracias amigo, a seguir trabajando, como venimos haciendo desde hace años, ahora más . Saludos.

  ·  last year (edited)

Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda memilih saya sebagai salah satu perwakilan Steem (Steem Representative). Saya bersedia menerima tanggung jawab ini, dan akan mencoba memberikan yang terbaik demi kemajuan platform ini.

Selamat juga bagi perwakilan Steem lainnya yang terpilih hari ini. Bagi Anda yang belum terpilih, Anda masih memiliki peluang untuk terpilih dengan menunjukkan komitmen dan dedikasi Anda untuk platform ini.

Discord: anroja#7253
Telegram: @anroja

Selamat untuk anda Pak @anroja, anda sangat pantas mendapat peran ini. Panutan🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Terima kasih bang, mohon selalu supportnya agar menjadi lebih baik lagi..
Jangan lupa di tegur bila saya salah atau silap..🙏🙏

Congratulations on getting a new role in steem, may steem grow forward

Terima kasih bang atas ucapannya. Mohon selalu supportnya agar menjadi lebih baik lagi. Semoga di pengumuman selanjutnya Anda juga terpilih.. Aamiin.

  ·  last year (edited)

sepertinya sudah basi (hana mangat le), biarkan berjalan apa adanya, yang penting tetap aktif dan saling mendukung dan jangan jadikan penghalang untuk kita berkontribusi.

Nyan beutoi bang. Setuju that..😀😀

  ·  last year (edited)

This almost feel like I am an contestant on the TV show, "The Bachelor."
I will just not accept the rose but the duties you have bestowed on me to my best.
Thank you!!!
Congratulations to my fellow Steemians. I am looking forward to work closely with all of you.


Congratulations Pat!! You are the best and you totally deserve it.. Hope I can still catch you with the new responsibilities... 😁😁

I’m not going anywhere my friend. I’m just going to keep on doing what I’m currently doing to my best.
I will always be there for a friend.
PS: Your kind words means a lot to me. Thank you!

Congrats, I know you are one of the best for for this role! My best wishes!

Awh thank you so much!
And I know I can count on you for support anytime!

🌹 Congrats!

Same to you my friend! And.. a rose! The cherry on the cake! 🎕


Thank you my friend! ☕

Felicidades amiga, eres excelente, te lo mereces 😊❤️

Thank you! Congratulations to you also!
AT LAST we get to work together (•ิ‿•ิ)

Así es amiga!!❤🥳

Well done. Super proud of you.
Jy is 'n yster

Dankie... dankie... dankie!!! 🤛

Finally... you have become part of the Steem Representative. I want to congratulate you on this achievement. Nice to see you here

Thank you! Congratulations to you also. ☕️
I’m looking forward to work with you again.

  ·  last year (edited)

Congratulations friend, you're deserves it, your hard work for steem has been seen before

Awh thank you!! I've learned from the best.
Thank you for always being there!☕

congratulations on being elected as a CR and country representative, always success

Thank you! ☕️

  ·  last year (edited)

Felicidades a los nuevos representantes de Steemit

@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @inspiracion @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @mikitaly @pelon53 @patjewell @o1eh @wilmer1988 @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman

Un grupo de usuarios totalmente comprometidos con el desarrollo de la plataforma y de los usuarios que hacemos vida en ella.

Un importante paso para reforzar el trabajo y generar nuevas oportunidades.

Esperaremos el segundo listado de representantes de steemit.

Saludos y bendiciones.

FJJRG Saludos.png

Muchas gracias querido amigo, espero verte en el segundo anuncio. Tú también eres excelente y además, muy comprometido. 🙏😊

Gracias amiga por tus palabras, esperemos a ver, si Dios quiere.

Igualmente seguiré trabajando para apoyar los buenos contenidos y crecer en la plataforma, para dar un buen ejemplo y motivar a todos a que sigan creciendo.


Thank you @fjjrg for you nice words, it is an honour to be a part of the Representative teams, hope to see the other 20 soon.

Thank you for the mention

Muchas gracias amigo @fjjrg, por tu apoyo.

Espero pronto verte en los próximos 20.

Saludos y bendiciones

  ·  last year (edited)

Congratulations 🎉 to all steem representative.

@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @inspiracion @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @mikitaly @pelon53 @patjewell @o1eh @wilmer1988 @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman

A special welcome to you, @stef1 @msharif @ripon0630 ❣️ because I am working with you on steemit.

I hope Steemit will be improved by you. Always with steemit.

Best regards from @solaymann


Thank you very much brother. We must all work together to take this platform forward🥳🥰


Thank you very much for the support, friend.

Thank u !

Thank so much buddy ...

Thank You so much brother . blessings and love ❤️

Muchas gracias amigo😊❤️

Thanks for the support 🤗

Thank you @solaymann for for such nice words and support :)

Thank you friend.

Gracias amigo por la mención y apoyo.


Many thanks, compliments to you too.

Muchísima felicidades a todos los amigos seleccionados en este primer lote de representantes steem!!

@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @inspiracion @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @mikitaly @pelon53 @patjewell @o1eh @wilmer1988 @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman

Se que como siempre harán un excelente trabajo, mucha suerte para todos!!
Un nuevo reto y un nuevo compromiso!!

Thank you for your good wishes!

Gracias amigo :)

Muchas gracias por su apoyo, amigo Edgar.

Thanks hermano!

Muchas gracias amigo 🙏❤️

Thanks for the support 🤗

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Selamat kepada semua perwakilan Steem Representative terpilih. Kami tahu semua yang terpilih adalah yang terbaik dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk pertumbuhan Steem, komunitas dan platform.

Selamat bekarja rekan kami:
@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @inspiracion @josevas217 @irawandedy @kouba01 @mikitaly @msharif @nadiaturrina @naleha @o1eh @patjewell @pelon53 @radjasalman @ripon0630 @stef1 @wilmer1988

Terimakasih atas dukungannya selama ini, saya ibarat kertas putih dan bapak adalah penanya, akan memiliki makna jika bersatu.


Tentu saja! Karena satu platform adalah satu rumah dan satu keluarga 😀 sukses selalu kanda.

Muchas gracias por los buenos los deseos

Thanks a lot for your nice words.

Thank you very much for the opportunity, I am really very happy to read this🙏❤️. Many congratulations to all my colleagues, especially to @josevas217 @adeljose @nahela @kouba01 @stef1 @nadiaturrina @o1eh @inspiracion @alejos7ven @graceleon 😊❤️💪

I accept the responsibility with pleasure, I think that so far I have always been very consistent in steemit and I have been able to give my support to anyone who needs it. And I will continue to do so. Thank you very much for continuing to believe in me and my abilities.

Here is my contact:

  ·  last year (edited)

Greetings friend, thanks to your great work you are deserving of this role. Congratulations

Felicidades para ti también :D

Felicidades amiga bienvenida al equipo ☺️ se que seguirás haciendo una labor muy hermosa de impacto con tu talento e ingenio. Feliz por ustedes que realmente son merecedores de este rol tan preciado

Muchas gracias igualmente para ti! A seguir con el trabajo

Thank you Frany, I am glad to you among the chosen Representatives for Steem. Wishing you much more energy to continue good job that you do!

Gracias, ahí vamos... Seguiremos trabajando cada vez más.

  ·  last year (edited)

Representantes steem!

Estoy muy contenta y complacida de formar parte de éste maravilloso equipo. Muchas gracias steemitblog por el compromiso con nuestra blockchain y por la confianza depositada en nosotros para que llevemos este rol con dignidad.

Felicidades a mis compañeros seleccionados:

@adeljose @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @inspiracion @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @mikitaly @pelon53 @patjewell @o1eh @wilmer1988 @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman

Se que haremos un gran trabajo y serán buenos tiempos para steemit

Feliz 7 aniversario de steemit.

Bendiciones 🙏

Acepto mi rol de representante steem

Discord: graceleon#2348

Thank you for congratulation and I am also glad to see you among the first 20 users. You are going great job and deserve it.

Gracias amiga y felicidades también para ti por mantenerte firme

Muchas gracias amiga, feliz por todos ustedes también ❤️🙏

Suerte a todos en el desempeño de esta nueva tarea

Thank you so much and Congratulations to you.

Felicidades por este logro, saludos. Muchas gracias por la mención

Congratulations friend!

Thank you ,Friend .Happy 7th anniversary of steemit.

Thanks a lot, congratulations also to you.

  ·  last year (edited)

Good news, those chosen are the best individuals for future steem growth...

Congratulations to my brother @irawandedy @radjasalman @anroja @nadiaturrina and my best friend @patjewell @kouba01 @inspiracion @wilmer1988 @msharif @nahela @ripon0630 @pelon53 and others.. Happy working, cheerers..

Thanks for the support 🤗

Terimakasih atas dukungannya selama ini mas bro

Awh thank you! I appreciate your kind words. ☕

thank you so much ,dear .

Thank you so much my brother.

Gracias hermano por su comentario.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

thank you dear friend.

I hope to see you in the next 20 steem reps, you deserve it dear.

Thank you for your trust. It is an honor for me to accept new responsibilities. At the same time, it is a big responsibility. Now I have to think about how to use my new responsibilities effectively.

My Discord:

Congratulations for the role of steem representative my friend

Thank you my friend.

By the way, since pollito is inactive, you can now post whatever you want on your STEEM Instagram account. You can do it not often. But please don't neglect the account, I think it will benefit the platform. Good luck!

You are right, I am afraid to act, I don't want to repeat mistakes, and I don't leave anyone on the platform

Congratulations on this achievement and I wish success to always be with you

Thank you! I congratulate you as well :)


First of all thank you so much for giving me the chance to be that role model you want, I’ll do my best as always did to accomplish this task.

Secondly, my new goal will be try to get that 10 k delegation ASAP so 25k is the next goal🤩 and why not? The 15k delegation will be mine as well, just wait and see my progress.

And finally, if you have ideas that do you think we could develop together such new initiatives, count with me

As always, you, and anyone on Steem community can reach me via

Discord: Alejos7ven#2590
Telegram: @Alejos7ven

Thanks again and Steem on!

Congrats bro!!! It's amazing the heights you have reached and you are one of the best.. Wishing all the success!!

  ·  last year (edited)

Just learned of my appointment as Steem Representative. I would like to express my warmest thanks for the trust you have shown in me. I sincerely hope to do you honor by showing myself up to my new responsibilities. As I congratulate all the selected representatives.

Discord : kouba01 #2216

I never doubted your capacity and eventually you became one of the SR. Congratulations on this achievement my friend

Thank you my dear friend, congratulations to you too!! You deserve this nomination.

Thanks for the trust given.
It is something extraordinary for me.
I accept this assignment with heart and love.

My Discord:

Selamat atas capaiannya mbak.. Sukses selalu

Saya ucapkan selamat, semoga ini memberikan gambaran untuk pertumbuhan steemit di masa depan. Dan saya yakin Anda adalah orang yang mampu dari beberapa kinerja yang sangat bagus selama ini.

@anroja @irawandedy @radjasalman @nadiaturrina

Terimakasih atas dukungannya selama ini, saya berada disini berkat dukungan anda setiap waktu.

Terimakasih, mohon gak bosan mendukung kami dalam melaksanakan tugas kedepannya

Terima kasih bang, mohon supportnya selalu agar dapat menjadi lebih baik lagi dan dapat selalu memberikan yang terbaik

All the best for Bangladesh Winner 🏆

Felicidades a todo el equipo de representantes!!!
Especialmente para todos los latinos, se que brillarán!!
@adeljose @alejos7ven @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @inspiracion @josevas217 @nahela @pelon53 @wilmer1988
Exitos siempre, son nuestros orgullo!!

Muchas gracias amiga, espero de todo corazón verte pronto en el próximo grupo, lo mereces.

Que pases un excelente día y bendiciones

Gracias por tu apoyo amigo... Bendiciones para ti siempre!!

Hola amiga anasuleidy como siempre apoyándonos esperemos que tú también formes parte del equipo ya que eres una mujer trabajadora y luchadora.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Amigo gracias por siempre apoyarme, bendiciones y éxitos siempre!!

Muchas gracias!!

Hola mi querida amiga, muchas gracias, espero verte dentro también, eres una excelente usuaria y un ejemplo a seguir. ❤️🙏

Estoy orgullosa de ti!!
Exitos amiga!!

Gracias mi bella por tan lindas palabras 💕 ❤
Espero te den una oportunidad 🙂

Wow congratulations to all selected.

Congratulations to the Steem Representatives who have been elected .. :)

Congratulations to all the newly selected Steem representative.

Congratulations to new representatives 🥳🥳🥳

Muchas felicidades a los primeros 20 seleccionados cómo representantes de steem, se lo merecen por la gran experiencia que los acompaña.
Deseo que sea el inicio de un gran proyecto para engrandecer a nuestro steem. Son personas admirables y que trabajan día a día por mejorar la plataforma, realmente estoy feliz por todos los seleccionados 🥳

Te quiero ver como CR, trabaja duro!

Congratulations to all the selected Steem Representatives. Special congratulations to @kouba01, @pelon53, @msharif, @ripon0630, @nadiaturrina, @josevas217, @franyeligonzalez, and @nahela friends. You guys truely deserve this great role.

I hope and wish that your presence on the platform will surely help in the growth of the platform.

Muchas gracias querido amigo 😊❤️

  ·  last year (edited)

Thanks my friend!

Thank you bhai ❤️

Hi brother, Thank you so much for your support.

Felicitaciones a todos los representantes steem seleccionados, estoy segura que realizarán un buen trabajo ya que son Steemians dedicados y comprometidos con el buen funcionamiento y crecimiento de la plataforma, les deseo muchos éxitos en esta nueva etapa.

Mil bendiciones 🤗

Felicidades @Alejos7ven, el mejor representante que puede existir en esta plataforma. Lo mereces ❤️

Gracias Mari! El camino fue largo pero lo logramos

Actually, I am a new member so I know little about this but thank you all

  ·  last year (edited)

Congratulations to all representatives specially to @msharif and @nadiaturrina congratulations to you both and best of luck .

Thank you so much brother ❤️.

This is great news for me, a good surprise.
I will do my best to continue to do my best for the platform.
I hope to live up to the responsibilities, and beyond.
I accept the responsibilities that come with being a steem representative.
My contacts:

Telegram: @josevas217

Congratulations brother, you are doing a good job, I wish you all the success possible.

Estas mas que a la altura amigo, felicidades :)

Muy feliz por tí ❤️😊

Congrats to all the selected members. Wish you best of luck guys

Many Congratulations to all the selected new Steem Representatives

Excelente veo muchos con gran trayectoria y lo mejor es que interactúan dando lo mejor de si y apoyando aconsejando a los steemiants de seguro harán un gran trabajo!

Felicidades a todos los seleccionados

Congratulations to all the selected new Steem Representatives.🎉

It is a pleasure for me to see myself on this list of 20, thank you for the choice you made, not only for me but for great colleagues who do a remarkable and good job.

@adeljose @alejos7ven @josevas217 @franyeligonzalez @patjewell @wilmwe1988 @nadiaturrina @inspiracion @graceleon

We are 20 human beings who can do great things and great improvements.

I accept responsibility.
discord: nahela#9211

Felicidades querida compañera estoy segura que seguirás haciendo un impecable trabajo retomando tu rol que mereces.

Thank you my friend! 🎕
On the same team once again... whoop whoop!

Gracias! Sigamos acá trabajando duro amiga

Congrats friend!! Wishing all the success!!

Felicidades para todos los seleccionados, les deseo mucho éxito en sus labores como CR.

@adeljose, @alejos7ven, @inspiracion, @josevas217, @nahela, @pelon53 y @wilmer1988 .

Muchas gracias hermano por el apoyo.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Gracias amigo, haré lo mejor que pueda, agradecido por el apoyo.

Feliz y bendecido día


Wow congratulations to all the new Steem representatives. They are the great content writers and users as well. I hope they will do their best to support users and guidance.

Thank you! You can count on me for only giving my best!

Congratulations to all the selected curators

Congratulations to all the newly selected new Steem representative.

Selamat kepada semuanya.👍👍👍👍👍👍

Selamat kepada pak @anroja @radjasalman @irawandedy dan kak @nadiaturrina yang sudah terpilih pada tahap 1. Saya selaku newcomer merasa senang atas terpilihnya. Terima kasih atas update informasi nya @steemitblog

  ·  last year (edited)

I want to thank all the steemit team for providing the opportunity to continue leaving my contribution within the platform, continue to be part of a great team that day by day contributes to the future of this digital world, I am pleased to accept this important role with a lot of desire to contribute to the development of this medium.

With great pleasure I accept this new stage within the steemit

Contact Discord


I want to congratulate all that first for new Steem Representatives who are already starting a new stage of development with Steemit.

Best regards 🇻🇪 👍🏼

Congratulations boss!!! Totally deserving role and wishing all the success!!

Felicitaciones a todos los representantes steem escojidos.

Seguro haran un gran trabajo en pro de la plataforma.

Muchas gracias la Equipo de Steemit por esta nueva oportunidad, seguimos trabajando para que Steem sea más fuerte.

Un nuevo compromiso que acepto y deseo hacerlo de la mejor manera.

Felicidades a mis amigos de latino américa, todos juntos podemos hacerlo mejor, @adeljose, @alejos7ven, @franyeligonzalez, @graceleon, @inspiracion, @josevas217, @nahela y @wilmer1988.

A cada uno de ustedes les deseo el mayor de los éxitos en esta plataforma.

Discord: pelon53#3880

Gracias bro! Igual para usted que ha destacado en su trabajo

Muchas gracias amigo, felicidades para ti también. Eres excelente 😊💪

Felicidades para ti también querido 🥂🤩

Saludos, felicidades por este logro.
A seguir construyendo.

Congratulation 🎉

Congratulations to all the new Steem reps, I wish you all the best for this new journey. Big thanks to @steemitblog for the update.

Felicidades a los nuevos representantes y a los que continúan con su labor. Mucho éxito!

Congratulations to everyone who has been selected as a steem representatives. 👏🏼👏🏼👍🏻😊🥳

  ·  last year (edited)

Thank you Steem Team🥰

This is really great news for me. I am really happy today to be selected as a Steem Representative. I will try to fulfill the reason for which I was selected. Also, I congratulate all other Steem Representatives on my behalf. Hope we all work together to move the platform forward.

I accept this responsibility. I hope that with the help of all of you, I will be able to properly fulfill the responsibilities assigned to me.

Here is my discord Id - msharif#5177

Congratulation bro!!

Thank you brother.

Ma pls help me verify my achievement1 task pls


Felicitaciones a los representantes Steem,grandes steemians que hacen un excelente trabajo en la plataforma,un abrazo para todos y muchos éxitos en este rol 😀

Congratulations 🥳

Felicitaciones a todos los seleccionados, a partir de ahora tienen una responsabilidad muy grande y el compromiso de innovar Steemit, de traer nuevas ideas, de alentar y motivar más al autor que día a día comparte sus creatividades.

Espero que este rol lo asuman con bastante compromiso en pro del ecosistema.


Congratulations to all winners who are selected. You deserve to be chosen. Thanks, @steemitblog, for updating us.

Congratulations to all Steemians who have been selected in the first stage. I'm proud of you. Hopefully, we can give the best for Steemit, Steem and TRX together.

Congratulations New Steem Representatives from indonesia @anroja @nadiaturrina @radjasalman @irawandedy 🎉🎉🎉

Terimakasih dukungannya selama ini

Terima kasih atas ucapannya.

Congratulations to all SR. You all deserve this place.

Very nice

Congratulations to all our new representatives. I hope you will do your job with zeal and zest. Thanks team for the update.

Congratulations everyone!

Congratulations for all new Steem Representatives who has selected 🚀

Steem in your hand for future

Congratulations to all selected New Steem Representatives

Thank you, dear Steem Team, for selecting me as a Steem Representative and giving me this important responsibility.

My long-term commitment to this platform will always remain and will be willing to help all users across the platform.

I accept this responsibility with honor and pledge that I will fulfill my duties properly.

Discord: ripon0630#4573


Wow Congratulations to all those who make it to the first batch! I wish you all the best, it's well deserved.

Congratulations to all the appointed steem reps. This is a great list, of those who have shown outstanding commitment and contribution to the platform for a long time. And hope they can do a great job further!!

WOW, the best people won the nod of the platform's management. I know all selected representatives are kind and hard working with no bias or partiality. I congratulate everyone in the list. My best wishes to all of them.

Congratulations to all the selected new Steem Representatives and it is great opportunity

Congratulations #representatives 🥳

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Guao felicitaciones a todos en especial a los que son de mi pais y a otros que estan en otro pais igual felicitaciones muy buenos representantes ..

Felicidades para todos, Dios los siga bendiciendo.


Mis felicitaciones a todos los compañeros que han sido ratificados: @adeljose, @inspiración, @pelon53 y @wilmer1988, como siempre dando el mejor ejemplo.

Y también felicito al resto de los compañeros y amigos de esta priemra selección: @alejos7ven @anroja @franyeligonzalez @graceleon @kouba01 @josevas217 @irawandedy @nahela @nadiaturrina @msharif @patjewell @o1eh @stef1 @ripon0630 @radjasalman, les envío un caluroso abrazo a todos..!

Thank you!
And a warm hug right back at you all the way from South Africa! 🤗

  ·  last year (edited)

Thanks @patjewell friend..!

Pleasure! 🎕

Thanks for upvote me, I also upvote your post

Congratulations to all selected representatives.
More wisdom to you for the work.

Congrats to all :)

hello #steemitblog, yes i am interested in being selected as a Steem Rep will surely follow your ideas.

thank you very much best regards

Congratulations to all the selected members and I believe with you guys, steemit Platform will go to a higher high

  ·  last year Reveal Comment

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