Our Republic, who is at the helm and how did Foreign agencies attempt to interfere? Do people understand how the branches of government work? Has the upper echelon of the military accepted a sham?

in republic •  4 years ago  (edited)

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In the US
Executive Office
The President and those agencies that are under executive authority.
Like the Justice Dept., Secret Service, Treasury and such.

In charge of passing the laws and getting the money through everywhere.

the court system, administer and decides what is fair between Executive and Congressional arguments
making decisions on whether a law is actually lawful and constitutional.

The president is certified by the congress and the courts.

So when Joe Biden was certified by Congress as the winner of the election and
when the courts wouldn't challenge. They claimed that all of the places like Texas didn't have standing to bring a challenge. . .and all the states that wanted to join Texas in suing against other states.

When Texas and other states wanted to challenge some states in the validity and lawfulness of their vote. . .states like Arizona on whether or not they provided a fair vote, the courts claimed they didn't have standing to do such a challenge so.

The actual details of the vote have never been adjudicated.

Anomalies were found from outside the vote system.

You could look at the data, do forensic analysis and find that not just one, but on multiple levels.

There was external forensics where you could see digital manipulation of the vote.

Some showed ballot discrepancies where if you got to the inside of the machines. . .inside vote counting there was vast admissible evidence that fraud was occurring.

States involved would not allow transparency for those questioning to see the actual gears, machinery or physical evidence.

Why is that? If there is nothing to hide wouldn't you want transparency?

So even though there was a great deal of external data that showed fraud, due to their unwillingness for transparency the internal hard data could not be collected.

Now that Arizona is getting access on the internal side, there is all kinds of mischief.
For example, these computers that aren't supposed to be hooked up to the internet, have modems in them and equipment that allow communication externally. This is not legal as it allows tampering from the outside.

A guy sitting outside a voting center, in his car was able to access all the data inside a voting machine inside, when these voting machines are Not supposed to be hooked up anywhere for any outside interference or manipulation.

This is evidence that this can occur at multiple places.

This was part of the whole Dominion Vote machine capabilities as those machines are designed for fraud.

They have been saying for at least a couple of decades that they are going to fix the machines, but everyone knew back in the day when they were trying to move the vote to be done digitally, manipulation was possible. You would have to be willing to put your head in the sand not to admit it is humans and AI Programmed by humans that run those machines; therefore, human error both unintentional and Intentional is possible.

To say it isn't possible is a straight out lie to themselves and these people know it! Either they know it or they have allowed themselves to be manipulated and dumbed down just as these machines are in too many cases.

They WANT them FIXED. . .fixed as in they can Fix the vote they Want it to be.
Those who Think their side won and don't care about the cheating. ..should realize it can be Fixed against them too!

Now counties in northern Nevada realize they have enough money and pull to hold the entire state accountable. They do not have to validate a manipulated vote.

It wasn't the whole country, it was a handful of counties in a few states with corrupt leaders who were able to change the course of the Entire World.

Because they wanted their team at the helm in DC that favored their goals, the kind of energy that costs humanity more while making them Big profits and Big political strides.

It's not just about Joe Biden, they want money steered towards their objectives. They got into position through a manipulated vote, by using strategically placed manipulators willing to do their bidding. . .an entire team to further their globalist agenda.

The audit is to help the American people go forward in their voting rights and practices knowing that their votes finally Will Be counted. No more banana republic.

In so doing the audits may uncover the evidence known to exist that the last election in 2020 was maniuplated.

What issues are we Still Faced with?

  • We have a corrupt congress
  • We have a corrupt court system

So how will it matter if we bring them the evidence and truth if they want to close their eyes to it.

For instance, what happened when the contractor who took before the house and senate as a vetted professional, stayed anonymous to the public and congress agreed in their own investigations that he was vetted.

So in a banking and judicial over sight committees. He was Not mysterious when he went before the committees.

He did a telephone interview with many reporters there in Maryland on July 10th, 2018. . .so the anniversary of Seth Rich's murder.

This vetted witness stated there were contractors in the office he works in, who were laughing about how Seth Rich was behaving in the moments before they killed him.

Do you find this sick?
If not familiar with all the revelations, go here, put on Full Screen, pause where you need to read.
Done in under 7min. set to spectacular music, connects and reveals a Great Deal!


Now don't forget, Seth Rich was a democrat, so you tell me. . .how is it the Dem leaders did not Stand up for them? Why aren't more Dem followers appalled at what happened to him?

Are both sides of the coin they constructed Republicans and Dems being played and being played against each other? You decide! Watch the video if you haven't seen it and do more research on Seth Rich.

Hero to every one of us who took the oath to bring this evil down.

This vetted witness also said, Rosenstein was in charge of Honey Pots, blackmail, extortion, bribery and murder.

See more of Rosenstein and his wife's history in here,
https://steemit.com/muellerreport/@artistiquejewels/after-more-than-two-years-and-national-media-consumption-of-every-rumor-possible-the-inNothing? Who all do you suppose is involved.vestigation-has-concluded-that-neitherdid the

So why did these government committees receive this testimony then proceed to Not investigate? Who ALL do you supposed is involved and doesn't want it to come to light?

What's the difference between the presidency and the Commander and Chief.

Many have sworn oaths to the lawful administrator of the civilian forces the government. The military protects the Civilians Not the government!

We are not meant to be run as a banana republic, but rather the military is subjected to a commander and chief, who Is the Elected representative of the people; therefore the Commander and Chief of the Military Forces Is a separate Component of our government, separated from the presidency.

The military only acknowledges the elected official of the people.
So the Commander and Chief of the Military Forces as the People's Representative. . .NOT the government's representative.

The Military accepts the dually elected president as the Lawful Commander.

**Right up until the moment that the new president and new commander and chief, they do as the new chief says UNLESS they accept and have tangible reason to believe he's captured in some way. ..whether it be

  • honey pot
  • blackmail
  • extortion
  • bribery
  • a Manchurian candidate
  • a clone
  • If there is any reason to believe someone is not the True Representative of the people

That would entail a threat to the Constitution. ..the constitution is a contract with the American people; therefore, in violation of the constitution

The military is charged with protected the people of the Republic from a foreign agent taking control of our military forces and directing our military in ways that are Not in the benefit of the American People.

The courts refused to look at the evidence of tampering that would have nullified a handing over of the keys to the next president so there was no lawful entry way to for the military to intervene, so the instant that the lawful routes didn't slow it down or stop it due to a corrupt system. . .

When other civilian authorities still have time to challenge and take recourse, the military is Not allowed to lawfully intervene.

At the instant that they didn't and the military had just cause and reason to believe there was foreign influence. . .then the military Had to step in to make the final decision of do we hand over the keys to the kingdom?

There is a group at the top of the military over all the broader functions that commands nuclear forces and similar weapons that are more destructive and more powerful. Within that command and control the general overseeing detection devices is alerted and there are protocols in place for all different types of threats.

Instantaneously they assess the threat, who the possible target is, who may be involved, how extensive the threat is, then in very short moments the communication is initiated and the commander and chief then makes the decision on behalf of the Republic of the Union of States to react and protect the citizenry or to stand down and absorb the attack, then do another assessment. ..all essential personnel in safe positions.

It must be the Civilian elected authority.

If the general on the other end of the line whether it be in Norad and other facilities. . .command and control aircraft. . .if they decide that person on the other end of the briefcase has been compromised, bribed, for example a family member taken into custody or under some time of threat. . .psychologically, mentally, brain affected by a device remotely, that general has to decide if there is an agent of influence affecting that commander and chief's decision making skills, then that general has the authority to ignore an order or proceed as orders based on other intelligence information.
So this is a great magnitude of responsibility.

In this light. . .Norad, Strategic Air Command the Triton forces are from a different cut of all the other military forces.

This group has not accepted and agreed to a Biden win. A group at the top of the military that is sworn to protect our country did Not hand over authority nor command codes to Biden.
How do we know?
When Biden flew into the inauguration it was not under the authority nor the recognition of the military. He flew in on a private jet and Not a military plane as other president elects have done.

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Remember there are military air traffic controllers in every air traffic control facility across the United States'
They control movement of military aircraft on separate screens, where they are not seen on civilian screens where paid air traffic controllers are operating.
Air Force One is a military designation for the aircraft the president is flying on, so what is the deal?
Is it where only the Commander and Chief flies? Is anyone else who is Not the Commander and Chief able to use this aircraft without military authorization?
The craft Biden is flying around in are not recognized in the air traffic control system as Air Force One.

So while Joe Biden has been recognized as president by the corrupt Congress and sold out courts, the military has Not recognized him as the Commander and Chief. This has been a military intelligence operation from the beginning to bring back the Republic to the people.

They have a military duty to protect the constitution and the Republic.

Up until the attempted handover of power, Congress and the Courts had the public duty to pause because the required DNI report did not come in in a timely manner as per law and did not come in well after the required date.
Why didn't they pause the handover?
Are there two presidents?
One recognized by the corporate owned media, corrupt Congress and owned Court systems and still another who is the rightful, legal president?
Did this happen before historically?

So the military conducted their Own investigation looking at both the DNI report and data that was available inside the military intel system to determine what had actually occurred.

Our country was hit with a digital Pearl Harbor.

Based on these facts. . .

  • President Trump issued an Executive Order in 2018 prior to that years elections.
    Requiring that all Intelligence Agencies. . .16 of them Answer to the 17th agency [Director of National Intelligence Office] accumulatively All agencies were required by this EO to answer to President Trump and report back to Congress any data showing that there was foreign interference in a US Federal Election.

They would have to do so within 45 days of that election.
If there was Any interference from Foreign outside parties we needed to be aware of it so we could see whether to

  • cancel the vote
  • adjust the vote
  • recount the vote or do whatever was necessary for a fair election based on that information

So the entire intelligence apparatus of the United States Government was tasked with watching All elections. So this was for 1018, 2019, 2020.

From Nov. 3 to Dec. 18th the DNI was not able to follow through to present within those 45 days of providing the data because various people didn't want to provide it though it was needed for transparency.
Some didn't want to

  • provide their data
  • didn't want to certify their data
  • didn't want to agree to it and refused to acknowledge the evidence that there Was Foreign Interference

So it got purposely delayed by those not wanting transparency.
On Jan. 19, 2021 (power numbers) the numbers came through with only one day to act, but shows foreign interference.

The courts Refused to slow down the election
The vice president Refused to send it back to the states to further investigate what all was going on which led to the verified Foreign interference.

The congress Refused to look at the evidence and tried to force their way of not dealing with what was Constitutional on January 6, 2021 pretending there was nothing to see on Foreign interference.

This was the globalists' attempt to capture the control of the American Government.

  • An attempt to fully take over how our money is spent
  • An attempt to control who gets favored, funding and how our government favors certain laws for energy production. There is a reason a certain side attempts to push a far more costly, yet not affective agenda with certain phrasing of "Green."

Were there not other "Green" tells pushed? Think of things like Soylent Green, there is a reason green was used in the production of our fiat currency and why people use green as the slang for cost. This of course does not make green bad, it's a tell on how the globalists and cabal use it. What are they Telling us through their use of words, symbolism and actions?

  • When Biden came into office he shut down permits on all federal properties for energy expulsion. This is why electric cars and windmills are pushed. The globalists and their followers try to tell people we will Always be dependent on foreign energy, but that would not be true if they were not steering the laws and regulations in favor of certain Kinds of energy.

President Trump was using our own energy reserves and putting American people to work for us to use our own resources and be independent. What did Biden do as soon as he came into office? What did he shut down after promising he wouldn't? Do you see the play?
While President Trump was in office, this was why you saw gas prices fall during his presidency. What are you paying for gas now that Biden has been in office a few months? From all accounts across the country everyone is paying far more than they were doing a Trump presidency.

So Biden shut down all of the energy producers in the United States and started sending the bureaucrats after the small and mid level energy producers so that we would have to be dependent on foreign energy. This was what was happening when Obama was president.

What will happen once the military draws a conclusion from the DNI report and all other data collected?
The way Military Code is written. . .
If it's determined that some type of Manchurian candidate [a person who is not loyal to, or who harms, their own country or political party because they are under the control or influence of another country or party] has been put in a place of power or placed over military forces or is about to be put into power. . .

the Generals, the Admirals, flag officers and the military forces must First protect the Constitution [as that is the contract between the military and the people of the Republic of the United States]

After they've secured the protections which must be done as quickly, yet SAFELY as possible, then it is the military's duty to return civilian authority to command and control of all military forces.

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**After they've Secured the protections as safely as possible. . .they must return Civilian Control of all military forces. Civilian Control entails the People's representative for We the People, the Elected Commander and Chief.

There is no specific amount of days to do so
There is no specific way
What is required is to get a Lawful Representative of the People as That is what a Republic is based upon, not a group of controllers steering and forcing!

Nothing is instantaneous. By using forensics from the military side and the data from the DNI report. . .the military is informed and aware of their duty.

What people are watching play out in real time is a fight behind the scenes for control for the rest of the American Government.

The military behind the scenes has been under control of the lawfully elected Commander and Chief.

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See sources and check this article out for more information,
Hunger Games Vibes as per LA Times and Cosmo? Parallels? How about the Everybody Wants to Rule the World installment? Who will Turn their Back on Mother Nature to sign up for a synthetic cure thick with Castle Rock backing/stacking/staging?
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So What happens Now?
Do we have a revote in those counties where the data showed there was interference?
Or do we have enough data to verify who the people's choice was when that interference is negated?

If we were to have a revote for the whole country, that would be yet Another crime because we have the data forensically which proves in the rest of the country President Trump won.

We already did a vote so it only opens the portal for more fraud to occur.

How soon what that have to be made public to the rest of the people that this action had been taken by the military?

What IF the true Commander and Chief was read in and acknowledged by the military? Would the rest of the American public have to be made aware? No.

Military justice does Not require that, it only requires the military to recognize the proper representative of the American People.

Once he is recognized and briefed on what has occurred, how it was done and who was involved which includes any on going threats so he can make decisions or ask for further investigation to fully identify who all of the parties are including. . .
What ongoing threats may still be in play.

This is about Far more than just the vote. Yes it is imperative we stop the voting scams, but there are far greater risks involved.

  • Energy
  • Financial
  • Political stage on an international level

We are under attack even through a pandemic and the attempts to control people through their health.

Was the Covid threat a back up plan?

What was the original biological warfare planned?

Was the cabal's threat thwarted in 2018?

Do you remember the military exercises in California at the Guatemalan Cultural Center?


This also happened around same time period as those military exercises,

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There was enough fentanyl to kill every man woman and child from Mexico, to the United States and Canada in one drug bust.

It was coming out of China, it's still coming in using Chinese chemicals being manufactured in Mexico and we are under threat right now.

Enemies do not just use one method of threat, but rather multiple threats. They are coming after Americans in multiple ways.

For example, on the southern border of the United States there is a militarized force including children who are being used.

Also in 2019 notice the iconic pointer to 17 as the cabal also uses 17 and all forms of it.

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Many of the younger people who are fitter. . .20's to 30's are racing across the southern border and spreading out. This is becoming an indentured class. We are becoming a Class society just as India is.

These people flooding in are off the radar, not trackable because they are off the books they are not in any system for accountability. They are hiding out and get embedded into society. This changes the monetary system for labor for those who have access to this hidden class. The hidden class does not have to pay taxes, so wages can be maneuvered which affects those who have to pay taxes no matter what wage they make.

This causes the country not to function economically as it should and an operation to do so has been militarized. This is not in the best interest of all of the people.

It aides the globalists to mess up America so they can manage it globally.
Military Invasion propelled by the globalists in an effort to control us as they do many other countries
ran as a highly sophisticated operation at the border.

As they are bringing them up they have hand bands, markers and cell phone communications to monitor these people and use other family members as threats.

They also use the banking system within our country. Most people do not realize what a massive operation this is.

As we are under this and other various militarized threats, the Commander and Chief position does not have to be acknowledged as having handed that over in order to give the enemy notice that we are aware of what is going on and are beginning our response.

Forming the strategy and deciding how to respond is not a safe and wise strategy when so much is at stake. We are talking the well being of not only the people in America, but also those being used and preyed upon.

To inform the public, means to inform the enemy! You don't tell an enemy your plans, you don't give them a heads up in order to aid them in planning a counter move.

Unity is needed so there is No Civil War.

The military does Not install the president. They recognize the lawful Commander and Chief and puts them in that position.

It is then up to the Commander and Chief to retake Operational Control of the rest of our government.

If we are under a type of Manchurian Candidate, treasonous control. . .that is only for a time period or a season.

The job of the military is to protect the Constitution and the Will of the People above all else. Not to worry about whether the rightful Commander and Chief is being acknowledged by the corporate owned media or those who are not aware of what is really going on behind the scenes. Those are all peripherals when you need to keep your eye on the Goal.

It is a Process just as a journey is. It is NOT instantaneous.

If people get impatient and feel they know better then thwart The Plan by their emotional tides prompted through impatience or being frustrated that the rest of the population doesn't know the reality. . .it risks the well being of Everyone.

This needs to be done by mitigating damage to the general population. That takes an inordinate amount of patience and endurance as most have seen with their own eyes how the other side, ran by the globalists do not family human lives. They do not operate by the same code so this requires alert and patient navigation.

You cannot be tossed in the wind every which way. You do not want this to be like the Bolshevik Revolution.

Chaos breeds more chaos and an opportunity for the predatory controllers to grab more control and enslave the population further.

The American People who know, need to stay unified join ranks, pull together and push back against this enemy attack which is hitting our Republic in various forms.

This is what these counties in Nevada and various other states are doing.
They have decided they will not let few corrupt officials run everything by using cheating tactics and they are doing so with minimum damage.

The pile of evidence of corruption has grown within the civilian populations' ability to observe to bring them to a level of consciousness No Matter what Political Party they are affiliated with.

Never forget. . .the two party system has Always been used to the benefit of the controllers. If they cause fighting within the population, the population exhausts most of it's time and resources fighting one another so that the true enemy continues unimpeded.

This is a widely used tactic. . .divide and Conquer!

It does Not have to be allowed when more people are Aware!

You can't just ignore the blatant corruption and attempts to hide evidence in Maricopa county and in other counties.

Those who are short sided and getting caught up in the political show are counting on those who use common sense to lose patience and throw it out the window, but fettering out corruption takes careful navigation and patience as when we had another president. . .JFK do so, they were in a hurry to take him out.

Those who don't know history or learn from it are destined to repeat it. Careful Navigation is Necessary!

So you have to ask yourself. .. who are the controlling families who put people in power that protect Their interests rather than the broader interests of the American people? If you're looking, you can clearly See them!

Is part of the healing of the country to get a Fair and Lawful vote?
To get Real Representatives into office who don't just protect their own interests or the interests of those who bribe them?

Are crooked votes okay with either side that they have desperately tried to pit against one another?

Shouldn't there be trackable, honest votes?

Why would Anyone have a trouble with transparency if they wish for a the True Opinion and Choice of the People and NOT the elitists?

Should you have just a couple of crooked counties deciding the Fate of the Republic?

Does this translate into the fate of the whole world as The Entire World is Watching the United States?

Do you just allow bank robbers to get away then give up and say it is over?
Or rather do people feel criminals should be found and brought to justice.

Just because people cheat at a national level, should the people just Accept the lying and cheating?

Or do you keep trying to show the evidence in spite of the hatred and vitriol?

Do you stand up as citizens and Do Your Due Process to fetter out justice?

How much of that congress and senate are even rightfully there if the voting system has been a scam for years?

This applies to both sides.

Is the only way to get this solved through Military Action?

Does Joe Biden have the Real Keys to the Kingdom?

Would those who understand at the highest levels of the military give the keys to a fake and a poser?

Are we a third world country or a republic?

So do you go off half cocked Angry that justice isn't carried out as Quick as they feel it should?

Or do you remember your Oath, bide your time and move forward behind the scenes always analyzing all the data and information?

Which is a better plan with Greater Odds?

Remember the song Against All Odds?

Yes, I realize it's sappy, BUT think of it as if those of you were talking about the Republic and not just one person, but ALL our country was meant to stand for on the backs of our ancestors. . .on the backs of those who were the Midnight Riders, they also had to have patience and endurance to be rid of an enemy and forge ahead towards their Independence.

Do you just give up on the Republic or do you Do All It Takes to defend the Constitution and the true Will of the People?

Can you really just let all they stood for and we have stood for together walk away over impatience that it can't be forced to happen sooner?

Is God at the helm or not?

Is His timing our timing or Does He Work Outside of Time?

**Phil Collins - Against All Odds (Lyrics) **

Can you really just allow Freedom to walk away from you and those in this county [even those who Don't get it] and allow it to be turned over to a Socialist agenda which is just the globalist and corporate media's more cozy term for all out Communism?

Do you only want to have a Memory of what liberty felt like and be telling stories to your grandchildren about it someday or Do you want to Preserve it, so they have the Choice to live their lives the way you have had?

Against all odds or not, we Can do this together and Never, Ever forget what was put into play.

Is God the creator of Science or Not?

Does he work on a basic or even classical level or does He work Exponentially?
Does he work on a Quantum Level?

You decide.

Are we heading for a Quantum Financial System in the Great Reset? What are the tells? What has happened historically with President Lincoln and JFK? How QFS is part of the Space Force. Will it be the Great Equalizer?

Painting of Bill Clinton in Blue Dress in Epstein's Mansion? Epstein's Pathologist, Baden same as JFK? Escrow Release Transaction the billion XRP comes out of Ripple every month with file name Bill Clinton's Secret. Quantum Financial System. Bye FED!

So time to buck up and Remember your oath you are sworn to keep!
St Elmos Fire, Man in Motion, w/lyrics

Facebook Frames Can you hear me? Remember the calling? Who has heeded? Sons and Daughters who took the oath to Rise Up and Fight while some stood still.
Do you remember all who gave you your training? . https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10221791105101349

The side Claiming there was no interference had Already. . .

spelled this out themselves. For example,

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See what was in Elizabeth Warren's letter here,

Find more here and in an article below in sources,
These Democrats stated this in their letter,

McCarthy Group, Staple Street Capital Group, and H.I.G. Capital -- that reportedly own or have investments in election technology vendors responsible for developing, manufacturing, and maintaining the vast majority of voting machines and software in the United States.

In their letters, the lawmakers raise concerns about vulnerabilities and a lack of transparency in the election technology industry and the poor condition of voting machines and other election technology equipment. They request information about the role private equity investment in these companies have played in creating and perpetuating these conditions.

Election security experts have noted for years that our nation's election systems and infrastructure are under serious threat, but voting machines reportedly continue to fail and breakdown across the country, as vendors fail to innovate, improve, and protect voting systems, putting U.S. elections at avoidable and increased risk.

Note the the three vendors pointed out

Election Systems & Software
Dominion Voting Systems
Hart InterCivic
So Edward Perez they tout as their expert worked at Hart InterCivic. . .now defending Another Voter Hardware and Software Vendor. Interesting!

They all collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which "have long skimped on security in favor of convenience," leaving voting systems across the country "prone to security problems."
More in here,

To see more information concerning an Executive at Dominion Voting Systems known to make vitriolic statements about making sure President Trump didn't win go here and scroll down to bottom third.


So it has been evidenced how easy it would be to hack the system and train workers to gain control of hundreds of thousands of votes, but the Greater Question is how much of this was Purposely Designed to gain control for the side the Cabal controls?

In September 2020 Joe Oltmann (founder of FEC United) found through a phone call with Antifa this information,

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Joe was right, just a simple search ( he did his on google, I did mine on duckduckgo) shows the following information,

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So he came up through a system Known to be a Democrat stronghold. We're talking connections to Stanford in aiding in the Mother of all Demos for the first computer and placement of those needed in various positions of power. See evidence here,
This tells what all they were involved in and their strong connection to Stanford with a research arm set up in the time of Hoover when he was on a board to protect them as a link to D.C. just before he became president. Convenient much? Are there any Coincidences? You decide! Who is Really Steering the Script?


According to the Gateway Pundit in an article titled,
Denver Business Owner: Dominion’s Eric Coomer Is an Unhinged Sociopath — His Internet Profile Is Being Deleted and Erased (AUDIO)

In 2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.

Eric Coomer was later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security at Dominion. Coomer has since been removed from the Dominion page of directors.

I guess the Tech Giants don't realize that like Goliath, anons and those who are Constantly Testing The Narrative come Prepared equipped to gather and archive! They are not as Quick on the draw as one would expect from such "Professionals!"

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Denver business owner Joe Oltmann on Sunday. Oltmann, the founder of FEC (Faith Education Commerce) United, revealed how he infiltrated Antifa and how during a conversation with Antifa members, he discovered “Eric from Dominion” was allegedly part of the chat during the week of September 27, 2020.

Oltmann told TGP that “Eric” was telling the Antifa members they needed to “keep up the pressure.” When one of the caller’s on a September group call asked, “Who’s Eric?” someone answered, “Eric, he’s the Dominion guy.”

someone asked, “What are we gonna do if Fcking Trump wins?” Oltmann paraphrased how Eric (the Dominion guy) responded, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made fcking sure of that!”

Oltmann, who runs a Denver data company, started to investigate “Eric from Dominion,” following the call and came upon Eric Coomer.

Oltmann admitted that it didn’t make sense that Eric Coomer would be the Antifa member on the call and that at the time, he knew nothing about Dominion Voting Systems.

It wasn’t until after he started hearing about Dominion Voting Systems in the news following the election that he remembered the remarks made by “Eric from Dominion” on the Antifa chat.

Oltmann began digging into Eric Coomer, trying to find anything he could about him. Oltmann finally hit gold when he was able to (legally) access what he claims is Dominion VP, Eric Coomer’s Facebook page.

Joe Oltmann said he never saw such hate and vitriol coming from someone who has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. Oltmann explained to Malkin that Coomer actually re-posted the Antifa manifesto to President Trump on his Facebook page.

Oltmann told The Gateway Pundit he believes Eric Coomer is mentally ill and a sociopath. Coomer plays the corporate executive during the day and an unhinged Trump hater and Antifa supporter in his private life.

The Gateway Pundit posted a copy of that Antifa letter to Trump in a previous report that Coomer posted on his Facebook page before it was taken down.

Joe Oltmann was removed from Twitter last week after he exposed Eric Coomer from Dominion.

In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software.

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Dr. Coomer’s statement brings to light a very serious issue all voters should understand. Voting systems must be re-certified each time they make changes to the hardware or software. Recertification is an expensive and time consuming process. What Dr. Coomer told the Board is that Dominion Voting does not go back for recertification of software when threats to their code are discovered. Rather, they rely on post-election audits and providing advice to election jurisdictions about security. I have reviewed all of the recertification documents produced by Dominion, and I do not recall any software adjustments for security purposes.

This is the reality of the security of your vote. Software systems that count and record the vote across Illinois and throughout the USA are not updated to address security problems, and even if they were, the software can be completely bypassed by going to the data tables that drive the systems.

See video here,

It was found that Eric Coomer was not the only one who spoke about such Trump hate at Dominion, it appeared to be a "Safe Space" for this type of vitriol and hate.

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Here is the letter from Eric Coomer to President Trump regarding Antifa,

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So. ..I guess just Wow!

Remember, it was Karl Marx that told them, Whatever YOU are doing Blame the other side!

The fact they are trying to accuse Good people of this which is Evidenced shows how they have allowed their minds to be co-opted by a controlling media and globalist agenda of "Group Think!" Sad.

Evidence of what he is saying is on THEM. ..
The footage is inside of here,

Does that footage look Anything like what Eric Coomer is trying to claim and Whom he says is responsible?
Why is that?

A Rant on FB from Eric Coomer,

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This is the kind of garbage and hate every President Trump supporter I have talked to has dealt with from former family and friends. They have Chosen their side. . .it is Clear at this point, this is Good vs Evil!

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Evidenced links between Antifa and Eric Coomer along with a parallel ideology and hate prior to FB scrubbing his page,

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Apparently even Dominion took Coomer off of their website in an effort to Not Expose themselves.

Interesting because the Democrats sure used to sing a Different Tune!

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Dominion started removing employee names from their site. Interesting!

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Now THAT's interesting because.. .

Hart InterCivic Inc. is a privately held United States company that provides election technologies and services to government jurisdictions. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Hart products are used by hundreds of jurisdictions nationwide

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Trying to claim they're nonpartisan. . . for the record I Expected this to be a Whole Lot Harder, but I go to their page for this "non profit 501c3" called OSET Foundation and This pops up on their page. . .

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Are they kidding us with this?

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Laptop, USB drives stolen from elections warehouse

Philly Reporter Posts Video Of Walking Around Unnoticed At Election Storage Warehouse Where Laptop

Watkins states that whoever stole those Keys has admin access and could theoretically been able to make as many Keys as they wanted!

After pouring over the manuals for a week. . .

Watkins takes note that an administrator would have the ability to. . .

  • Delete ballots
  • Reset Counts
  • Delete entire batches
  • Nothing to hold users accountable and no way to see if people are ultimately deleting or altering ballots

Dominion trains 2-6 poll workers who are appointed by the county to undergo election's system training.
These 2-6 workers are trusted to not tamper with the final tabulation while transferring data between the ICC (the tabulation center and the county)
This entails. ..

dragging some files from a windows computer onto a flash drive, then physically handing that flash drive to the county.

Watkin's question is,
during this hand off are these people being watched by auditors to make sure this flash drive isn't switched out for something else?

Are these folders being dragged correctly on to the flash drive?

Has the data been altered before or after it's been handed off?

Can the County Commissioner be trusted once they receive the flash drive not to go in and alter the content?

There are so many variables that one starts to wonder, Where is the Science Radicals always talk about and claim to be so fond of?

These are clearly valid questions and many of us have Always wondered where the Checks and Balances come into play.

For example, as Georgia underwent their recount, flash drives were found with uncounted ballots on them.

Over 2700 votes had been "forgotten" in the initial count.
1500 were for President Trump
1100 were for Biden

So that's interesting!

Watkins points out that yet another issue is the Keys to the machine are.. .

  • Digital Devices
  • It is unclear what the devise is, whether it is a RFID device or USB
  • it is clear that it is a Digital Device that holds a Cryptographic key on it.
  • If you lose this physical key to the machine, then you lose Absolute Security of the Entire Precinct.

For example, if a warehouse in Philadelphia was storing these Cryptographic Keys in a warehouse and were robbed with these Keys and a laptop being stolen, their Entire Election would be Illegitimate!

But Wait, THAT Actually happened!
Did I mention anons have shown the History many times of Philadelphia being the Keystone State?

What's even Stranger is they didn't catch the criminal, but officials of this Democrat ran area in Philadelphia claimed to Know the Motives of the criminal by stating there was no malicious intent and no one seems to be able to verify they machine had no voter information on it, simply by the fact that it and the drive are MISSING!

I realize some believe in Coincidences, but if you start poking around on the True Timeline, you will find. . .
There are No Coincidences!
Now let's take a look at Dominion's Algorithm for Handling an Anomaly

In the form of a stray mark or bleed through from a sharpie pen. . .
If the scanning system detects Any Anomaly at all on your ballot, then You are Not Counted!

What was one of the Strangest Mysteries of the 2020 Election?

When your ballot is not counted due to an anomaly, then a scan of your ballot gets saved into a folder on the ICC,
which is the Image Cast Central tabulation system.

This allows the 2-6 people who are trained by Dominion to go through the folder of anomalies and either Delete or Validate each of the ballots inside the folder.

Now that is a LOT of power don't you think? Or do you disagree? What are the accountability measures?
Who are the Watchers of this process? Do you know?

This is called Vote Adjudication.

So poll workers can theoretically see which candidates have been marked on these ballots Prior to them being Verified and Officially Cast.

Is this a Clear Problem and opening for fraud? What are your thoughts?

So it IS Possible in theory that they could hand pick a certain parties vote to be verified while throwing out all of the evidence.

The system for detecting anomalies can be set up by altering gamma setting on the scanner so that every ballot has an anomaly.

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According to Watkins, "This in effect allows those 2-6 people to go through and Hand Check Every Single Ballot BEFORE they are checked and verified into the tabulation system as an Actual Vote ."

What this Could Explain

  • This would explain how one candidate could get 130,000 votes at once with Zero votes going to the other candidate.
  • Why Vote Workers in Arizona might have given Sharpies to certain voters because they might have wanted that particular vote to be caught by the anomaly system and hand verified at a later time.

Watkins recommendation is

  1. for Federal Data Forensics Teams to seize or subpoena the ICC, Image Cast Central Vote Tabulation Machines, which are just Windows 10 off the shelf machines.

  2. go through and see how many votes arrived into the folder which is specifically set up for anomalies as this one feature alone can affect an entire election.

This would allow hundreds of batches of votes to be decided upon by just a few unmonitored workers.

This could very well mean that your vote Doesn't matter in this areas using these machines because these 2-6 people Trained by Dominion have ultimate control!

So it has been evidenced how easy it would be to hack the system and train workers to gain control of hundreds of thousands of votes, but the Greater Question is how much of this was Purposely Designed to gain control for the side the Cabal controls?


May 21, 2021 HUGE Win in Arizona!!!

Check out the comments.

Thank you to the Kansas City Police for releasing this footage.

Check out the comments!

Connecting Articles and Sources

Letter from Elizabeth Warren and other Dems showing there were numerous issues with Voting machines put out by two companies that provided 90% of the machines in the US. How about those CISA guys fired?


Hunger Games Vibes as per LA Times and Cosmo? Parallels? How about the Everybody Wants to Rule the World installment? Who will Turn their Back on Mother Nature to sign up for a synthetic cure thick with Castle Rock backing/stacking/staging?

What has been going on behind the scenes? Trump control of Fed? How and the evidence! How the Horseman Global Fund was down to just $150 million. Goodbye regulation of Banks? Who did that and who put an end to it!

Special Ops historically set up by President Kennedy in the event of an Emergency for We the People?



The Blatant TRAIL of Key People! Proof these Voter Machines are not run by companies that are "Non-Partisan!" Clear evidence their politics take front and center stage at Dominion Voter Systems and OSET Institute!









Response to someone who said this on this post

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Come on by!!! no problem helping out for a meal. But VP Harris did say “Don’t come!” But, people don’t listen! Look at America complaining about protecting themselves and those around them , over a mask and social distancing. That’s like complaining and because you have to stop at a stop light. Go through it anyways! See how many people you hurt cuz you wanna do your thang.

My response and I'll drop the fb post link for verification.

Lee Andres Perfect! I'm so glad you said this! I'll tell D and Jeb!
Next time I'm there in New Mexico I'll send the homeless population your way.

You're right. .NOTHING at all to fear. I hugged D was in close proximity to Jeb and even a yeller and Never got sick. I can guarantee you. . .they weren't wearing any face diapers or muzzles AND they were not Jabbed because guess who the Dems didn't prioritize. . .Telling [neither did any of the hollywood crowd nor entertainment industry]. As usual they shoot off their mouths, but do Nothing except mere Virtue Signaling.

Have gotten sick off of those who got the jab though . . .Same exact symptoms as numerous Verified to have some horrendous symptoms after getting the j*b.

One homeless guy told me he was wondering when the Rest of you Souls would figure it out. He knows the truth. . .all talk and NO backup! If you ever go over to visit with them, they overwhelmingly needs socks as even in hot climates, their feet tend to get cold at night and those that have socks are always in need of replacements. Wonder how the keeper of your house will like having us send people there. ..but I think it's a Great Idea! Tell her it's good to have on hand both women's and men's socks.

I didn't get sick at all after walking and mingling among them for hours multiple days so you're right. ..no need to worry or be afraid and I'm sure they will enjoy coming over to see you. Now about their ride. . . how many can you fit in your vehicle and can the keeper of your house give them a ride too? That would be Awesome and I Know they will appreciate it!


Oh you have your lockdown buddy. . .the rest of us will be out and about enjoying our Fall, Winter, Spring and onto the next summer because Guess what. . .We Did all along as you all had your self-imposed "lockdowns."

We have had a Great time, biking, hiking, picnicking, horrors. . .even shopping in the inner city where we all get along and are unified. When they had stores close there. ..I sent them over to stores I knew about over in the suburbs and guess WHAT all different races and religions to Boot!

We had gatherings, hoe- downs, barn swingings, hay rides, YIKES. . .kayaking in the RIVER and didn't see ONE mask. . .fearful ones on the bus, but Majority weren't fearful. Heck. ..we've even been All Over these United States and you would Die if you saw all the people living Life Free and to the Fullest MANY without those Face diapers you enjoy so much!

Our Farm Stores were open. . .our garden areas bountiful. ..Our Farmers Markets Free and Open Faced with dogs, bunnies, Food carts. Now how are All of these people even those who wear face diapers So okay with eating when you Can't see behind the scenes and I Promise you. . .plenty even when mandated aren't masking up when the mask nazi's aren't around. So HOW are you Still alive, because we saw plenty still ordering pizza and take out while enjoying their self-imposed lockdowns.

Funny you should say that about your mouth in connection with your rear end because Miguel Excobar had a LOT to say about it. Now he is a PA who has worked Both in the hospitals and the border. He pointed out how You All don't seem to know or remember if it was taught. . .Guess which part of your body has More Germs? Let's get back to 3rd grade science if you're public school. . .and if your private or homeschooled it was taught in Kindergarten!


Why aren't you more concerned that you are being told a lie? Are you really okay with that? Because We are all here to work Collectively to bring Truth and Light.

Is causing people to fear by lying and deceiving bringing Light or Darkness? Do you understand WHY God said over and over to Fear No More? I thought you were or used to be a gamer? Don't you get when the Game is Conning you?

At some point Lee, you're going to have to remember who you are without someone Telling you who you should be. Is lying corporate owned media who do not even have their numbers straight in charge of you or are you a free agent and in charge of yourself?

Don't Even tell me your face diaper is helping me, because I just told how Free the rest of us live. And numerous doctors have demonstrated the damage of masks and how much material Actually comes through them, so you're not helping others Nor Yourself.

Are you going to live in Fear, or are you going to Step out and live the Life God gave you and take up the calling? Are you God's son or have you decided you're good without God?

Mass infction prev^ntion and mass va)c_nation with leaky Co_id vac_ins in the midst of the p$ndemc can only breed highly infctious va&iants.

It's NOT about the inconvenience! Plenty of us NOT sold out to the system and NOT accepting bribes like others worked Directly with these children and their families coming straight from the border. There were those bribed and paid off to keep the child trafficking going!

Many children have perished at the hands of these people who Don't want their funneling to stop. It is one of the most profitable industries for those who prey upon humanity and here these little ones don't have a voice, are shut down and threatened if they try to tell someone and many perish at the hands of those in the community people THINK are helping children, but they are not. They do things like humiliate and embarrass the child with cruel and unusual punishments.


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