The bonkers supporting Trump.

in republican •  4 months ago 


Again: Trump is so bonkers, so absolutely pants-on-head stupid, so stupendously fucking coocoo bananas, that we've all just gotten used to it. Trump voters don't even blink when he tells stories about fictional conversations with non existent Navy personnel, lies pointlessly about easily disprovable shit, and just generally wanders like a lost, senile old weirdo from one conversation to another.

That's to be expected. If you're still supporting Trump at this point, you're either selling Trump hats or one of the sad, gullible people who have been repeatedly tricked into buying Trump hats. The problem is that nobody else reacts the way they should, either. Every single person should be laughing at this old-ass troglodyte every time it lurches on stage to sweat and blubber and moan at the world. There should be nonstop breathless headlines about his utter inability to finish a rational thought, let alone lead an entire country. We can, and should, be talking about what the hell is gonna happen when the few remaining arteries that aren't already full of Big Mac sauce finally give up and harden over in this senior citizen clown turd of a man, or what comes after whatever weird dementia he's had for the last twenty years enters the terminal stage and starts telling him to do shit like "put all homeless people in camps" (just kidding he did that last year we already passed that point).

We are absolutely, massively, utterly boned if this fucking goon and his dipshit traitor party win in November.

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