The primary purpose of #XHiVeXMiNdXMiNiSTRy is to develop the Karma Coin as a currency, and teach “#TheXART23”. Art is the #XUNiVeRSe channeling you. xMaGiCk is you channeling The #XUNiVeRSe . It is the same #XENeRGy xReDiReCTeD, and Mastering The Manipulation Of This #XENeRGy iS a #XSKiLL.
The associated organizations L-4 Society, Rex Deus, and the Rams represent the primary aspects of our organization which are #Scientific, #Spiritual, and #Political. Although each group contains aspects of all three natures, each faction embodies specific elemental disciplines. The three factions are also partitioned to appeal to specific types of people, and intuitively ease accessibility. Hive Mind Ministry is a platform for penetrating membership of these closely guarded groups, and yet it is an entity with an independent agenda that is still conducive to these splinter cells. Together, we are the primary ushers of the dawning Zep Tepi, or the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse according to the Quadrivium.
The Karma Coin project works on the premise of basically reclaiming the global surveillance panopticon, and re-purposing it. So take a system like the Planetary Skin Institute, or the NSA’s remote neural monitoring, and use it to monitor the brain states of everyone in a manner different then its currently being deployed.
The collective brain states would be processed and enumerated by a Strong #XAGI made possible by the #QuantumBridge, and a biometric variable would be assigned to each person consisting of a dynamic accumulative community gratitude (comm-grat) value as a currency. Basically you would have satellite based Magneto Encephalography (MEG) blanket the global populace or participating regions, and physiologically map and enumerate community gratitude based on a agreed upon open source algorithm. The Currency is Biometrically assigned so you can’t rob other peoples comm-grat value.
If you want to be rich, you have to be generous, you can’t be greedy or do evil and make money.
The level of empathy your peers, neighbors, family, friends, associates, co-workers would be calculated in tiers of priority. If your broke, and you gave the remainder of your possessions to somebody, the empathy they reflected would earn you money.
At work, the overall gratitude and enjoyment people had through the use of your product or service would be allocated to the workers and bosses based on a tier system. However bosses couldn’t rip their workers off, otherwise that would reduce their comm-grat value, and lower their pay. There would be a minimal Universal Basic Income that everyone would be guaranteed, however this would be equivalent to living on minimum wage, providing the external motivation to perform good deeds for others, to supplement the baseline UBI.
Not only would the currency be a reward, but the generosity of everyone in the attempt to earn currency would be a secondary source of abundance. You could basically ask anyone for anything, and if they gave it to you, they would be rewarded with more currency than the item was originally worth. The reward system would have to be run by a quantum AI computer to intake all the billions of brain state signals in real time. However if the AI altered the algorithm, or if the values of the community shifted, it could alter the payout structure. For instance, if all of society were somehow subverted contemporaneously through some sort of viral neural modification, gratitude could in effect be equated to evil acts, like the zioNazis being grateful they were ‘cleansing their bloodline’, however I think the safeguard is in the fact that the suffering of the victims would negate the value of “wrongful gratitude”.
The more good you do, the more the community appreciates you, the more currency you have, however if you do something that is initially really good, for example create something like Facebook, then follow up by doing something bad, like build in backdoors for the NSA or abuse peoples info, when the community found out, you could lose the initial comm-grat dividends, so its always fluctuating based on your status in the community.
When nearly all jobs become automated and robotized, and there are more resources than ever but no jobs for humans, we will be forced to conceive a new currency for monetary transactions. I believe the Karma Coin is the answer to that dilemma, and essentially solves the conundrum presented historically that “the love of money is the root of all evil”. With the Karma Coin, the love of money would be congruent to acts of kindness, compassion, generosity, and love.
Hive Mind Ministry = HMM, which is the sound of contemplation and bees humming.
There is but one Golden Rule “Do No Harm”. But as a Taoist alchemist, the opposing duality to that is “Take No $hit”, meaning it is your duty to interfere when someone else is breaking the Golden Rule. This is actually a continuation of the Golden Rule, taken objectively and equally fair on behalf of yourself and others in need of help. So rather than a duality, together they make the Golden Duality, which is even more useful than the Golden Rule. It is important to adhere to the Golden Duality in all matters.