How I Achieved the 2nd Highest Reputation on Steemit - And How You Can Too!

in reputation •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today I visited after reading about someone else's reputation rank and wondering how their reputation rank was determined. As far as I knew reputation levels were simply single digit numbers and therefore ranking people would be hard to do ... or so I thought. Little did I know that reputation levels are actually at least two decimals deep.

So how did I achieve the 2nd highest reputation rank on Steemit?

Fuck if I know!

But I'll play along and make a list showing how you can do whatever it is that I've done, like I see others posting on a daily basis. I'm going to assume some of these may even be accurate!

1. Do you.

Explanation : Do you.

2. Stop caring what other people think.

Explanation : Do you.

3. If you're getting upvotes doing something, keep doing that.

Explanation : Do you ... in a way that earns upvotes.

4. Circlejerk at least once per week.

Explanation : Do you ... in a way that circlejerks once per week.

5. Fuck the man.

Explanation : I just threw that one in for our new Voluntarist members.

6. Use humor.

Explanation : Do you and be funny doing you.

7. Speak your mind.

Explanation : Do you.

8. Learn to draw at least a little bit.

Explanation : Do you in an artistic way.

9. Learn to write or sing stupid songs.

Explanation : Do you with music or lyrics.

10. Buy a decent camera.

Explanation : Do you with photographs.

There you have it!

Ten ways that may or may not have helped me achieve the 2nd highest ranked reputation on Steemit.

Best of luck to all of you!

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This is quite possible one of the most helpful posts I've ever encountered on Steemit. Then again, it's quite possible the least helpful. Either way, thanks for your insights Tuck!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I dream about higher reputation...
However it is not so hard to accomplish, not that hard as people say.
All you gotta do is stick to these rules:

  1. Dont write anything at all, if you dont have a good idea.
  2. Make posts that are explaining something,telling some story or posts that are helpful to community.
  3. Be kind, give rewards (by upvoting) to the people that deserve it: they have made good, constructive post with some effort- so they deserve anything for a good job, am i right?

Of course i may be wrong, lol there are so many people getting upvotes literally for nothing.
Im not jelous, im just talking about thousands of $ earned on photoshopped "verification" , i think this is the biggest problem of steemit.

Shit. I dream on 7 reputation!! Lucky SOB lol.... Kidding, much love and well earned I am sure


lol beautiful post. Always appreciate the attitude you put out! I think you have that reputation because your honest. You don't pull punches and your fair. It's not a super common thing here as most people are trying to write to a few... your writing for you. Always a fan lol

Good advice. I think I'll go do myself. See you soon.

I'll do me. Got it :D Thank you :)

"If you're getting upvotes doing something, keep doing that" Truly sharing what you want to share is the best way to build a reputation whether people agree or not. Thanks and good job!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Do who? You?

I'll do me, you do who, who will do you.

The same principles of earning apply to reputation building. Just provide value. Give the audience of paying customers (shareholders) what they want. We're invested in the well-being and growth of Steemit so anything you do to help with that will result in many thanks coming your way.

I know another way.. @tuck-fheman gives every comment here an Upvote and we all get some Reputation


Thanks, @tuck-fheman, as a newb I appreciate posts like this as I continue to learn more about Steemit. I will pass on the knowledge in turn.

Wooww... this is good quality content isnt ? nice @tuck-fheman u doing great :D keep up ma friend :)

Damn another one that is way too powerful for me. I need to increase my steempower level!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Many thanks for the tip. I am doing a few of these including something like no. 9 - it's more of a stupid poem about why I'm here at steemit instead of song.

Just one post at a time.

This should be a stress relieving post for many. The very fact that a steem powered economy exists and WORKS is absolutely inspiring. The money that we will save from future decentralized products and services will be far greater than the "steem" we will receive from posts in the short term.

Would you rather have $1M or a penny that doubles every day for 31 days?

Steemit is our penny. :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi! @tuck-fheman
It's me to list the way you're doing is somewhere someone.
Because you say you are getting a high rating, I no doubt.
I also, it will be to try some of the methods taught me :)
Thank you

I dont think i get it do you?
Thanks for the tips anyway.

Love it. Not sure how one of my posts got jumped to 500 but im not complaining. Whatever your doing keep doing it. :)

Do not do you - if you are hateful, have opinions that differ wildly from everyone else, if you want to whine all day, if you want to h8 the whales all the time etc. Otherwise your rep might be on a quite opposite part of the scale than @tuck-fheman .

But ... that's how I started out on Steemit. So your theory has been debunked! =b

Maybe you have a gift of not offending anyone :P

Congratultations for being #2. I love your explanation May I quote you? :))))))


Well, I'll be. Shucks. Didn't know.

I'm working hard and harder for building my own crowd of fans. thanks for the tips.

Great post @tuck-fheman and your name is perfect :) Following now and giving up vote, hope you come across and say hi, we have just released our first edition! Keep up the good work

your suggestions are taken into consideration... thanks.. and upvote for you...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


This one gave me a good laugh 😂 helpful though, thanks!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Also FWIW, YOU were the only one to ever make a threat and you continue making threats. And even worse, you're not threatening me in particular, you're threatening to attempt to harm the entire Steemit userbase. Much like someone else in chat. You two are so similar in your threats and childish reactions to others downvoting you back that it's safe to assume you are the same person IMHO.

I told you that since you were downvoting me for no reason, I was going to play the downvote game too. It was very simply letting you know that I too have the ability to downvote and if you want to play silly games, two can play.

You have two choices here. You can continue acting like a child and never make much here on Steemit, continue making threats to harm Steemit and never make much here OR simply abide by the flagging etiquette that was established months ago, to which you seem to want to ignore and make up your own rules ... that don't appear to be working out very well for you considering you're still upset and you continue to make threats against Steemit (which are most likely hollow, but still).

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Why wait 2 days? Do it now!

Let this seed of thought just grow a little in your belly tuck..... Im a nice guy..I'm trying now to help you. I'm not asking for an essay, just own what you did to me. Think things through a little more. I'm making it easy, just do the right thing, explain to me why you are sorry for being a bully to me.

Where's the tweet? What's taking so long? Why do you continue delaying? Just do it!

I am disappoint.

I haven't repeated my tweet. i do have a vast amount of collateral on polo as well/// I notice you've been quiet about t saying sorry//it ok//just do it..say sorry about you and how you bulluied's simple... I make the stock pump again...don't be selfish say sorry

you can continue to say silly things but i also have your investment in steemit cover dummy

Where's the link? Is it up yet?

Do it now! Stop delaying, just do it!

Price of steem has dropped on all the exchanges . Have you noticed this bully whale?

It's ok tuck.... with good content Steemit might survive long enough,, I doubt it if you don't publicly apologise . Maybe 25k people steeming at the endorsement...get 's you many more in the door... Just say sorry

down voting because this user is contributing nothing to steemit except trolling, blackmailing & threatening. we do not need people like this on steemit.

I propose now that any flag that is not, at a minimum, accompanied by a reply in the post with the flagger's reason(s) for his/her downvote should and will subject the flagger's own future postings to being flagged themselves until such abuse by the flagger ends.

The part you're always leaving out is that YOU were the "bully" flagging my comments simply because you did not like them. I'm simply teaching you proper etiquette. You just don't seem to want to accept the fact that YOU started flagging others for no reason other than you didn't like what they had to say. Learn your lesson and be done with it or continue being a troll, it's your choice.

You are obviously trying to cover up your whale abuse.... I posted a link to what I downvote ... People can choose to click it, what I down vote and decide if you were out of line or not... your attempt to spin this is not possible's all on the block chain and time stamped . I will have a friend write up an article during the week with all the facts and we can let the community decide if you where out of line or not.... .... I'm still trying to figure out how you can decide if ...and I quote from you : i'm done here" .... my only "threat" was I have 100k twitter followers and I will not endorse steemit if people like you are gaming the platform...... I am keeping a close eye on how the whales are sharing the wealth with each other...Steemit need real content to survive,,..not pictures of your backyard...

down voting because this user is contributing nothing to steemit except trolling, blackmailing & threatening. we do not need people like this on steemit.