Gut Friendly Foods - [Tim Spector's Top 10]

in research •  7 years ago 

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Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King's College London, author of The Diet Myth and a few other books, has a short-list of 10 foods that might improve gut function.

Those who are familiar with this subject, know that the population of bacteria in our gut play a central role to our health, most importantly for immunity, as well as brain health.

I, for example, am really interested in the field of Psychobiology or how the microbiota influences our behavior. I'd suggest reading the research of Cryan and Dinan if you're interested in this too, here's one study to start with:

[The impact of gut microbiota on brain and behaviour: implications for psychiatry]

That aside, here's the list of gut-friendly foods that Tim Spector recommends:

  • Jerusalem Artichokes
  • Leeks
  • Garlic
  • Lentils
  • Apples
  • Nuts
  • Yogurt
  • Olive Oil
  • Red Wine
  • Dark Chocolate

You can read the full description behind Tim's choices by following the link below. There's also a documentary called It Takes Guts that's related to this. It can be watched by people from Canada over here, and it can also be found on vimeo after a quick web-search.

Gut Friendly Foods

To stay in touch with me, follow @cristi

Cristi Vlad, Self-Experimenter and Author

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What about probiotics like sauerkraut and kombucha?

I'd say those are good too

Thanks for the info, I upvoted you!

Great article, however i think there are some really important foods missing in the list, i believe sour milk would be better than greek youghurt also all the pickled foods are great for your digestive system, overall thank you for information, have a nice day yall!