The Witch Hunt As A Perverse Manifestation of Panic - We The People, United "PussyHats" Around The Globe

in resistance •  8 years ago  (edited)

Question : Who funds most women's organisations ? Nevertheless,I do represent and honor all amazing women of different race, religion, tribe, colour and age. I am standing united in solidarity with all my heart. I, as " The Great Granddaughter of all Witches" they did not burn :), choose to manifest today what occupies my mind for decades. I will never understand why so many intelligent, beautiful women had to burn in fires on all continents. 

The balance between male and female was lost long time ago (read my witch hunt line of history below) 

"Our society became male dominated and the female was made subordinate to the male", as Eckhart Tolle says in his book The Power of Now - Page 165 - chapter Enlightened Relationships Some people now use the term Goddess instead of God and he also says that its good. I agree!  Understanding the Myth of Left Brain and Right Brain Dominance. Remember that "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive and thoughtful compared to "left-brained " as more logic and critical thinking.

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.- Anais Nin

- Symbol of Resistance 

Since January 21st, 2017 Pussy Hats became a symbol of resistance and I will get mine soon! I give my respect to every strong, courageous, brave woman, young or old and men who supported the cause. Keep connected with the Pussyhatproject for updates and as they suggest wear your hat loudly and proudly. 

Those knitted, colourful and cute hats with kitty ears, like the "Make America Great Again hats" made in China, send a very particular and different political message. You can download the guiding vision and definition of principles for the women march as pdf file. 

I am excited and maybe all over the place in my article but I am so happy to witness the magic of such day.

It gave me the joyful chills watching thousands marching the other day in all continents. It obviously became so important to speak and rise up, to express your hopes and worries about any issue, whether it’s ending gender-based violence, women’s health, LGBTQIA, civil, immigrant rights, religious freedom, environmental justice or anything  else. I am aware that it is a quite unpleasant subject matter for some cultures but its time now to listen and initiate change.  

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” ― Brigham Young

I am still in shock how many hateful, prejudice and ignorant comments I read yesterday on BBC and The Guardian live report for Women's Marches in Washington DC and London. I pray for their awakening to feel LOVE and no Hate anymore.

- Those marches were the only antidote to the falling power of the spirits. 

Even Johann Strauss in Vienna, my hometown is wearing a Pink Hat. How cool is that! 

Image credit goes to Merisi Vienna Visual Arts 

I just read this on Facebook : Share this! Share this! The Women's March organizers are counting marchers. Did you March/Rally  today in solidarity? ANYWHERE? Text 89800 with the message COUNT ME. You'll get a form back to register where you were, including "virtual"! 

- Why authorities, some men are still afraid of women's strength and threatened by their quest for freedom, equality and justice, demanding to be free human beings with an independent will? 

“I hate men who are afraid of women's strength.” ― Anaïs Nin, Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love"--The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin 

- Are We moving backwards? 

The witch-hunt was a perverse manifestation of the panic which set in among all classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual freedom." Artur Miller 

The Power used to be in the hands of only the people placed in authority. It was a very unbalanced society. Artur Miller explains that in Salem, a theocracy had formed and that the society was ruled by religious authority. 

Salem witch trials- Court case The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Source Wikipedia

- The Witch Hunt 

Those 2 books clearly say that " Burning Women is Wrong " , no doubt !   

- Ashes of Immortality: Widow-Burning in India by Catherine Weinberger-Thomas

- Witches: a psychoanalytic exploration of the killing of women 

This book by German author Evelyn Heinemann will be of interest to psychoanalysts, social historians and women everywhere, delivers a very disturbing re-interpretation of the witch phenomenon. She argues that the persecution of women as witches in the 16th & 17th century resulted from the powerful unresolved psychic conflicts of their persecutors. Who are the accused women of modern society and is fear of "witches" still present?

I found an amazing link explaining more about The Witch Hunt Line until the 21st century:  

Prior to the 9th century CE: There was a widespread popular belief that evil Witches existed. They were seen as evil persons, primarily women, who devoted their lives to harming and killing others through black magic and evil sorcery. The Catholic church at the time officially taught that such Witches did not exist. It was a heresy to say that they were real. "For example, the 5th century Synod of St. Patrick ruled that 'A Christian who believes that there is a vampire in the world, that is to say, a witch, is to be anathematized; whoever lays that reputation upon a living being shall not be received into the Church until he revokes with his own voice the crime that he has committed.' A capitulary from Saxony (775-790 CE) blamed these stereotypes on pagan belief systems: 'If anyone, deceived by the Devil, believes after the manner of the Pagans that any man or woman is a witch and eats men, and if on this account he burns [the alleged witch]... he shall be punished by capital sentence." 
1450: The first major witch hunts began in many western European countries. The Roman Catholic Church created an imaginary evil religion, using stereotypes that had circulated since pre-Christian times. They said that Pagans who worshiped Diana and other Gods and Goddesses were evil Witches who kidnapped babies, killed and ate their victims, sold their soul to Satan, were in league with demons, flew through the air, met in the middle of the night, caused male impotence and infertility, caused male genitals to disappear, etc. Historians have speculated that this religiously inspired genocide was motivated by a desire by the Church to attain a complete religious monopoly, or was "a tool of repression, a form of reining-in deviant behavior, a backlash against women, or a tool of the common people to name scapegoats for spoiled crops, dead livestock or the death of babies and children." Walter Stephens, a professor of Italian studies at Johns Hopkins University, proposes a new theory: "I think Witches were a scapegoat for God." 3 Religious leaders felt that they had to retain the concepts of both an omnipotent and an all-loving deity. Thus, they had to invent Witches and demons in order to explain the existence of evil in the world. This debate, about how an all-good and all-powerful God can coexist in the world with evil is now called Theodicy. Debate continues to the present day. 

- We the People 

Imagecredit : Facebook post / Instagram @obeygiant  

- The Balance of Ying & Yang: 

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet and if you fall I will try to pick you up. I feel, that now more than ever, we can rise up our consciousness to take a chance and balance our divine male &   female energies. Two energies but one body! 

We are the People in power and I will not smash nor critisize this new President Elect in the USA with my own "Nasty Woman's" words. I got caught up in so called "Alternative Facts " = Lies in recent times and started feeling like a "TrumpJunkie", feeding off bullies on both sides. 

 I agree with @limitless: I think a lot can be done to efficiently improve women's lives in developing countries without focusing on hating a figurehead politician. I favor donating to efficient charities like Against Malaria Foundation to optimally save the most lives around the world. Malaria is the #1 killer of pregnant women and just a few dollars could save a life. 
I also agree with Erykah Badu : I told the child : "Perhaps, The look you see on some of the faces of the people is the look of recalibration. Some of the looks resemble hope. Then some seem tired. Things are changing. Today We are witnessing The Beautiful Rise of the Matriarch. A return to Balance. <edit>(Her restored position also restores the balance of the family and of nature )<edit> But ..OVER ALL, We are in an interesting time. We are all different . So we share Different Points of View, yet, we are all Vibrating at the same rate -wether we want to be or not. Some will resist. However, We know things are out of synch. So we are gathering like this to compare hearts. We as a human race are slowly, juuuuust beginning to move in the same direction. This is painful for some. That is the look you see. So it IS a "brain wash " of sorts. I'd rather call it a cleansing. These things take time. 
Do you understand? "She said, "yes, kind of. " I said , " don't worry you'll be 8 soon." 

More stories and images by Regional Medien and  @marisi visual arts and viennaforbeginners 




When women unite, we are a force to be reckoned with, says Jane Fonda 


Find the best photos by 

- Well behaved women seldom make history but they made a huge impact for human kind and our childrens future!  

I thank a 19 years young woman called Nina Donavan for her wonderful poetry. 

I'm a Nasty Woman and Say Hell Yeah! 


Yours Mammasitta via Vienna 

 Image credit : pinterest

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Not Patriarchy. Not Matriarchy. Crypto Anarchy!

Do whatever you want so long as it does not involve coercion of others. In other words, if you want me to pay for something, convince me of the benefit to me.

Do not tax me to pay for your choices/lifestyle/mistakes/visions/desires.

Protests are only the beginning ! Who funds those marches is the big question. The ones who need to benefit.
You got a valid point! "Do whatever you want ", indeed but persuasion is all around us wherever we look. We need to detach and be cautious.
Read Adam Scotts Blog . You might find it interesting
I never payed taxes my entire life and I am 58, I am choosing a lifestyle I finance myself, pay for my own mistakes , my daughters education and follow my visions without fear nor getting trapped in manipulations for too long.
BUT I am wishing for a healthy balance again in-between the masculine and feminine energies to move on for an awesome future.

Well said.

@teamsteem I call it the so called "Makeyoufeelgood" concept in one day and give you Shit the other . That's what the money funders do. behind our back BUT I am still proud of Those women marching because they are good people walking those streets believing in love and standing up for their hopes . They are USED by the scumbags who finance them . I wrote how I don't pay taxes . This is not an easy lifechoice to go on your own but well worth it. I don't get a pension! Oh well !

Uh I actually just wanted to say thank you 😊

Ah yes, good post. A lot of my friends went to DC and I learned through them what happened. Thanks!

So happy to hear from you again :) I was off the grid for so long because I have to take care of my Mom . She is 91 and needs every second of my time. How are you ??? Its damn freezing here in Vienna. Big hug !

hheheeee !!! Nice to see your face again. Its been such a long time for me but I am back ! I already follow on twitter

Bring it on, if you want a Retweet occasionally just mention @Steemit on Twitter with your articles. Welcome Back!

Check my Twitter @silvieinbali . I just posted

Here is a very well done article I just read by @tftproject Its really worth to check it out as well to understand the other side of the coin. I like my stories a bit more sugarcoated :)

One more thing to say for this post . I forgot to add in the text :

Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion and empathy.”