Sadly, "Common Courtesy" is not common practice; especially online where millions of trolls get a perverse delight in broadcasting disrespectful, hurtful and hateful messages.
When affronted by such nonsense, I shake my head and feel sorry for these poor individuals living in a miserable reality; not knowing that it's their own self-hate that spurs them on to escalating defensiveness.
I avoid encouraging them; rarely responding or jumping into the fray.
Being the son of a very wise and kind man, I was fortunate to see first-hand how others react when approached with sincerity and respect.
And through osmosis, I learned to automatically do the same.
It's a win/win.
Both you and the people you meet instantly get off on the right foot and begin building a relationship - however short that relationship may be - on a solid foundation of ever-increasing trust.
Here's my favorite quote from Maya Angelou.
It's a beautiful and elegant anecdote that captures the essence of what I've so clumsily been trying to express.
Submitted for you to ponder in a quiet place.
May you and yours be well and love life today.
In lak'ech, JaiChai
(JaiChai 17 SEP 2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)