
in respectwomen •  5 years ago 

"I've said that the heart has fourths. I feel that every idol is kept within the limbs of the heart.
In the first chamber one mother, one penny of two, a third of a third, and a monk in her ...
She is shifted to the shelter when she becomes a mother. It is the land of orphan boys who have fled to the fingers of the fingers.It is not just a small girl loves to play with puppies more than tea cars!
If I have a birth we need to be born in the same tree. I want to have a sock full of mourning and sadness. "

Call her for a wife or a friend or a friend. Wait for her to end her life on the endless journey of her love and strength.

When she stops praying she is as pure as a priest. Receives the bodily tree of Revelation for the scholars. Loss of love for either the lady becomes a living soul "IMG_8362.JPG

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