It is somewhat of a challenge for me to speak about some issues because I need to 'invent' new words and phrases because what is taking place is not within the scope of most peoples radar.
A quote that I enjoy is by Herb Stein (the father of the monotone speaker Ben Stein)
“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”
― Herbert Stein, What I Think: Essays on Economics, Politics, & Life
The quote almost sounds funny, until you realize that our ecconomy is built on quick sand. I am a GOD Fearing man that Loves peace, and in no way am I advocating any sort of violence. But I am going to be brutally honest, on one side of the equasion there are a bunch of us that say 'hey man I dont think like you so lets just peacefully seperate' and on the other side there is a group of obnoxious roughens; and there is only one way (that I know of) to deal with a Kamikaze fighter (
What is going on is that our public servants went on a lunch break, meanwhile we were held accountable for information that was passed in a vote that our servants were not present at. 'So we are being taxed, but our ideas are not being listened to' Where have I heard about a similar problem?
JB is correct when he says that 'when people have nothing to loose...they loose it'. At this time the name of the game is just wait until enough people loose it. From here, if some more financial shenanigans are pulled that is like giving people drugs, and the drugs calm people down. Unfortunatly the more drugs that are administered the more pervasive that the kamikaze pilots become (actualy I dont think that right now they are increasing...its more like they are digging in)
I wanted to write JB a note, so I decided to make the note public and share the video that he made.
GOD Bless-Captain TJ