My Top 4 Shows that I am Looking Forward to Watching the Next Season

in resteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

These are my Top 4 Shows that I am Looking Forward to Returning. If you haven’t watched any of them you have plenty of time to binge watch them before the next season. All of these shows (except The OA this year) are expected to be released sometime in 2019.

 Game of Thrones


Nine noble families fight for control over the mythical lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for thousands of years.

 Stranger Things


When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief, and his friends, must confront terrifying forces in order to get him back.



Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite can be indulged without consequence.

 The OA


Having gone missing seven years ago, the previously blind Prairie returns home, now in her 20s with her sight restored. While many believe she is a miracle, others worry that she could be dangerous.

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Thanks! Done my friend! 🙂

Did you watch the 100 ?

Yes, I did! It is really good!! Do you know when the new season is coming out?

The 5th season is about to end man i dont know about 6th maybe next year or idk if there will be any no information gives so far although we can wait and see after 5th season ends

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh cool! I have been watching as they come out on Netflix so I’m behind I guess... Is it a good season?

I'm looking forward to watching the next season of Stranger Things, too. Season 2 was so awesome and I particularly loved the finale, which somehow was a happy ending for everybody.

I can't wait to see the new faces. Last season, it was pretty cool to be introduced to Bob, Billy, Max, and a softer side to Steve.

Me too!! I was worried about Season 2 not living up to the 1st season but it did not disappoint! Slightly sad they’re getting out of the traditional Halloween theme time frame in the show and having the new season taking place during the Summer... But between Game of Thrones & Stranger Things I’m not going to be leaving my house much during the Summer next year 😂

Me too. I was so worried that Season 2 would be disappointing since it's a show that my friend and I "connect" with. Talking about it makes me look forward to next season even more. I wonder how they guys are.

Do you look forward to anything in particular next season?

I’m interested in how the Summer setting is going to play out, the growth of the actors, & wtf is going to happen cause they really just left us hanging with that ending last season lol. They could really go anywhere or do anything with this season

I agree! Except for the new faces, I'm not looking forward to anything in particular in season 3. Based on its history, the show pretty much delivers really well. The summer setting would be nice to see, indeed. The show has that dark vibe going on... and adding summer to that seems, I don't know, "out-of-character."

Yep! Should be interesting!!

Loved them all except Stranger Things - have you seen Dark - a German TV show that's like Stranger Things but, well, darker.