Do you think your résumé is just a few sentences and a handful of bullet points? Think again Perfect resumes are carefully crafted, with each line helping to better understand who you are, what you do, and how you're ready to get a potential employer out of the water with your unique skills.
Well, we may have oversold a little. However, your resume is the hardest part of your job search and meat and potatoes to your cover letter. It's not something you slam up in 30 minutes - in fact, you probably want to devote at least a few items to each potential job on your list.
Does that sound scary? Don't worry, it's not that bad. And no, we will no longer use the term “amuse-bouche” in this article.
The perfect résumé: the essentials
Contact information
Career overview
Related skills
Work history
Training and certificates
- Contact information
This is very basic. If someone is interested in hiring you, they should be able to contact you first. For this reason, you should preferably include your contact details at the top of your resume: name, address, phone number, email address, full group and model. Even if you instantly submit a perfect resume through Monster or some other website that your account might automatically submit some basic information to, don't expect an HR representative or hiring manager to investigate. You're more likely to go with someone who hasn't forgotten to include their cell phone number at the top of their résumé.
- Career overview
Before diving into your professional history, it's a good idea to write a sentence or two that will serve as a personal statement for your resume. To help recruiters get a feel for who you are for a career, consider starting with a well-branded resume under your name and contact information. Then write a few sentences that summarize your career and highlight your career. Add your industry experience and references that differentiate you in your field.
- Related skills
The focus here is on the corresponding word. Do you remember what we said about adapting each resume to the job at hand? Most job vacancies mention some of the key skills an employer is looking for and your resume is the perfect place to see that you have those skills in spades.
Perfect résumés underline legally the skills that apply to the current job; Your resume shouldn't be a laundry list of your talents. So, when deciding which skills to mention, choose based on which skills best fit the role. While you may already have a lot of talent, the chances that an employer will need to know both your JavaScript skills and your award-winning skills are very small.
- Work history
Now let's get to the core of your rich, detailed résumé, like that of Ben and Jerry. This is the part where you one by one listing the jobs that make up your career. But instead of just listing your main tasks in the job (washed dishes, prepared stale dishes - oops, sorry), it is better to frame each position around a measurable performance.
But be careful not to write down your job duties and daily tasks - list your achievements and accomplishments. It's always good to have numbers, so identify every accomplishment you write on your resume whenever possible. Examples are increased sales, shorter delivery times and the number of people you supervise and / or train. Don't forget to include awards from the company or industry that you've won for your work.
- Training and certificates
Speaking of awards, feel free to give these their section along with any professional certifications you might have (if you've got a bit of both, we'll prioritize the latter). As with your skill breakdown, be careful and only write the items relevant to the job. Finally, do not forget to provide some information about your educational history under a separate heading, which leads to your highest educational qualification (including, if applicable, the qualification). Unless you're a current student, you can likely leave out your GPA - and even then, it's not an absolute necessity.
Your perfect resume needs exposure
Now that you've got all the items set, it's time to get the setting managers to pay attention. You will be competing with other people with excellent qualifications, so use every advantage to get attention by posting it in Linkedin. If you have any problem writing a good resume, you can get help at homeworkstand.