Commodore World (February/March 1997)

in retrocomputing •  2 months ago 

Cover of the February/March 1997 issue of Commodore World

Commodore World was one of the last print magazines available for Commodore 64/128 users in North America. It continued to be published several years after Commodore had gone bankrupt and production had ceased. The February/March 1997 issue includes:


  • GeoFile: A Dynamic Parter For GEOS Users - An overview of using geoFile, a GEOS based database system.

  • Commodore's Main Distributor - The first in a series of articles looking at CMD's products. CMD was the main producer of Commodore accessories and upgrades after the bankruptcy of Commodore.

Table of Contents from the February/March 1997 issue of Commodore World


  • Graphics Interpretation - Easily create additional GEOS boot disks.

  • DemoMania - A look at the best Commodore 64/128 demos of 1996.

  • Carrier Detect - A look at ASCII vs. PETASCII and how to share online and convert between the two formats.

  • Just For Starters - Using the DOS Wedge, Action Replay, Mach 5 and Mach 128, Final Cartridge 3, JiffyDOS and other disk drive enhancement options.

  • GeoProgrammist - Using dialogue boxes with desk accessories that you create.

  • BASIC Instincts - Some tips for BASIC programming including writing readable code, testing complex routines, and more.

  • Assembly Line - Using assembly language to control the geoCable. The geoCable is an inexpensive but "dumb" printer interface cable.

  • 816 Beat - A look at the SuperRAM expansion card for the SuperCPU. The SuperCPU was a CPU upgrade module that featured a 16-bit cpu (65816) upgrade for the Commodore 64. The SuperRAM expansion allowed you to add up to 16 MB of RAM using 72-pin SIMMs.


  • From the Editor - Commodore World suffers a large loss of subscribers but gains a few new advertisers and looks forward to some new releases ahead.

  • BackTalk - Letters from readers including topics such as Perfect Print LQ, using GEOS with JiffyDOS, and more.

  • On the Horizon - Upcoming Commodore related releases, including geoFAX 2.0, The Internet for Commodore Users (book), and more.

Back cover of the February/March 1997 issue of Commodore World

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