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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Love all the retro computing technology and beyond. Currently many brands are using retro technology in advertising and even music videos. I recently shot a video for an international clothing brand that asked me to use a VHS camera so I shot with this:


I have an 8mm video camera from the early 1990s and a newer (circa 2000) Digital8 camera. I still have a couple of 35mm film cameras. None of these are currently getting much use though. I just bought a 5.25" floppy drive to pull some data off of a bunch of old disks I have. I don't have any Atari computers anymore but I still have my Commodore 64 :)

Nice collection! I started out shooting 16MM film and road the wave up to 5K digital. All that stuff in between is very nostalgic for me now.

Is it just me or is this cover a little awkward. I mean what are they doing with their other hands?

Tinkering with the components?

Good 😊 information! I repost you blog ! Good luck!