Commodore User (May 1984)

in retrocomputing •  6 days ago 

Cover of the May 1984 issue of Commodore User

Commodore User is a magazine that was published in the U.K. and dedicated to Commodore computers. It had a print run of 77 issues over nearly a 7 year stretch. It mainly featured the Commodore 64 but also covered other Commodore computers such as the VIC-20, Plus/4 and Commodore 16 and later on the Amiga. The May 1984 issue includes:

  • A Basic Weekend - Review of a weekend getaway to learn BASIC on the Commodore 64 including a two night hotel stay.

  • DIY Extendiboard for the Vic - A do-it-yourself RAM expansion board for the VIC-20 with 3K onboard and sockets for more.

  • Vic-Graf - Review of a VIC-20 cartridge that allows you to create graphs for any user defined function.
  • A page for Forth - Part 2 of a detailed review of Vic-Forth, a Forth language implementation on the VIC-20 that comes in cartridge format.

  • Table of Contents from the May 1984 issue of Commodore User

  • Take-away 64 - the SX-64 reviewed - A review of the Commodore SX-64, a portable Commodore 64. With a built-in color screen, this machine was absolutely amazing for the time but it wasn't cheap.

  • Multiplan - the ultimate 64 spreadsheet? - Spreadsheet software was one of the early killer apps for personal computers. This is a review of one of the better ones available for the Commodore 64 in its early days.

  • 64 Screen scene - disk game special - Commodore 64 game reviews including Aztec Challenge, Forbidden Forest (an early survival horror game), Frantic Freddy, Laser Strike, Slinky, and Zeppelin Rescue.

  • Butterfield on 64 video - part 5 - The fifth part in an ongoing tutorial on the Commodore 64's video capabilities. Previous parts included technical details on the 6566 (VIC) chip and this part includes a demo.

Back cover of the May 1984 issue of Commodore User

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