Hardcore Computist, Issue Number 24

in retrocomputing •  7 years ago 

Source: http://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2014/02/07/hardcore-computist-issue-no-24/

Hardcore Computist was originally titled Hardcore Computing. It was briefly split into two separate publications: Core and Hardcore Computist. Core only lasted three issues and then was folded into a column as part of Hardcore Computist (which was eventually renamed to just Computist). Regardless of the title it was a magazine dedicated to the Apple II line of computers. It covered a variety of topics but one thing that made it unique was its focus on the removal of copy protection from software.

Issue number 24 (from 1985) includes the following:


  • Electronic Arts Software - As an update to the Electronic Arts softkey appearing in Hardcore Computist No. 13, this article shows how to deprotect three more EA releases (Seven Cities of Gold, Archon II: Adept, and Adventure Construction Set).
  • Grolier Software - Make backups of the Knowledge Explorer series of programs from Grolier Educational Software.
  • Xyphus - Fight evil in the form of altered markers and address headers on this Ultima-style adventure.
  • F-15 Strike Eagle - Blow away enemy pilots and shoot down an ambitious copy-protection scheme.
  • Injured Engine - Between inside views of an engine with this game, take a good look at how it was protected.


  • Essential Data Duplicator copy parms - The latest list of parameters for E.D.D. III, as provided to us by Utilico Microware. Check this list for all your favorite programs.


  • Direct Sector Access From DOS - Add two new useful commands for reading and writing sectors directly to and from the disk. It's almost like having a built-in sector editor!

...and more!

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