MacLife (January 2010)

in retrocomputing •  5 years ago 


It's hard for me to think of anything Apple as retro unless we are talking about the Apple II. Or at least Power PC or older Macs. But 10 years is a long time in computer years. The January 2010 issue of MacLife includes the following:


  • The Apple of Their Eyes - What will apple unveil as the next spectacular, gamechanging One More Thing? we asked five Apple experts to weigh in and dream big - and then brought their ideas to life.

  • Coach. Mentor. Assistant...iPhone - Your iPhone can help you become more organized, learn new skills, improve your health, and much more. we show you how the device can crack its virtual whip to help you become a better person.

  • Fresh Choice - Apple surprised us with new hardware releases. After rigorous testing, we tell you what the new specs and updated features mean - and render our final verdicts.


  • Online at - Get the disk on all the latest Mac rumors and news in articles, how-tos, and videos and podcasts on

  • Consider - A guy can dream, can't he?

  • Share - Go on, get it off your chest.

  • Start - Now that Apple has jumped the good ship Expo, will opportunistic CES be the go-to trade show for Mac-heads? And if so, will they need to don a tie?


  • Ask - Troubleshoot your Bluetooth connection, color your Mac, burn slideshows to DVD, assign multiple birthdays to one Address Book contact, and put your podcasts in their place.

  • Hide Your Facebook Shame - Keep your friends close and your acquaintances slightly less close by invoking Facebooks's privacy features, including the woefully underused Limited Profile.


  • Yubz Talk Mobile - phone handset
  • Motion 4 - 3D motion graphics app
  • infoWallet - information organizer
  • FlexTime - timer
  • WildCharger pad - wireless charger


  • Mix - boom box
  • Logic Studio - music suite
  • djay - digital DJ app


  • BioShock - first-person shooter
  • Foursquare and Gowalla - iPhone games
  • Guitar Hero World Tour - rhythm game

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