RUN was one of the longest running and most successful magazines for Commodore 64 computers. The June 1989 issue includes:
- Calorie Counter - Let your C-64 or 128 count the calories in your diet while you exercise to exorcise your excess cholesterol.
- Type Invaders - Who says games and "serious" programs are incompatible? If you play this C-64 game often enough, you may be typing 60 words per minute!
- The MS-DOS/C-64 Connection - Now owners of 1571- or 1581-equipped C-64s can read and write MS-DOS files.
- Quick Writer 128 - Here's an easy-to-use 80-column word processor for your C-128.
- RUNning Ruminations - How computer literate are you?
- Magic - The original column of hints and tips for performing Commodore computing wizardry
- News and New Products - Recent developments and releases in the world of Commodore computing.
- Mail RUN - Input from our readers.
- Software Gallery - Reviews of:
- Rampage
- 1581 Toolkit
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Pocket Author
- Zoom!
- Designasaurus
- Technocop
- Rack 'Em
- Predator
- Annals of Rome
- Telecomputing Workshop - File-transfer utilities made simple.
- geoWatch - It's about time for a date with AutoSet. For the C-64 and C-128.
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