Final Fantasy VII, released in 1997, is widely regarded as the best in this very long running Japanese RPG series. It was the first Final Fantasy game to be CD based, the first to use 3D graphics, and the first to make use of full motion video. The gameplay itself was not significantly different than previous entries in the series but why mess with a good thing. It’s pretty straightforward with three main views: world map mode (a view of the entire world), field mode (a more detailed view of your current area), and battle mode (turn-based combat).
I have only ever played the original on the PS1. While I still like more traditional turn based RPGs (like the old AD&D gold box series or Baldur's Gate), Final Fantasy VII does a great job creating an amazing world and incredible atmosphere. It's a game I enjoyed greatly and while I don't doubt the newest version has unbelievable graphics, there's really nothing wrong with the original game. Play it if you haven''ll enjoy it.
The ad at the top is from the January 1998 issue of PSM.
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