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Isn't the maze in Dungeon! randomly generated? I'm pretty sure it is in a board game or at least in a very similar one.

Not from what I recall. You can choose different paths but the overall layout is the same.

That Minotaur game looks super advanced for the time.
BTW- I love seeing the magazines, ads and screenshots of those days. Amazing how far we've come.
The Dungeon game?...ugh lol
: )

Cool! I remember playing similar stuff on a Commodore 64.

Dashing Post @maanabdullah (Website Designer , Marketer, Digital Currencies Guru)


Allow me to upvote your animated reply, @darth-azrael

I can't take credit for making it. That would be @meesterboom but he did say anyone could use it. Here's the original post:

I try not flag anything but the most blatant spam but I though this was too funny not to use from time to time :)