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Wow. That’s a total clone of Joust!!
Love my retro games.
My older brother had the C 64. Bar tap and hours and hours of Ultima. : )
It had the map that you unfolded and horrible graphics. Awesome time though.

The Ultima series is one of those I always wanted but never got around to playing. One of these days...

Soooooo tine consuming. Lol.
I’m not a gaming expert. But that series seemed to sort of set the bar for RPGs.
I actually enjoy the earlier console games more than the early PC games.
Yars Revenge was fun too. An overlooked old fighter. : )

Though I had an Atari 2600, the Commodore 64 is what I spent most of my gaming time on. I played some of the D&D gold box games. Pool of Radiance was one of my favorites. But I loved the arcade type games on the C64 too. Spelunker, Raid On Bungeling Bay, Space Taxi, Beach Head, Ghostbusters, Yie ar Kung-Fu, Summer and Winter Games, and so many more...

Omg. I’m such an odiot. Lol.
I meant Yie ar Kung Fu. Not Yars Revenge. Ugh.
I loved that game. Lots of heated tournaments we had with that.
The bird vs magic game was way ahead of its time too.
I may dig into the garage for the C64 now. Lol. : )

Goood oldie days