Rush and Spider

in review •  7 years ago 


Two of the greatest fighters of all time, I wish these two met in their prime. Who do you have winning this grandiose or in their prime?

If Anderson can get by Kelvin Gastellum and garner a few solid wins, we may actually finally get this fight many fans have wanted, and wondered why it never happened!

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Well... This it will be a legendary fight if it will happen and i hope it will :)

13 votes on this comment?

I commented from the app esteam and sometimes i get more when i do that, but just sometimes :), do you use it @brandonk

Very possible, they are both in the same weight class and still active. Now i think GSP would win, in their prime maybe Anderson

Wow nice

I think Silva wins in their prime and GSP wins now.

Agreed, although Silva is still a threat.