in review •  6 years ago  (edited)

Tonight, I introduced the Mother Thing* to the 'Weird Al' Yankovic film UHF. It was not well received by critics on release, and was overshadowed by mega-blockbusters in theaters as well, resulting in earnings of only about $6 million after a $5 million budget. Some of the acting is sub-par. The effects are cheesy. The parodies are absurd. The plot is formulaic. Everything in this 1989 film looks incredibly dated.

In short, this film is awesome and you should watch it.

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Is it bad that I feel a deep connection to the attitude of Conan the Librarian?

*This nickname is explained here...

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HAHA...classic move! Have not seen it in a while!
But hey don't forget to drink from the fire hose!

There is some genuinely funny, well written stuff in that movie. UHF and Galaxy Quest both deserve way more credit than they get.

How would you rank it with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure though?

I'd say it's better than Bill and Ted in creativity. Bill and Ted SEEMS creative, but time travel is a well worn premise.

True, but neither UHF nor Galaxy Quest stray from the classic Hero's Journey story. It's the execution of the traditional story elements that matters.

Oh, and they gave Satan a wedgie in the sequel, so there's that.

...Those are all valid points.

No worse than me identifying with Chef Bernie and Bowling for Burgers.