WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Killer Frost’s *SPOILER* -The Flash 4x22 Review!

in review •  7 years ago 

Hey guys what is up, It's me Joseph here and this is going to be my review for the Think Fast episode for The flash season 4 episode 22 and boy I'm pretty damn excited.


Obviously if you have not watched the episode don't continue on with this review spoilers but why would you click on a review if you don't watch the episode, so let's just move on from there but if you're going to enjoy this review would be awesome if you could drop an upvote on it to show support especially saying it's a second last episode for this season The Flash Finale next week hype levels are pretty high and yeah so leave all your piñas in the comment section down below as well, what's your favorite part the episode, what do you like too much, just leave all of your thoughts down there in the comments and of course if you are new to my blog make sure to follow.

So last week was that like typical filler episode that we always get in towards the end of the flash so you do in the second last episode or the third last episode is one of the two it's that typical filler episode but it sort of gave us one thing that they use in this finale and that is the whole thing about amulet shards, you can use them to destroy device satellites so yeah I guess it had some killer frost stuff in there but in regards to the season it was really minimal and reduced with relevance so we really don't to talk about it that much but we open this episode with Diggle showing up when you dig a wiz in this episode but we didn't really know like how he was gonna work into the episode apart for maybe some August stuff but it's pretty cool we see DeVoe impersonating Diggle.

You get told straight away it was developers named Ziggler that wasn't really vague or subtle or anything like he could straight up tell that was devote just like the way he was talking in the certain terms he was using, but, man that scene that followed that hallway scene favorites and the season. So you guys might have more favorite scene maybe like bury one in the inter flash time episode you know going to the Speed Force coming out that thing but for me was so awesome it just displayed how overpowered DeVoe is although these powers in basically on display I think pretty much yeah for the most part I think most of them if not all of them are on display which was really cool to see, what is it with the CW and having those awesome, well at least the CW DC shows having those awesome hallway fight sequences arrows had a handful I guess flash had one season to another one where zooms chasing Harry through STAR Labs that's another cool one I'm sure legend does have one as well Karen Bret and you have to top my head but yeah the CW DC shows really love a cool hallway sequence and it's definitely added to it wonder if it's up there is the best let me know in the comments now some people were asking me when like the Argus sodas so like rows and we're fighting each other what power that was of des Vosges my understanding is they were all dead or most of them were dead and what devourer we'll see how obviously has the about the the Bowers the powers from black bison and black Bisons powers are to control and animate objects and technically a dead body is inanimate because it's not alive so I'm guessing that's how they came back to life and we're almost acting like zombies that's my understanding of it

If anyone else wants to explain what other ability and might have been from one of the bus metahumans let me know in the comments what I'm pretty sure is blacks Bisons ability to control the inanimate things that led to those soldiers coming back to life that's my understanding though now we had the psychiatrist come back in and the psychiatrist is just one of those things - like quickly explain something in a short amount of time that just doesn't seem it random popping up between save like Caitlyn spoke to Cisco or Caitlyn spoke to Iris or Barry or something like that the psychiatrist is just like a means so like quickly go over something so I understand why they brought her into the episode Leia as well that was after we saw some stuff towards the end if that would was that what that was it I would have been annoyed because I mean it would have been like that was really lazy right I'm just having that quickly in there but I think for stuff that happened later in the episode it makes sense but we'll get to that stuff later on because it's one of the bigger reveals that we'll talk about later

Now obviously we do see the real Diggle showing up and it's basically just to confirm some stuff and just sort some things out and of course I did ask in the trailer breakdown or was my promet images video one of the two we were asking whether Diggle was going to throw up and there seemed to be it was about a 50/50 split to be completely honest - it was netting there was it was neck-and-neck we had the non throwing up people hacking the throwing up people daxing them sending them fake emails and stuff in the mail it was insane it was a civil war there's diesel throwing up Civil War I can't believe how like fiery and intense that God but Diggle throwing up team you won Diggle threw up in the bin he won so let's just sell that let's just all be nice and calm now the war is over it's all been solved now we saw develops to go into Argus and he goes to fallout or Neil Borman because that's where he was and he sends him into critical and essentially team flash has around 12 hours it wasn't even 12 hours exactly but around 12 hours to sort all that sort all of that out before devourer launches his satellites and commences the Enlightenment so yeah literally the clock was ticking .

Now one thing I liked was actually confirmed in this episode because I don't think they confirmed in an episode previously like Jo confessing he knows that Wally is on the Waverider he's traveling around time I was like well thank God you confirm that because people have been waiting multiple episodes for you at least to just acknowledge that Wally is on the Waverider oil is in knowledge that while he actually told his family that he was going on the Waverider on so it's a good good that I actually finally confirmed that, now Cecile was becoming like surfer dude like tubular and Toby's in pineapple whatever she was talking about like chucking those turns and stuff like that I was like what the hell is going on here but then the pizza dude showed up and I thought okay maybe she was trying to read Joe's mind and accidentally read that dude's mind so that's what happened but obviously as they find out her like powers are intensifying I'm pretty sure the term they used was always it like inhabiting she was up and she wasn't instead of like up her powers were growing but instead of like just reading mind she ended up inhabiting people's minds instead so you know the pizza delivery dude and all the terms he was using then also Joe throughout the episode and also Caitlin as well so I think that's just that's set up for the finale and a lot of people have a complain that Cecile is like a a plot device for the most part almost I guess sometimes similar to what iris is used as I think literally she is like the full definition of a plot device she shows up a plot device she shows up does things just to further the plot and make things happen and in the pride in see the promo for next week quickly and one of the shots I saw was supposed to seal with the Cerebral inhibitor on her so I'm guessing they're just going to use that and trying to inhabit Devoe's mine and get what he's thinking and possibly awaits who stopped the Enlightenment and stuff like that so plot device but it was fun I guess.

Now the stuff that we knew was going to be happening in this episode as we saw from the trailer was Caitlin and Cisco entering flash time with Barry you know surrounding them and lightning and they can use their abilities obviously there was some fails in the in the whole testing process but for the most part it works towards the end and you know you it was a it was another piece in the story of Caitlin throughout this episode where we saw a flashback of her getting hit by a car but once again who would call we'll talk about that towards the end of the video now one of the other big moments in this episode one of the other big plot lines we want to call it for this episode tool into the finale was Harry wanting to recruit Marley's and basically Harry and irises interactions and iris being like firmly against that and just you know because she just thinks that Molly is essentially psycho one of the things that sort of made me go hmm that's not right was when iris said Molly's stemmed mean I was like didn't you stab yourself I'm pretty sure you snapped hiss yourself so then you could like punch Molly's because she was too far away so you stabbed yourself to punch her I'm pretty sure that's what happened at least but I think obviously that's not irises fault that's just the writing fault my Stalin fans I'm sorry I'll bow down to you just don't attack me just leave me alone for a bit.

Now one of the bit of conflict apart in this episode was definitely between Barry and Cisco we go into that in the trailer this complicated like it literally a two-second segment or something but that conversation was really good once again it's showing I understand on Barry so he's doing it because obviously the whole grave situation they've basically fully explained in the episode like Barry doesn't want to risk any more of his friends lives after what happened with Ralph he basically wants to do it solo but on Cisco was writing that situation like what's the point point of being called team flash when the flash is the only thing that any person that does anything you know I don't mean you got Cisco and Caitlin that Cisco can stop Barry if you want Cisco is technically more powerful they're bearing because Cisco can negate Barry's powers so keeping him out of it I can understand Caitlin because of what's going on with her but just not involving them a barrier being a bit almost ignorant to what's going on and the fact that everyone should be trying to help because what's gonna happen is a massive risk with the Enlightenment

I just see Barry wasn't thinking that you know everything through that much but I still like that conflict at least it was resolved in a pretty good way throughout this episode no I did see some people getting sort of annoyed that iris went to get Marley's I guess it Amala iris and Harry but you know mainly iris because I was was set up in that same with the breach thing whatever it's called that Supergirl also has.

People ask me wasn't barrier he could just run around because Barry had to train the team you know I mean even if he if he went and it took him like a minute to get Marley's convinced Sarah come back or something like that you know it's still time of training that between him and between Cisco Caitlin and himself and iris literally does nothing so like just giving her safe iris do this please just do something that's good you know I don't mind that it actually gives us I'm going to do and had and I think it's they want to try and cake Molly's and iris as the people sharing scenes because of their conflict this season and obviously they're resolving that in the finale so I think that was the right way to go

The assault on Argos is I'm calling it was pretty good even though is it an assault and argue so like a rescue on August I just felt like I sang assault on August for this like assault on Arkham the assault on August was pretty cool getting the second as the August soldiers and stuff using flash time I thought was pretty cool and quick sequence but pretty cool all the same but still cool at the same time

Now we thought that Barry had completely fair when two very launches their satellites but of course he has those little segment things from last episode with from I mean it but I mean a black - a so at least something from the hosta episode was still relevant he throws one actually destroys one the satellite so I'm wondering I did see some people so saying like oh why are you destroy one satellite you got to realize this because looks like a relay thing all needed to be there for it to work for this whole alignment thing to completely work so yeah all of them had to be there but obviously things didn't go to plan with that but we'll talk about that towards the end but following his Devon Berry's talk I thought was great I've really liked too far this season especially when he's come out of his shell and just being a bit more ruthless .

I've really enjoyed Devon when he's like that and that conversation between himself and berry was grabbed because once again I've talked about this in previous videos DeVoe like the best villains I got a villain should always be the hero of their own story but sometimes villains are portrayed that way villains are just sometimes like sometimes like moustached must mustache of must a mustache twelvers and just typical like cliche villains like that and not very well written but DeVoe is a person who thinks what he is doing is the right thing to do he thinks he is literally the hero of his own story and what he is doing he's like benefiting mankind and everything like that like a racing poverty you know making people curious again by getting phones are there ending nuclear warfare all of that but you know he's ruining the the closer things like human interaction and stuff like that and he doesn't realize that but Barry does and Barry I said together get that across devices not for it completely isn't he just doesn't care and I said this I think I said this like maybe three episodes ago but like DeVoe has a lot of knowledge he's a very knowledgeable person but he's not a very wise person while Barry is very knowledgeable and wise he has both know he has both knowledge and wisdom and obviously devote lacks the wisdom and I think it's actually what's gonna end up taking him down is him not being that wise but one of the biggest reveals in this episode and I think one of the big biggest reveals of the season is the whole thing around Caitlin and when we get vibed to that car crashes and in which we got a hint out of earlier in the flash time training and we're like okay what's gonna happen here I thought we're gonna see Caitlin's father maybe and it was gonna be a setup for maybe him showing up next season which it could still be it could still be that but what we see is that it's young Kaylin and as young killer frost it's like killer frost.

If you wanna call it Oh children frost now killer frost is better what was I thinking with that second one kiddo is much better so yeah young killer frost it's always been within her this is obviously much earlier than the particle accelerator incident that's not what gave her powers so my guess is we're not gonna probably see that next episode they might leave that till season five but that's a massive revelation too you know because we want to look at the particle accelerator gave it to her and just one of the things that you know it bited it's time for it to you know pop out you go hello I'm killer frost and all that but it's been within her the whole time.

So I'm really interested to see if her father is someone like icicle or icicle senior from the comics or something like that that'd be pretty cool they end to wove that because they do bring up her father's death and stuff like that so massive reveal excited to see where that goes and it really wasn't expecting it to be completely honest obviously we do see Molly's recruited which is gonna let into the finale we all knew that was happening as we all know Molly's is going to be helping team flash take down the bear we knew that like a couple of weeks ago so that wasn't too big of a surprise.

I didn't really care too much for that interaction because I knew what the outcome was so yeah but I received the big cliffhanger moment which is what we talked about in the trailer breakdown and probably the primary images and some other stuff we did leading up to this episode that is Devon chat the alignment it was actually pretty awesome because I wasn't really expecting it but it was awesome saying to vote get into STAR Labs using the time bolt using Gideon obviously had the dark man which had previous sales wondering what they were going to do with that and you know uses all of that and Lord uses the STAR Labs satellite insane I thought that was really cool and now that the Enlightenment is launched and I cannot wait to see the fallout from it maybe pun intended there because they use fallout to powered but yeah saying the fallout from all of that next week in the finale I've enjoyed you know the back half of this thing I know a lot of people haven't enjoyed season four people complain about it all the time for the most part I've enjoyed.

I'm joining in much more than the season three because honestly I just got over season very really quickly the low it was really dry but you know if you said you didn't enjoy this episode you haven't enjoyed the lead-up to this finale maybe apart from last episode I can understand that now I just don't think you I think you really like to show to be him honest because I think it's been brilliant the past couple of weeks I can understand people kind of opinions but I just sending this off room to complain about what they're going for in this seas I think it's great that Karl went to see the fallout and they complete and and all the wrapping up of it in the finale.

I'm really excited I don't be say oh how about trial I break data for that you know for the next like 12 mm I don't know next X amount of hours from now whenever you're reading this review so I look out for that but thanks for reading guys hopefully we'll enjoy the video if you did it'd be awesome if you could drop a lock on it to show support let me know the comments section down below your various opinions on this episode would you like what didn't you like too much just leave all that downstairs in the comments and of course if you are new to the blog make sure to follow I'll catch you later guys goodbye.

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I love the flash. I haven't caught up to this episode, but I will read this when I get there. Just thought I would upvote and leave a comment while I saw this.