Alita: Battle Angel | Review

in review •  6 years ago 

The action takes place in 2563, in a post-apocalyptic world, after a great war called The Fall, in which there is the bottom city - for ordinary people, and the top city - Zalem for the richest.


How is Zalem? We will not find out. At least not in this movie, where we spend two hours with Alita (Rosa Salazar) and her friend Hugo (Keean Johnson), learn how to play motorball, which seems to be a kind of sport, and we are witnessing a lot of confrontations between Alita and other cyborgs who want to eliminate it.

Based on a Japanese manga made by Yukito Kishiro, Alita: Battle Angel has been in James Cameron's vision for about 20 years. He also wrote the script along with Laeta Kalogridis, but being busy with other Avatar projects, he entrusted the movie to Robert Rodriguez.

The resulting film is not bad at all, has some exciting action scenes, has some amazing visual effects, but has absolutely nothing to highlight from the multitude of action movies of that kind that is launched at least monthly.

The story was the only thing that could have detached it from the other movies. But the script seems to be written by a formula, it's devoid of originality, almost all scenes of action are too predictable, the characters are robots,even those who should have been humans.

There are quite a few negative characters, but for a moment you do not have the feeling that Alita is in danger.

There is no excitement in Rodriguez's movie, just as there is no real threat, but just a few obstacles. What do you think?


Movie URL:
Critic: AAA

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Yes this film was ok ... I also not say it is the best ... but it is very good ... I think this film have soon also part two... some how I feel it.

Let's wait and see!

Yes ... it was end so fast ... I was start ask in my mind ...what is up there I want see this :))

Is this available at netflix?

It should be!