Review Music : Meaning and Meaning of Dust in The Wind - Kansas / Scorpion

in review •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dust in the wind ... all we are is dust in the wind ...

Good morning all the great friends ...
This morning let's start with gratitude, it can start from the simple thing ... to be grateful for the breath that can still be exhaled from us .... The sign that we are still given the opportunity to live, clean up, and make ourselves better from time to time ...

Okay ... after yesterday was missed for posting posts ... today Alhamdulillaah given the opportunity to re-write ...

Back to the song, after some time to peel the song Nicky Astria tea (Carry On-red), this time we baheb ngebahas the meaning of his song Kansas ... widiiih ... hehe ...
the title is Dust in The Wind ...

I really salute with the inspired lyrics make Dust in The Wind this song ..
The meaning of the Song sung by Kansas or Scorpion is so deep ... Here I quote the lyrics ....

I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes with curiosity

Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind

Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

(Aa aa aa)
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho

Now do not hang on
Nothin 'last forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money will not another minute buy

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind

Yes ... we are just dust granules in the wind ..which is flown at any time.
When our eyes are closed for a moment, it may be all the good memories, all our beautiful dreams are gone we do not see again, even before our eyes open again. How did it happen? Yes of course it can, is not that death coming unexpectedly? Did not death come so quickly? Is not youth not that we are safe from the name of death? Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

Daan ... when the death has come, does not it seem as if nothing else all the beauty we enjoy in this world? Does that mean that we have finished all the beautiful dreams we have created so excitedly beforehand? Because our task in this world is over and we must re-unite with Him. Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

If likened to the ocean, are not we nothing more than a drop of water dripping from our fingertips. That when we do a lot of things in this world, then eventually everything will remain the same. All of the land will come back to the ground, all coming from Him and will return to Him. Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

We are like dust, as if nothing. As if it is meaningless because if we fill our whole life with goodness, it is nothing compared to His infinite power. Being "as if" is meaningless because we actually have a chance to be meaningful. However, it can be completely meaningless when we do not fill our time in this world as well as possible. Every second, every minute time passes ... and everything will be our responsibility later. For every minute wasted time, even our money will not be able to buy it to return. Everything has passed, everything has been recorded in His record ... Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

We are like dust, among the many gifts. We are weak human beings without Him. How can we move our fingers without His help? How can we worship without His help? How can we walk if without His ease? How can we breathe without His mercy? How can we blink without His permission? Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

Is not it true that His glorious words, "Then the favors of your Lord which again do you deny?". Is it not with all this we should be aware, that there is nothing in us that we can not be grateful for? Let us all pray for each other ... that we all always awake to be grateful, for every gift that is given to us. Dust in the Wind ... all we are is Dust in the Wind ...

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