Review of the new film "Hotel Mumbai" (2018)

in review •  6 years ago  (edited)

Welcome, dear readers!

The world premiere of the film "hotel Mumbai: Confrontation" took place on September 7, 2018.


In Russia, it became available for viewing on may 9, 2019.

I probably wouldn't watch the movie "Hotel Mumbai" if I knew how hard it is emotionally, when every second throughout the film nerves are strained to the limit.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't help crying. I want to say: "People, stop! Is this your mothers gave you life so that you then blatantly, cruelly, unscrupulously took away the lives of others, while hiding behind the name of God? One, no matter how we call it..."

But does it were people? A beast blinded by hatred for anyone who thinks differently than they do. And in the end, they didn't care who they killed, who was in front of them — Christians, Catholics, Buddhists ... and even Muslims, their co-religionists, they did not want to pardon.

— Brother, there's a woman here, she's Muslim...

— You're told to kill everyone, even Muslims. Allah will forgive you...

— Brother, she prays, she prays!

— Do it!

The creators of the film "Hotel Mumbai", the plot of which went to the actual events that occurred in the Indian city of Mumbai in late November 2008 year, has been almost completely re-create all the atmosphere of terror from occurring and show the heroism of the hotel staff, due to which many of the hostages were rescued at the time, as the authorities helplessly circling around and around the hotel.


In a word, as in that saying, "the rescue of drowning — the handiwork of drowning."

The film art, but in him and his story and picture were elaborately woven and pieces from a documentary.

The play of actors who starred in the lead roles, also at the highest level. Most of all I liked and remembered the characters of Armi HYMER (David), Jason Isaacs (Basil), Nazanin Boniadi (Zara), Dev Patel (Arjun).


A great film filled with drama and at the same time giving hope that people will eventually understand how high the price of human life is, how fragile it is. They will also understand that there is no difference between people with different skin color, speaking different languages or professing different religions. There are just good people who are more than anything else in the world, and there are — inhumans...

If you take everything too close to your heart, pass other people's troubles and sufferings through it, I will repeat — it is better to refrain from watching the film — it is very heavy emotionally.

Thank you for your attention, see you soon!

With respect to you, @mrfantastis!

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