Reviewing Latest Trades on Market Off Day $DPW $MGTI

in reviewingtrades •  7 years ago 

February 7, 2018: $DPW was up 12% on the day on news of maintaining Revenue Guidance for 2018. I dip bought in the afternoon at 1.70, 1.65 as support, and HOD was 2.02. Was looking to sell near the 2s to make 0.15-0.30/share but as the closing bell approached the stock was going nowhere and began to fade into the close. I hesitated to get out initially for breakeven/small loss and stock continued fading and I cut at 1.62. Had the stock closed stronger, I would have considered holding over night on the decent catalyst.

February 14, 2018: $MGTI was holding support around 2.30, and a recent runner to low 3's. Cyrpto markets holding steady and $MGTI is positioned for potential spike as markets heats back up. Market is heating back up, $MGTI up 10% on the day... look for a pull back in the mid 2.40s with goal to make 0.15-0.30/share on the bounce. Missed the execution in the morning, stock held gains and locked in $95 gain in the afternoon spike.

Had I been more patient on $MGTI I would've got a little better entry on Wednesday prior to my overnight hold. I also need to be quicker on anticipating spike at the open to exit my trades to take a profit or cut a loss within the first half hour or hour of trading.

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