in revised •  8 days ago 

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Akhenaten's cult of Aten was around 850 BCE not 1350 BCE. Emmanuel Velikovsky in his book Ages in Chaos has proposed that 5 centuries were added to the historical timeline, however he has failed to apply it to biblical chronology. Sigmund Freud made a connection to Akhenaten but he thought that it was Akhenaten's High Priest who was Moses not the king himself, nor did he address the chronological confusion. The Trojan wars for example were around 750 BCE not 1250 BCE etc. Soon to be released book by my friend Y.K. is focused on the revised timeline.

I have spoke with my friend comparing our research and we are in agreement that Akhenaten was around 850 BCE. This matches with archeological & historical records that indicate a rapid change taking place in Levant during that time. Abraham I equate with 12th dynasty king Amenemhat I. Thus 18th dynasty vizir Yuya is biblical Joseph, his daughter became Queen Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III aka biblical king Solomon, father of heretic king Akhenaten and great grandson of king Thutmose III aka biblical king David 《 DVD 《 TUT (Thoth god of wisdom).

Then from 614 to 911 years were added to CE timeline, with some other stuff, which is another story for another day. Wikipedia: "The phantom time conspiracy theory is a pseudohistorical conspiracy theory first asserted by Heribert Illig in 1991. It hypothesizes a conspiracy by Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, & possibly Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII, to fabricate the Anno Domini dating system retroactively, in order to place them at year AD 1000, & to legitimize Otto's claim to the Holy Roman Empire."

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