Espero les guste.
Hello 👋🏻 to all the people that make up this wonderful platform, today I want to show you how to make a portrait frame in a simple way only using recycled materials.
I hope you like it.
Revista reciclada
Recycled magazine
Comencé enrollando algunas hojas de la revista para obtener varios tubitos.
I started by rolling up some sheets of the magazine to get several tubes.
Sobre el pedazo de cartón marqué un cuadrado y lo recorte, quedándome la base de mi porta retrato, luego recorte un cuadrado más grande y lo pegue en la parte de atrás.
On the piece of cardboard I marked a square and cut it out, keeping the base of my portrait frame, then cut out a larger square and glued it to the back.
Corte los tubitos y procedĂ a pegar sobre el porta retrato intercalando de manera horizontal y vertical.
Cut the tubes and proceeded to glue on the portrait frame, inserting them horizontally and vertically.
Para finalizar pegue cuatro tubitos y lo pegue en la parte de atrás como el soporte del porta retrato.
Finally glue four tubes and stick it on the back as the support of the portrait holder.
MĂren que lindo quedĂł.
Look how nice it was.