Revolut Card Arrives: fast and on time but little walkthrough of what next, do I load it, does it just work with the balance? Also let’s talk about their cryptocurrency support and buy only with no fees.

in revolut •  7 years ago 

Well had a nice triple threat today, last episode of the season for mr robot season three, the new eminem album (also good for a street level what they see as going on in the world) and my revolut card arrived finally, not three days but we had mega snow in between so I can forgive the extra few days not a problem, great service, great packaging, nice looking card.

While the packaging and the card are visually impressive I have to admit feeling a little high and dry in the ‘what next’ department because most crypto cards expect me to either load the card or go through another step, am I to expect that the card will just work in the right currency that I use, for instance if I load the card with cash in gbp will it work in the tills here or if I have a euro balance will it take automatically from that.

Kinda left me a little like, gonna have to try it. Some clarification or walk through on the app would be nice, guess I have to experiment and find out, either way if I have a euro or dollar balance I guess I can do the exchange right here before using on the contactless till before I go ahead of it if I’m nervous about it.

currently does not work with apple pay wallet.

One of the reasons I got this card was I was hoping I could pay using the iPhone 6 and the contactless wallet but I presume not which is a real pain in the backside, either I’m doing something wrong or the last three card providers just have not got on the apple train yet and it’s left them all at the station for what will ultimately be the apple swallowing up the financial instant payment side of your digital life with Apple Pay and Apple Pay cash.

let’s quickly get into crypto currency on this card

So the promise of buying crypto with this card was met with a yay from me because I needed a super simple way to suggest to people how to buy crypto this card makes that super simple for a beginner, just change whatever amount from whatever you have into crypto — now here is where things get interesting.

You get no charges for buying bitcoin, ether or litecoin and no fees, yep you heard me no fees, your actually buying from their pool of funds by the looks of it so basically you are getting some crypto and it will go up and down like normally and you can change it back into other currencies when you wish.

the downside is that you don’t get a wallet and you can’t play with it or move it to another wallet, will that happen in the future? Hard to say, personally if you just want to own bitcoin to say you have some then it’s great but I know in a few months you’ll want to play with digital wallets.

besides all that, I still like them (for now)

It’s good to have a backup card, I can do a number of things that I really like about this card that work very well.

  • support is fire, hooked me right up via dm on twitter
  • card was delivery on time, three days for a replacement (fire)
  • you can buy crypto right there, no fees, flip em a few days later
  • crypto buys are instant with no fees from their own crypto pools
  • send our from the account to a bank account with no fees (sent to card)
  • split bills, not done yet but like the idea of
  • real time exchange rates from GBP etc, great if heading to the EU/US
  • the UI (interface) is clean and easy to use.
  • analytics on your bills

they have changed terms of service already

I understand this is a fast moving industry and I can imagine legal, loopholes, premium subscriptions etc have forced people to take up a subscription regardless of the cost so they can get a card, seems they are protection themselves to make sure they have income coming in to cover card production, insurances to cover funds etc, it’s probably a brave jump to build a card like this so quickly so I can see that a lot of ground is yet to go with bank and crypto — this is not going to be my go to card, but more like my middleman card in case of emergencies to move things around — I still suggest to buy your crypto using shapeshift or direct on an exchange.

That’s it for now!
Much love,

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Can you load cash onto it in UK mate ?

yep. i just did it with my other cards the other day, in fact i put on a £10, took the free premium account for a month, then bought litecoin over night and sold in the morning when it made me £2 -- then i moved that £12 back into my engagecard within a few hours, i put in the beneficiary details for sort code and account number for my account and it back and done with no problem. it's great.

you add in sources of funds, so i have my paypal and engagecard on it at the moment but it could be your bank etc.

Ok I meant actual cash...the reason I eventually went with my beloved multi currency Monese is I can walk into a post office or paypoint, had over the card and real pound notes and pay in. When I researched, it was about the only online bank thingy I could do that with !
Im back in UK next week and will also be signing up with Revolut, do you get a referral fee?if so , post and Ill use it for you :-)

yeah can't do that with this - can't seem to find a referral code now i'm a premium user. i'll try and find out from them and edit this comment if i get it.

Your referral code is under "More" and then "Invite" :)

i don't have an 'invite' now that i'm premium that's gone. that's why i asked them on twitter if it's worth me still having my code now i'm in, like what would be the usefulness of it kinda thing. . ;)

Oh, look at me know-it-all, LOL
That would be totally counter intuitive (but sadly not surprising) if they took away your chance to earn a referral bonus now that you actually invested money in them...

just a design flaw and no doubt rushed coding exercise to increase signups either way useful card for right now ;)

they are a uk company btw, i got the card within 5 days, they say 3 but you know snow life.

Looks good sir! I'm a crypto stacker, much like a gold stacker. I do have my goldmoney card that i've used before.

stack them chips sir. yeah lots of interesting app/cards coming on the market place now. this one revolut, really helped me a lot recently.

Greetings brother, exfelente post. I invite you to go through my channel :).

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

- Albert Einstein

I’m still looking forward for more cards like the Uquid card. Especially outside of the EU economic zone.

not sure about uquid tbh, i realise it has all that support etc, but i always go for an easy on the eye, easy of use UI rather than the bigger and the most. just a particular thing i have for certain apps. basically it's best to use what works for you right?

I think it also has to do with what’s your understanding/knowledge level.

For Jane and Joe Average it may be one of the best cards out there because otherwise they may end up having to go via BTC and the BTC (transfer) fees.

Not everyone may care about exchanges too, thus a multiple currency wallet (which is actually an internal exchange) can be an ideal solution for many. It’s like a blocktrades, pay a premium but less hassle.

(Apologies if you got a mess of vote notifications, small device and busy thumbs up/down + phat phingers).

best spellin ever 'phat phingers' that has to be a name of a tshirt company somewhere in the world surely! :) - yeah i hear what ya saying about knowledge level. i don't care for exchanges, especially when they get hacked all the time! - i think people often are happy to pay premium like you say for less hassle.

i also think sometimes people just get onboard to see they have been through the experience you know than have an actual interest in it. they don't want to appear too 'geek' to their non-geeky friends :)

Big disappointment and no-no for me that you can't send it out to a safe wallet. Thanks for testing and reviewing this for all of us!

not a problem. like i said, it helps me with some things, that's not to say they don't go down the wallet thing later, it's really for begineers (the crypto parts) -- but the other parts outweigh the useful ness for me in the short term. i'll be reviewing more cards, don't worry ;)

Revolut looks legit ,also before crypto they were professionals 😉

I'm waiting my Revolut Premium card now. I'm a bit worried about as is a pre paid (not even debit) and might have limited usage out of EU... Let's see.
The weirdest thing is missing the Card No on front, is it on the back of the card?

it works perfectly for me, the first time you use it you need to pay by inserting the card, after that you can use it contactless. no number appears on the card ;) i like it.