Revolution, part 6 (Education & Rites of Passage)

in revolution •  8 years ago  (edited)

You can not have a Revolution without Education. In reality, you can have a Revolution without education, but you do not want a Revolution without education. In the 60s the Revolution (that was halted by the Civil Rights Acts and the Assassination of Fred Hampton by the FBI, the FBI COINTELPRO ops against Martin Luther King and the Panthers with the goal of stopping the Black Messiah, etc) started in the Colleges, Highschools, and Jails (Con Colleges). I will let Fred Hampton explain, then I will go into greater detail.

"You can't form this with no education. Let me give you an example. Jomo Kenyatta formed the [Kenyan] Revolution with no education, and in the end Jomo told those motherfuckers "I'm your brother I'll help you lead the Revolution but now I'm gonna oppress you". Another example Papa Doc in Haiti hated everything white, you couldn't put this white piece of paper in front of Papa Doc's face. But he moved all the white people out then he took over to be the oppressor, because of no education. If the people had been educated they would have said, we don't hate the white people we hate the oppressor, whether he be white, black, brown or yellow. So we need an educational program to find out what it's going to be in the finale. Jomo Kenyatta is called not a Revolutionary but an Ex-Revolutionary, so is Papa Doc, they brought on successful Revolutions. That thing in the Mau Maus and Bantu Freedom Fighters, all that kind of action. What we are talking about is the end, you don't judge Castro now, no one in this room can judge if Castro is going to be a Revolutionary. We're talking about things with China, the People's Republic, and even at the stage they're in now talking about going further into a Communistic State. Without education the people will take this local foundation and start stealing money because they won't understand how it is the people's thing anyway. You might get people caught up because they are poor and they want something, and if they aren't educated they'll want more, and before you know it they'll be capitalists and before you know it we'll have black imperialists" 

-Fred Hampton 

In order to have a successful Revolution there must be a group of people involved that has knowledge of past Revolutions. Revolution is almost an Art, and you need Revolutionaries in order to have that Art preformed. There can be Revolution without knowledge of past Revolutions, but it will not likely end well if there are not common Revolutionary ideas being spread throughout the population. For example, the general Ancient Revolution based on Liberation that I have been talking about is different than, for example, the Communist Revolution suggested in the Communist Manifesto and carried out around the Globe, to the point that Bolivia today (in 2017) is Governed by a Socialist Coca (Cocaine Plant) Workers Party, and the Bolivians love it. But the Communist Revolution was a result of the Industrial Revolution and those towns where people lived where they worked and got paid fake money printed by the company they worked for, meant to be spent in their town. So the Communist Revolution is based on Liberty, but has a very specific application against certain kinds of corporate actions, or Feudalism. Someone in the Revolution needs to have some understanding of what the Revolution is about, and how it relates to other Revolutions that have happened. Basically: "The Politics of Revolution". Revolution is often made by a Confederation of either tightly affiliated or loosely affiliated groups, or a combination of both. Imagine Republicans and Democrats coming together to take down a brutal regime and create a new Democracy, that is a loose Confederation. They are different and have different ideas about rights and how things ought to work, but they have the same belief in Voting and Representatives, etc. Revolutions where the Revolutionaries lose or are loosing at the time of this being uttered, are usually called "Civil War"s.

An example of how your perspective can alter the ability of the Revolution can be seen in how kids are educated in Texas. When most people think of Texas they think of Cactus and Desert and Horses. People from other States in America as well as people fom other countries (such as India) believe that when they go to Texas they might have to ride a Horse at some point. So starting with that knowledge, understand that if you were not educated in Texas you missed certain educational points. First, before the official education even starts, Texans are primed. As a kid you are told things like "It's a Felony to pick Bluebonnets" (the State Flower) and "The Texas Flag is the only Flag that is supposed to fly higher than or equal to the US Flag", and other random little things like that, which are mostly not true at all. But while they aren't true, they do instill a sense of pride that isn't in other States. For example, the 1 Star on the Texas State flag means "We don't need 50 stars, we just need the 1" (that's True), and "Remember the Alamo". 

Then in 6th Grade you are taught about the Texas Revolution. Not some thing that happened in 1776, with men in powdered wigs. It happened in 1836, and is best remembered for a battle at a Church (The Alamo) or Davy Crocket and his raccoon skin hat or Bowie with the Bowie knife. And not against Britain across the Ocean, but against Mexico which is right across the river. And a lot of people in Mexico still want Texas back. 

The young Texas colonel - only 26 - was a lawyer, not a professional military man, but Travis knew enough history to understand that in a siege, the army on the outside usually prevails over the army on the inside. 
So he gathered his fellow defenders that Saturday afternoon and gave them a speech. 
"We must die," he began. "Our business is not to make a fruitless effort to save our lives, but to choose the manner of our death."
He saw three possibilities: Surrender and summary execution, trying to fight their way out only to be "butchered" by Mexican lancers or "remain in this fort…resist every assault, and to sell our lives as dearly as possible."
Then, with a flourish, Travis drew his sword and slowly marked a line in the dirt. "I now want every man who is determined to stay here and die with me to come across this line."

Austin Texas and Houston Texas are named after the Revolutionaries Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston, who formed the Government of Texas and created the Constitution of the Republic of Texas. The way Texas formed itself is a lesson in Revolution. Stephen F. Austin was given an offer by the Mexican Government to settle the Mexican territory known as Tejas. He was allowe to invite 300 families, and they were given a canon to protect themselves from Natives. So Stephen F. Austin invited 300 families, and then those families all invited their extended families, and they invited their extended families, etc, until eventually the Mexican Government decided that there were too many people, and they wanted the canon back. So the Texans flew this flag.

This is the first State flag of Texas.

And then the Alamo happened where everyone died. Davey Crocket and Jim Bowie were like Martyrs, "Remember the Alamo". Then the battle of San Jacinto, which was a 15 minute battle that pushed the Mexican army across the Rio Grande.

A Revolution  must include Education, either by starting in schools or somewhere like a Freemason Lodge, etc, or the Revolution must provide Education, via Educational Programs where people go through kind of a boot camp, or a program where kids go to after school, etc. A Revolution needs to be deeply rooted to Education. Just as an example look at ISIS (I don't like using ISIS as an example because of their brutality and influence of the US Military an violent Middle Eastern regimes, but it is an example), they have kids shooting people in the head with a smile and going to sleep happy that night. This is a brutal form of education that they have created, but they are creating a certain type of person that is going to be a certain kind of adult that they want. Almost like genetic engineering, but behavioral. When you go to a traditional school they are also implanting things into your mind. For example, the way the classroom is set up. In a traditional classroom, you are seated in an arrangement in which you are meant to know nothing and the teacher is meant to know everything, and you are supposed to just absorb whatever the teacher has to offer, and no one else is really meant to offer anything to the class in a way that is in any way near equivalent to the teacher. Then you are taught to respect random authority. A teacher who you have never met, is supposed to be the person which you listen to and they are supposed to be trusted. These are just subtle things that are implanted in your mind. Then there is the whole experience of graduating and senior year, etc, these are called Rites of Passage.

Various Tribes around the world are the best examples of Rites of Passage, as well as examples of Social Phenomenon such as the Kula Ring.

Rites of Passage in a Society shape the people in that Society. What makes you a man? What makes you a woman? Where does your belief that you have value come from? What is your purpose? What roles are acceptable or taboo for you to take as an adult? These all come from Rites of Passage. There have been Rites of Passage in every culture ever. A good example is a Bar Mitzvah in the Jewish Culture or a Quinceanera in the Mexican Culture, these are Rites of Passage. Other examples are turning 15 and getting a driver's permit, turning 16 and getting a Driver's License, turning 18 and buying Cigarettes or  21 and buying Alcohol.

An example of this in action, at its most simple level, is in the recruitment of children into the FARC forces. In Columbia in their Revolution they would go out and look for teenagers, teach them about the Revolution being launched from the Jungle, offer them a Gun and a Bandana, and they would join. The Gun and the Bandana are the Rites of Passage, as they may have previously seen people walking around with Guns and Bandanas and maybe looked up to them. So when they received their Gun and Bandana it is when they became an adult. This can also been seen in the Cartels in Mexico. The Cartels in Mexico see themselves as the Warrior Class of their Aztec ancestors, but in the modern World. So someone could even have their whole family killed by the Cartel only to join because the Cartel becomes like their family. These are all examples of Rites of Passage and how they operate on the human Psyche. Rites of Passage  are an important part of any society, because they are an important part of every person's life. In Ancient Greece and Egypt many of the different Fraternities and Sororities that worshipped various Gods included various Rites of Passage. Many of them had been passed down for thousands of years and had very specific purposes, as each God was like a different Art or a different Science or a different phenomenon of Nature, and the Rites of Passage were tightly knit to fit within the culture of that God. Freemason's still do this today, and are all about equality (no one can tell anyone else's class when they wear the suit), and voting for titles rather than being born with them, etc. Going to jail can even be a Rite of Passage and often is. In the 60s people had sit ins in their schools, demonstrations in the streets, and protests and riots that were announced Nationally, as well as concerts like Woodstock.

In Mexico they even sing songs called Corridos, which are basically like what a Bard would sing about a Knight or a King in Ancient Europe, but they are about Cartel members.

A Revolution must have a Culture, and Politics of its own and these must be taught to the people, and given to them. Another example is Holidays. The 4th of July in America is a day to celebrate Revolution. March 2nd in Texas is a day to celebrate Revolution. November 20th in Mexico is a day to celebrate Revolution. A Great Jubilee Day is March 26 and celebrates the end of the fighting in the American Revolution. Carolina Day is June 28th and Celebrates the first American Victory in the American Revolution. Founder's Day is October 11th and is meant to Thank God for America's Good Fortune in the American Revolution. Massacre Day was a Holiday celebrated in Boston to commemorate the Boston Massacre, it was celebrate before and during the War, but is no longer celebrated. Massacre Day is the kind of Holiday that can help spark a Revolution.

And just something to think about. Texas with all its Revolutionary spirit, doesn't have famous Cowboys coming out of the State, here is a list of famous people from Texas:

Willie Nelson

Janis Joplin

Mathew McConaughey


Jamie Foxx

Jennifer Love Hewitt


Lance Armstrong

Selena Gomez

Dennis Rodman

Woody Harrelson

Jennifer Garner

Patrick Swayze

Steve Martin

Owen Wilson

Dennis Quaid

Kris Krisofferson

Forest Whitaker

Farrah Fawcett

Dan Rather

Sully (the Pilot)

Sly Stone

Bobby Seale (Founder of the Black Panther Party)

Nolan Ryan

Bonnie and Clyde

George Foreman

Sandra Day O'Connor

Erykah Badu

Vanilla Ice

Geto Boys

Mike Jones

Michael Dell

Melinda Gates

Tom Landry

Ricky Ross

Ross Perot

Just think about that. Those are the people coming out of Texas, not guys with boots on.

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Willie Nelson<3 You just made me smile , I'm now following you :)
