Shortcut keys for chrome.

in rewardhub •  7 years ago  (edited)

Useful Shortcut Keys For Chrome Browser.

If you're an computer/laptop user, of course your, that's why your here on this site, on this blog right here.
So when you use your PC at home or at your work place, you must using the CHROME BROWSER which is heart of the internet browsing. The point is here I'm with some fast working method to work on your PC. "THE SHORTCUT KEY's" that you must try to integrate your work efficiency and fun while using PC.

I personally recommend to use shortcut key rather than just clicking everywhere by holding mouse. It gives you confidence and different working style. So let's get start.


Alt+Home- To Go Your Homepage.

Alt+Tab- Toggle Between Browser Windows.

Alt+Left Arrow- To Go On Back Page.

Alt+Right Arrow- To Go Forward Page.

F11- To View The Current Website In Full-Screen Mode. To Exit Website Full Screen Mode Again Press F11.

Esc- Stop Page or Downloading Loading.

Ctrl+(-)- Zoom Out Of a Page.

Ctrl+(+)- Will Zoom In Of a Page.

Ctrl+9- Switch To Last Tab.

Ctrl+0- Reset Browser Zoom To Default.

Ctrl+Enter- This combination is used to quickly complete an address. For example, type "google" in the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get

Ctrl+Shift+Del- To Quickly Clear Private Data.

Ctrl+Shift+B- Toggle the bookmarks bar between hidden and shown.

Ctrl+A- To Select everything from a current page.

Ctrl+D- To Add a Bookmark for the page currently opened on display.

Ctrl+F-Open the "find" bar to search text on the current page.

Ctrl+O- Open a file in the browser.

Ctrl+Shift+O- To access Bookmark manager

Ctrl+H- To view browser history in a new tab.

Ctrl+J- To Display the downloads window.

Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E- To perform a quick access to Google search typing.

Ctrl+L-Move the cursor to the browser address bar and highlight everything in it.

Ctrl+N- Open New browser window.

Ctrl+Shift+N- Open a new window in Incognito (private) mode.

Ctrl+P- Quick access to Print current page or frame

Ctrl+R or F5-Refresh the current page or display frame.

Ctrl+S- To Save the current page.

Ctrl+T- To Open a new tab.

Ctrl+U- View a source code of web page.

Ctrl+W- To Close the currently selected tab.

Ctrl+Shift+W- To Close the currently selected window.

Ctrl+Shift+T- This will re-opens the last tab you've closed. If you will continue go on multiple closed tab will get re-open that you have closed.

Ctrl+Tab- Moves through each of the open tabs going to the right.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab- Moves through each of the open tabs going to the left.

Ctrl+Left-click- Open a link in a new tab in the background.

Ctrl+Shift Left-click- Will Open a link in a new tab and switch to the new tab quickly.

Ctrl+Page Down- Open the browser tab to the right.

Ctrl+Page Up- Open the browser tab to the left.

Spacebar- Will Move down a page at a time.

Shift+Spacebar- Will Move up a page at a time

Home-To Go top of page.

End- To Go bottom of page

Alt+Down Arrow- Display all previous text entered in a text box and available options on a drop down menu.

So Guy's Use Them And Enjoy Your Work.

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Thanks, Boss These shortcuts really helps me a lot

Great info, I was recently trying to learn some keyboard shortcuts. This seems nice place to start.