Did you notice that the price is up, but your vote value is down?

in rewardpoolabuse •  6 years ago 

The only way I know for things to work that way is if the large accounts are sucking out more than before.
Seems to me that it started a few days ago.
You will have to tell me, dear reader.


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My VP has not budged a hair with the slight boost in steem value, but I'm not surprised by it.

Hm are you meaning with vp at the same mana? My 10K sp is gaining 0.01 but as my mana right now is lower ;) its then sinking LOL
but in my case i also have a good amount delegated right & leaft.....
as far as i know, crypto is gaining but not stable, can that be the reson your not seeing the vp increase?

I think it has to do with the flag wars.

When whales vote the share of the pool that is our vote goes down in percentage and therefor value.

If no whale votes our rshares represent a larger share of the pie.
Just keeping the poor people poor.

flag wars is one thing
Hm remeber when whales hit the button they increase the value of said post and also most of them vote in small % so if you gave 100% you will recive a bigger vest for it AS long as you were there before the whale ;)

If we weren't working from a common pool, whale votes would be great, but as it is, they take from the poorest of us to give to the favored.
Hardly a prescription for efficient distribution of the coin.

It's getting a lot better, though.

Ok im not in any way saying your wrong, im just seeing it a bit diffrent, ok?
so we are all in the same pond, some are itsy, small big, large and gigants... isent it fare that gigant who have been woddeling about for ages gets a bigger piece? tecnicly they did get from micros to large before we did..? i have noooo shame with expecting a bigger pie part with my 10k of sp then a redfish with 100sp
But with this said, im nooot in any way talking about whale flag toss wars...
now the licqoid steem and coin talk is a diffrent ballpark all together lol
& im so enjoying our convos & that you found me 4months back lol nooo need to upv my coments hun, wer all good 🐲🐉💗

I don't think life will ever be 'fair', I'm just lookin for less stacked against folks born to lose.
Not everybody gets good parents.
Until your influence goes over 500mv it is not a problem, but those folks with 100k mv should exercise more discretion, imo.

Have you looked at the new games.

IF you are lucky, they take just your time,...

My full upvote is worth the same. Where's Robin Hood when you need him?

Posted using Partiko Android

I think drug wars is gonna be the faucet for us poor people,...

More like us poor people ;) lol I don't even play drug wars though.

You should, imo, it's a faucet dripping from the haves to the invested.

I get that. I just don't like that it pays out I guess. If I'm giving my time to a game, I want it to just be a good game, not try to bribe me. Play to win real money is a major turn-off for me in the majority of cases. Too much like gambling. I'm confident it's going to get hyper-competitive and botted to death too and I just don't want to deal with it.

I personally have not noticed a change in my vote worth over the past few days. Granted my vote is not worth very much so that could be why I have not noticed. Is there a way to check this or see others vote worth or in aggregate? I am currently not sure how you would see this data.


My vote was over .04 and now it is under.
Its like a 15% difference, according to my napkin.

Ah, that is a good site. Thank you for the suggestion. yeah I see for you right now it says max vote% is 0.04. However I don't that gives you the full picture.

On Steempeak.com, you can hover the i icon by your name by your name and it will give you a break down of your current stats. Yours says Voting mana 91.48% (fully charged in 10 hrs). Vote value 0.04 (out of max 0.044) and Resource Credits 99.99% (fully charged in 1 minute).

I could be wrong but I think that the lower voting mana gets, the lower vote vote will be worth, not sure what the threshold is either. Also not sure if that is something new that started happening or if it has always been like that.

Yes, and if you watch your vote value, and the price, you can see fluctuations between the two.
It's easy to miss, if you don't know to watch for it.
Bet your bupkiss that the math wizzes could tell us to 3 decimals.

My vote still shows nothing on Steemit just like always :) I wish frontends gave full precision, or at least adjustable precision. Hope the whales aren't accelerating efforts to undermine the rest of us though. Great picture by the way!

Have you looked on steemworld.org/@username?

Source of pic

No, but I can get full precision on my own if I really want to, don't worry :)