RFK bowing to pressure from global Jewish Zionism is a raw display of the excessive and abusive political power of global Jewish Zionism.

in rfk •  2 years ago 



It’s hard to believe the majority of the Western public is completely fooled by more than a century of accumulative Jewish Zionist censorship and propaganda in the falsified Western narratives they control - while the majority of those that aren’t fooled, including many Jews, are afraid to speak up.

Numbers of Jews that appear to be reasonable and sympathetic if not outraged by a century of Zionist injustices imposed on the Palestinians, are themselves serious victims of Zionist propaganda. Unwittingly or not, many of these sympathetic Jews that speak against Zionist policies and excessive undue influence in the West, often join and follow the Zionist herd by promoting Zionist propaganda themselves such as when Gabor Matte joked about Roger Waters being a NAZI for no other reason than because Waters believes Palestinians deserve human rights like everyone else in the world. Mentioning Roger Waters in a positive light is what put RFK in the crosshairs of the Zionist intimidation and persecution machine. I can’t help wondering if Gabor Matte understood he was promoting what Norman Finkelstein described as ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in his book by that title.

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