To begin with, being rich is more than a big amount of money. Being rich is a state of mind. We can be rich not having 1000000$. For each of us wealthy is something else, for a poor being rich could be a small piece of bread or a big villa for those who earn much money.
Ask yourself what it means for you.
Many people don't have enough money to buy clothes and food but they consider themselves as rich people cause they have family. But today I want to present you how to become rich.
Probably you noticed the topic. SELF-ASSERTION means that you have to be confident about your skills.
Today I will show you some steps that may help you to become rich or achieve your main goals.
STEP 1: From a consumer to producer
You need to think as a producer not as a person who consumes. You have to be a person who provides not consumes e.g as a producer you can start earn money as a consumer you spend your money so change your attitude.
STEP 2: My skills that people need to
Thing about things that you can and people who could ask you to do something because of your skills. Use your skills to help people and don't be afraid to ask people for money.
STEP 3: I am worth...
Ask yourself how much are you worth. It is important but you have to be confident especially if you work in company and ask your boss about rise your salary. It is important to know how much you are worth.
So it is important to think as a rich people to find many steams of income and to use our skills to multiply our income but steps I have mentioned are important to become a millionaire in the future.