Being Rich....Definitely isn’t about owning things

in rich •  7 years ago 


I was taking a walk the other day with my friend and we were laughing and joking when we rushed into this scene. A guy parked his car practically on the street but I was not bothered by his driving skills - what kind of upset me was the message he was sending through his registration plates.

I don’t mind his BMW and if he is - like he claims- rich, he should also have more tasteful way to show us his “wealth”.

Like I said, it was not the car that he can afford that made me pissed (my best friend drives one, for that matter) but his foolish message and attitude. I know people who have money, I know people who really don’t. The things is - Do you really think money makes you rich? This guy (or a lady) is actually very poor, in my opinion.


Just in case you don’t know - average salary in my country is less then 800 €, in Serbia, my neighbor country it is less then 400 €. Showing off with your having is really disgusting in a way. Some of the coolest people I know- and you know I hang around only with the cool ones - could have zillions on their account and never had this pathetic need to show that to the world by putting expensive things on themselves. Yes, maybe they were expensive, they just didn’t yelled this loud about it. After all, if Michelle Obama could make her public appearances in H&M clothes, WTF is this guy’s problem?


To the point... like my dad’s @thebigmile bio on his Steemit account says: Wealth is the peace of mind you have, your family and your friends... Everything else is just money and it’s funny how people pay so much attention to that.

Don’t forget to be wealthy every day! And please- don’t be an idiot like this BMW guy :)


Love from Zagreb and have a great day,


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Definitely not a rich guy!

More likey an idiot ;)

Rich in stupidity 😂

I kod nas ima sličnih...

Znaci, strasnoo 🙈🐒 @cicbar

I agree, I would never have personalised number plates. I've never seen the point of them, other than to show off. I suppose there's a possibility his names Richard and he's called Rich for short? Still looks stupid though.

I hope his name is Richard, although it’s not very common name in Croatia :D Poor guy, all he have is money 💰

Dick is also a name used for Richard :)

Aaa pa moras da dodjes ovamo definitivno, da te malo prosetam, da vidis sta je ludilo mozga kad se imaju soldi @matejka13 :) Masta moze svasta hahaha. Svakako, stvar se otrgla kontroli nacisto a jaz je sve veci izmedju imati i nemati..

Ma znam sve, jebiga, u Srbiji je jos gore... Al nema veze, svejedno cu doci da malo ponovim gradivo 😎 A mi se ionak ne bumo s takvima druzile tak da bu nama dobro, nema greske @jungwatercolor 💕

Nesto razmisljam da skoknem za ovaj proljetni raspust do Novog Sada, al ne znam hocu li biti rich enough...hahaha

Uf to ti bilo divno, meni to satic vremena opustene voznje basom do Ns :) Ajde da se ponadamo da ce nam market skociti pa cemo se obogatiti @matejka13 :)

Yessss! Pa da kupimo belog bemveja i napisemo si “Rich bitch” pa da vozamoo po Savi i Dunavu 😊😂

Ma ja ni ne znam u kojim pecinama ti ljudi zive :) Ali zive :(

That's absoulutely true. Most of the people can't find or achieve the right values so they find comforting rewards in material stuff.

Wealth is the peace of mind you have, your family and your friends

Wise guy Mile :D too bad he wasn't with us on the meeting.

We’ll get him the next time for our spring meeting 😎

I didn't even know we have the spring meeting 😁

Ahh... kako ne! Sunce i pivice na terasi🍺🍻

Pa to zvuci primamljivo, zasto ne? 🍻

This is the true rich :)
Bob Marley -

Reporter: Are you a rich man?
Bob: What you mean rich, what ya mean?
Reporter: Do you have a lot of possessions? Lot of money in the bank?
Bob: Possession make you rich?
I don't have that type of richness.
My richness is life, forever.

Well spoken! Those kind of people, show off, they are not worth it...


@thebigmile - absolutely right!

Moralne dileme vlasnika bemveja - parkirati na cesti ili na pločnik...

Jednom sam pitao ovakvog majstora - mislim da je bio Horvaćanski zavoj - zašto se sparkirao na cesti kad ima mjesta na parkiralištu.
Čovjek se skroz zbunio - kao, da kakvo je to glupo pitanje, da onda ne bi svi vidjeli da ima bemburu.

Horor! 😫

:)))) This is The Balkans!