How to get rich like Neoxian: tip #243

in rich •  7 years ago 

Hey Steemians, you want to get rich like me?

Here is a tip:

(pic from

If this guy (or someone similar to him) is pimping your coin, that's the sell signal.

(screen grab from National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)

If the forum for your coin has a stickied post with the phone number to a suicide prevention line, that's the buy signal.

Congrats, you are now millionaire.


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Sort Order: cool..
Will look on to ur steps.
Gotta get reach


Please dont give me that scary view in my mind. Now i will be afraid everytime McAfee makes a tweet. 😐

nice ;)

Lol, Bitconect was a great fall

I still dream to walk in the street and find a wallet full of bitcoin on the floor eheheh

Carlos Matos for President!

these are the Richie rich tips ...way to become a millionaire is simple with your tips

first there are scammers
now there are bitconnecters

hhahah epic humour added one of the best post today lol

hahahaaa the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline going to have tough time dealing with all those patients

bitconnect guys lol they made everyone poor in seconds

lol thanks for the tips will keep them in mind !

Just called on that number and they said they don't help those who invested in shitconnect hahah my friends life is in danger hahah

Looks like i saw that person somewhere i better need to go offline hahahaa

tip #243 Noted down ;)

but before that enjoy the song and make your weekend special

This the greatest tip ever. Gonna be filthy rich soon!

I invested in BCC but not my life savings. Thank goodness. I can never time the markets so maybe I should just stay away from ponzi schemes lol. Thanks.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Bitconnect and its promoters keep getting all the daily trolling and memes... Hahahahahaha 😂😂😂

In other news:

I'm selling strong ropes incase anyone wants to buy.

Buy one and get extra extra two for free

"Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1."

Warrent Buffet

When everyone is celebrating be scared, when everyone scared be greedy

and lower your cost basis

Haha poor bitconnect! I just LOLed at this! It still has a market cap of $100 million

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahaha nice tip i listened this bitconnect epic scam song just 30 minute ago, and sure we dont waste our money to invest in ponzi schemes to gain our earning and try to search first if we want to invest
sure we all want to be rich like you but whats you think we will follow this to get rich @nexian

I sure want to be super rich...

lol. This is it, this is all anybody needs to know in 2018.

what a creativity!! lol....

How is it still worth $11.50? There still some bitter deniers out there?

I really don't understand how people can create FUD against an honest and awesome investment opportunity like Bitconnect.

hehe xd

Hm, good tips. Sure, I'd like to be rich like you, but it also wouldn't hurt to be as happy as the Bitconnect guy in the first pic. Then again, I guess I wouldn't be happy OR rich if I had invested in that garbage scam anyway.

I'm pretty sure that Bitconnect guy isn't very happy right now.

lol so sell high and by low neo perfect thank you

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

Signed! Taking 200sbd to pay 220sbd in 3 weeks

You seem confused.

Your post is so helpful for a christian...........

Thanks, this is a very useful advice, amazing content.

it's so important for all.
i enjoy this post.

i will always support you man!!!

Thanks for this, following YOU!