Secret Domestic Court Documents Exposed

in rights •  8 years ago  (edited)

Under the ever-growing cancer of the domestic and family courts in the US, if a citizen is accused of being mean or hurting someone's feelings, they can lose their Constitutionally protected freedoms without due process. 

This is what has happened to my son and me, on the false accusations of my ex wife.  It's a common story, but one that is not often told due to the secret nature of these domestic courts and the severe penalties that result from violating that secrecy.  

The attached court filing by my ex wife is one of many that drove me out of the United States. Some people will judge me and assume that I left to avoid paying child support.  Staying in the US and complying with their orders would have actually been far easier for me, but was clearly the wrong course of action with regard to my son's well being and future, and my own integrity. 

I was denied contact with my 12 year old son on my ex wife's false accusations of abuse, and this was the best way to re-establish contact with him and avoid being thrown in jail on a contempt of court charge.  The US Family Court is a system that profits handsomely from the destruction of families. False accusations of abuse (they call it the "silver bullet") are standard practice. What I've discovered is that the family court lawyers, judges, social workers, and psychiatrists are all playing by one set of rules, while the dads are under another set of rules. To them it's a game of deception. They pretend to be protecting children, but in most cases the kids actually need protection from them, not their dads.

The scam begins with false allegations of abuse- usually by moms and/or social workers, and bribery and coaching of the young kids to lie about their dads.  This is what my ex wife did to our son. I've documented this in previous videos and posts but my ex was able to have my videos removed from YouTube for privacy violation.  

After the false allegations, the dads are denied contact under secret court proceedings, ordered to shut up under threat of contempt charges, and forced to pay child support (enslaved) while being denied access to thier children. Contempt of court was intended to maintain order in court proceedings, not as a means for judges to carry out secret illegal agendas that extend beyond the court, denying citizens' protected rights.  

This scheme is common now in many western countries like the US and UK, but highly under-reported due to the secret nature of the proceedings and judge's orders not to "discuss the case" or publish materials related to it under threat of contempt, which can result in lengthy jail sentences.

Unfortunately for their agenda, I'm not a slave. It was one thing when they were just brainwashing my kid and turning him against me.  It's another matter entirely when he complains about not being able to see his dad and they bring in the psychiatrists to drug him into submission and shut him up. My son never had any kind of "disease" when I had half custody of him. This nonsense only started after they gained full control through the false accusations.

As a father, I have a right and a duty to maintain contact with my son, regardless of how many lies, "show cause" hearings, contempt charges, or arrest warrants they issue.

In order to be able to communicate with my son without being thrown in a dungeon without due process, I have left the US and moved someplace where people still care about their families: Mexico.  If my son ever wants to join me, he's always welcome with me wherever I am and I'll be happy to provide for his needs, but the slave arrangement is over.  

My ex wife Jordan Miller has already managed to have two of my videos removed from YouTube. It explained the mess they created in more detail, so I'm looking for better platforms that don't censor this type of information to re-upload it.  She claims to have a "right to privacy" that supercedes my and my son's right to free speech (I have always redacted personal information such as addresses and phone numbers).  Really, what she wants is to cover up her lies and the medical malpractice racket of drugging a young kid who still wanted to be with his father- but unfortunately took her bait (coaching and bribing to lie about me in court), and later regretted it.  

For now I'll upload her latest filing that has resulted in me losing my 1st amendment freedom of speech, 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms, and 7th amendment right to a trial by jury in a civil matter- all in secret without due process and equal protection under the law, in judge Patrick Conlin's court in Washtenaw County, Michigan.  The divorce proceedings are public under Freedom of Information for anyone who is interested, however the Personal Protection Order my ex-wife was granted under false allegations are secret and exempt from FOIA (so they claim). A PPO is basically a sneaky method to deny someone's rights without due process. The protection orders are granted first, then the accused must prove himself innocent. I've learned it's pointless to play that game by their rules.

Essentially, I have now lost my rights as a US citizen because my ex wife said she was scared, with no evidence of any crime being committed, no threats of violence, no criminal history or mental illness on my part. Her case is made entirely of lies. She has not provided any proof of anything and my repeated demands for a jury trial were denied. She claimed I "threatened the judge" and "he has a gun" in an attempt to have me SWATed by police who will happily violate their oath to protect and defend the constitution and obey illegal orders.  I saw exactly where this was headed and realized it would be foolish to wait around for what was coming next.  I also have the courtroom video of what she's referring to by "threatening the judge" and as you will see, nothing I said is remotely threatening, however the judge granted her protection order anyway because those false accusations are the magic pixie dust they require to continue their scam.

If I'm accused of an actual crime, they can bring me in front of a Constitutional jury. Otherwise what they're doing is entirely illegal under 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights which carries serious criminal penalties, and I intend to expose this conspiracy. I have given up nearly everything including my income and posessions to do this- not just to communicate with my own child again but to warn others about this cancer that is destroying our families and abusing children.  There is no doubt in my mind that I'm doing the right thing by exposing this information.  There is no so-called "right to privacy" when people are privately abusing a child, and that supposed right to privacy violates my and my son's right to free speech.  Last I checked, right to privacy doesn't appear anywhere in the US Bill of Rights.

If this turns out to be a platform that cares about freedom of speech, and it can stand up to their censorship, I'll continue to post more information about it here. Regardless I will continue to publish this information one way or another.  The more they censor, the more I will intensify my efforts.

In Freedom,

Daniel A Miller

Documents here: (Imgur embed doesn't work?)

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