Why can't they tell the truth??

in rightwing •  7 years ago 

In the UK we have a massive problem with islamic gangs grooming and raping children. Yet liberal news outlets and politicians are wringing their hands and calling it an "Asian" problem, or "Pakistani" or sometimes just "culture".
Well in my city they were all Somalian origin but born in Britain. So they learned that behaviour here. They didn't learn these abhorent views in British schools or society. They leaned them in mosques, their community and their families.

The ideology these vile animals use is the same as daesh and other islamic militant groups around the world. We are infidels and when they are waging jihad against us they can use our children as sex slaves. Is the link too difficult to grasp??

I went to the trial of the islamic rape gang in my town. They used religion as a defence. That their scripture tells them they can enslave our women. And as Islam doesn't recognize the difference between women and girls. they don't believe in the age of consent. They also attempted to use it as mitigation when sentenced. Some got as little as 2 years, so the judge, judge Quereshi (the first sharia/English law "cross over" judge) was obviously sympathetic! Incidentally, this same judge gave two men who put bacon in shoes outside a mosque 12 months!!

The only link that unites all these gangs is islam and Islamic ideology. There are hundreds of these animals in our prisons. They are there reinforcing the idea that this is a war on Islam as they think they have done nothing wrong. they think they have been falsely imprisoned!!

Why can't the authorities tell the truth? is it just the fact they are liberals and don't want to upset Muslims? Or are they mindful of the fact that as we go forward, due to birth rates, islam is going to get bigger and bigger in UK until we will be outvoted in our own land?

I don't think all muslims are bad. In fact the opposite. However i realize that the ideology they use and refuse to abrogate is all Islamic. the truth about Islamic conquest has been hidden or played down. Instead we hear about the crusades. The crusades were 7 battles, Islamic conquest accounts for over 400 and still counting. The last big slaughter was 100 years ago when the Ottoman empire (turkey) slaughtered 1 million Christian Armenians! The world is quick to forget eh?

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It is the same in every countries, government spread the fear in order to better control the population. By spreading those fake news they usually prepare it's citizen for a negative new related in the next weeks... So we do associate the mesure with the fake news we heard and we think it is a good new... I don't know if you see what I mean I was not very clear.

No i don't understand. The fear for our children, especially the working class, is real.

Its not fake news, its real.

Fair enough !

I don't post things that i know are untrue bro.