
in ring-ring •  6 years ago 

Good morning steemians, I want to share you guys the one of the livelihood here in lapulapu city. We called it mongos-mongos, it a sea shell and make it in to ring and into necklaces.


This is the original color, color green.


We string it together and form it like a ring. We called it ring-ring . We use nylon to string it.


This is ring-ring. We string it into a Necklaces.


This is a necklace, we called it Necklaces with Cocoi Ends. Export for Hawaii. This is my auntie dolors business. Most of our neighbors this is their business mongos-mongos.


This is auntie Marivic this is her job. She string the ring and form a necklace and (1) one piso each.That's all I can share you guys..thank you for dropping by. Thank you steemians,God bless us all.

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