Fuck It, Before It Fuck's You #77 (Distant memories are buried in the past forever)

in riots •  4 years ago 

What’s up to everyone out there in Internet land? It’s Friday night and I’m about to demonstrate my magical ability to spew nonsense from my fingertips! Just finished watching The Interview for the first time. Fun movie, very educational. I learned that Eminem is gay, Kim Jung Un doesn’t have a butthole, and America will keep making the same mistake as many times as it takes. So even though this movie is a few years old, it’s strangely relevant to shit going on in the world today. Specifically here in the United States. And of course, here in the United States, shit is fucked up.

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And I don’t even mean the normal kind of fucked up that shit is on a daily basis. I mean a fucked up kind of fucked up. . Like a “Shit isn’t adding up” kind of fucked up. And let me be clear, I have no moral objection to rioting and looting, so long as it’s pointed in the right direction. Don’t go looting small businesses. Especially black owned businesses, what the fuck? Stick with Target. That’s why they’re called that, so if people want to go looting, they know where to go looting. For legal purposes, I’m joking of course. But for moral purposes, that was a joke. Not that I really think that rioting and looting is really all that constructive, but who am I to judge the response of people who’ve got the man’s boot on their neck more than anyone? Sadly one of the surest ways to get people's attention is to break stuff. Of course, a lot of American’s don’t see how certain people in our society are treated worse than others.. I was listening to a black co worker earlier this week talk about all the racism he’s experienced in his life. From his teacher calling him the N word to being pulled out of car and beaten by cops because someone told them he was smoking weed in his car AFTER it was legalized. And I grew up poor just like this guy. We’re probably about the same age and work at the same job. Economically we’re the same, but I haven’t been through what he’s been through. Whenever I got in trouble I got the “We know you’re a good kid and we don’t want to ruin your future.” treatment. I kinda wish I could go back in time and ask them “What exactly, in your world view, defines me as a good kid?”. So I understand why people are pissed when they continue to see people who look like them being killed by the police., who often look..., something like me anyway.
But of course, I’m paranoid, and I can’t help but see other shit going on. I do think it’s just a little bit weird that riots are happening all across the country at the same time. Like, the exact same time. And wheat i keep hearing is that they’re started by the police, or by white protesters. Almost feels like they’re being deliberately provoked and coordinated somehow. . And apparently a lot of these protest sites just happen to have neatly laid piles of bricks near them. And why is it that nobody’s been worried about COVID for the last week? Wouldn’t that have been the perfect excuse for the cops to use to shut down these protests? But they didn’t. At least not that I heard about, anywhere.The first I started hearing about it again was when the media said that George Floyd’s autopsy revealed he had it. Are they going to try saying that that’s what killed him? Are the cops going to get off on that in the end? Is that going to trigger another wave of riots?
Anyway, don’t listen to me. Do I sound like I know what the fuck is going on? I hope not because I don’t know shit about shit. At this point, I think we should nominate Eminem for president. I’m sure Democrats would vote for him, despite his history of homophobic and misogynistic lyrics. And let’s be really, he’d totally destroy Trump on the debate stage. You know you want to see the Trump vs. Eminem debates. That’s all American’s really seem to want, a good show to keep their mind from thinking about how badly we’re all getting fucked by the ruling class. Just give it to them and say fuck it, before it fucks you.

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