The most important contests in the world of digital currencies

in rippel-steller •  7 years ago 

The digital currency market is getting crowded as more companies launch their initial "ICOs" and emerging branches compete for higher positions. It is fair to say that all digital currencies compete directly with the market leader - now. Although it is still the largest digital currency to date in terms of accessibility, market value, currency value and other metrics, it has lost its market monopoly by 85 to 90%. It now controls 40 to 50% of available digital currency trading.

However, apart from competing with the best currencies, there are also emerging competitions among other digital currencies. Competing pairs include Bitcoin, Etherium, Laine Queen, Biticoin Cash, Reebel and Steller. While all digital currencies are fighting each other for supremacy in the digital currency market, these pairs create some interesting battles - and they can even ignite wars, which will push the currency up or down in the future.

Bitcoin and etherium

These are the two biggest players in digital space today, especially since etherium seems to be the only currency capable of challenging Betquin. There have been occasions when the value of the market ethium has underestimated the value of the Betcoin, although this has never been so long. Ethrium also has a preference because it is seen as "more legitimate" by investors, with a level of transparency usually not offered by bitcoin.

Lentine Coin and Beticoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash resulting from the main division of the Bitcoin was forged when the differences in the rules of digital currencies forced the schism away from the main digital currency. When that happened, the sponsors of the Bitcoin, Cash expected it to overtake the original Betcoin by value and then become the market leader. However, her closest competitor seems to be Layton Cowen and she is more willing to crush these hopes. The White Queen is expected to rise significantly this year, partly due to its inclusion on the platform "Gemini" and the launch of the "Litepal" payment service.

Ripple and Steller

Although both Ripple and Steller have not attracted the attractiveness of their larger competitors, they can both shine in 2018. Ripple is pushing for partnerships, with emerging institutions and major financial institutions, to create real-world use of its digital currency. However, Stellar follows the Ripple directly, threatening to do everything that the Ripple promises - but in a much faster and more open way. The Stellar has so far struggled to gain a greater appeal than its competitors, but 2018 could be the year in which its star gets stuck.

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thanks for the information

Thank you

Great atricle. What makes you think Ripple and Stellar have that much potential?