
in ripple •  7 years ago  (edited)

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B.R3 Promises to Grow "Ripple" Into a Market Leader

B.R3は市場リーダーに Rippleを成長させる約束

20."Ripple"'s success is driven in substantial part by having international banks and financial institutions adopt the Ripple Technology, and embrace XRP.
To that end, in 2016, "Ripple" began talking with R3, a company that touts itself as a "50 member initiative” and the first consortium of the world's largest financial institutions, "focused exclusively on developing a next generation financial transaction network... based on distributed ledger technology.
R3 represented to "Ripple" that R3 could help Ripple succeed by partnering with "Ripple" to promote the Ripple Technology to banks in the R3 consortium.
For example, on February 22, 2016, R3's CEO, David Rutter reached out to "Ripple" regarding new proof of concepts with banks in R3's consortium, and solicitously offered, "If we R3) could help you guys by building a broader community around this project by doing it in our lab let me know.

20.Rippleの成功は、国際的な銀行や金融機関にRipple Technologyを採用させ、XRPを採用することによって、相当な部分が推進されています。

そのために、2016年には、Rippleは、次世代の金融取引ネットワークの開発に専念する「50メンバーイニシアチブ」と世界最大の金融機関の最初のコンソーシアムであるR3と話を始めました。 ..分散元帳技術に基づいています。

R3がRippleに代わって、R3のコンソーシアムの銀行にRipple Technologyを促進するためにRippleと提携することで、Rippleが成功するのを助けることができました。

例えば、2016年2月22日、R3のCEOであるDavid Rutterは、R3のコンソーシアムで銀行とのコンセプトの新しい証明に関してRippleに出向いて、「もしR3ならば」という広範なコミュニティを構築することによって、私たちの研究室でこれを行うことでこのプロジェクトが私に教えてくれました。

21.Based on R3's representations, "Ripple" engaged in discussions with R3 and its CEO, beginning in March 2016, to explore joint opportunities between the two companies.
CEO Rutter made R3's end goal clear in a March 9, 2016 email to "Ripple": “we are really excited to work with you guys...
I would like to be very clear with the banks that if we run this experiment the end game IS commercialization of a product.
” Mr.Rutter emphasized in a March 28, 2016 email to "Ripple", regarding potential joint opportunities, that the "commercial angle' is indeed "why we all want to do these things anyway.





22.Discussions proceeded through the spring of 2016.
On April 1, 2016, "Ripple" had a call with R3's team, including Mr.Rutter.
On that call, the "Ripple" staff described their goals of becoming a market leader in cross border payments and growing XRP into the primary digital asset used among global banks.
Mr.Rutter and the R3 team indicated that they understood "Ripple"'s goals and promised that R3 could put XRP on the map-just as they represented they had done with Ethereum, another cryptocurrency on the market.


2016年4月1日、 "Ripple"はMr.Rutterを含むR3のチームと電話をかけました。



23.The Parties created a multi-phase plan to accomplish "Ripple"'s goals.
The plan started with Project Xenon, a test where participating banks would use XRP with Ripple Technology.
Those banks would use XRP provided by "Ripple" to settle cross border payments.
If Project Xenon was successful, the Parties planned to next form a Commercial Partnership with the goal of supporting full, on-going deployment of XRP by banks as a bridge asset to settle their cross-border transactions using "Ripple" Technology.


この計画は、プロジェクトキセノン(Project Xenon)から始まりました。参加銀行がRipple TechnologyでXRPを使用するテストでした。


プロジェクトキセノンが成功した場合、締約国は、Ripple Technologyを用いて国境を越えた取引を解決するための橋渡し資産として、銀行によるXRPの完全かつ継続的な展開を支援するという目的で、商業パートナーシップを次の形で計画した。

24.On May 24, 2016, the Parties executed a Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Project Xenon and Potential Commercial Partnership, which reiterated the Parties' understanding of forming a Commercial Partnership upon "the successful conclusion of Project Xenon).

24. 2016年5月24日、両者は、Project Xenonの成功した結論に基づき商業パートナーシップを形成するという両者の理解を再確認したProject Xenonおよび潜在的商業パートナーシップに関する覚書を締結した。

25.In the weeks that followed, "Ripple" worked with R3 and the participating banks, sharing confidential and proprietary technological information about the Ripple Technology.
"Ripple" also provided XRP to each participating bank to undertake the transfers.

25.その後数週間、RippleはR3と参加銀行と協力して、Ripple Technologyに関する機密情報と独自の技術情報を共有しました。


26.In early July 2016, the Parties initiated Project Xenon.
Twelve of R3's participating banks were tasked with operating "Ripple" Technology and settling transactions with each other in XRP over the course of several weeks.

26. 2016年7月初めに、両者は Project Xenonを開始した。

R3の参加銀行のうち12社には、Ripple Technologyを運用し、数週間にわたりXRPでお互いの取引を決済する任務が与えられました。

27.On July 29, 2016, an R3 Associate Director, Clemens Wan, sent an email titled, "Xenon Overview (midpoint)' to all participating banks and the "Ripple" team touting Project Xenon's "successes' by the halfway mark.
Todd McDonald, a co-founder of R3, forwarded Mr.
Wan's email to the "Ripple" executive team stating: "Great momentum and looks to be really solid outputs from the Xenon project.Exciting stuff.)" R3 CEO Rutter wrote the "Ripple" team congratulating them: "Great stuff guys.

27. 2016年7月29日、Clemens WanのR3アソシエイトディレクターが参加したすべての銀行とRippleチームに電子メールで「キセノンの概要(中点)」を送信し、Project Xenonの「成功」を途中で宣告しました。

R3の共同設立者Todd McDonald氏は、Rippleエグゼクティブチームへの電子メールは次のように述べています。

「大きな勢いと、Project Xenonの本当に強固な出力に見える。物事を分析する。」

R3 CEO Rutterは、Rippleチームに「素晴らしいスタッフたち」を祝福しました。

28.Mr.Wan continued to stoke the teams' enthusiasm through early August, confidently assuring "Ripple" in an August 3, 2016 email that "once projects like the Xenon project) are completed and reviews are shared with members, other banks tend to get interested and want to participate in second versions of these projects (never an exact redo, but usually an increase of scope and more members).
” Mr.Wan further positioned R3 as uniquely capable of delivering eager banks to the table, describing R3 in an August 15, 2016 email to "Ripple" as "a growing group with so many members.

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28. Mr.Wan氏は8月初めにかけてチームの熱意を引き続き、「Xenon projectようなプロジェクトが完了した8月3日のEメールでRippleを確実に確実にする)が完了し、レビューはメンバーと共有され、他の銀行は興味を持ち、これらのプロジェクトの2番目のバージョンに参加したい(厳密なやり直しではないが、通常は範囲の拡大とメンバーの増加)。



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