
in ripple •  7 years ago  (edited)

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FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION(Fraudulent Misrepresentation-Against All Defendants)


60."Ripple" realleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


61.R3 intentionally misrepresented existing material facts to induce "Ripple" to enter into the Agreements, both before closing and while soliciting "Ripple"'s participation.
Among these material facts were:

・ a materially false and misleading fact that that R3 led a strong, robust consortium of over 50 global financial institutions, a consortium to which "Ripple" would get access through R3;

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3's roster of banking members would continue to grow and include key leading financial institutions;

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3 had the time and resources to devote to developing its relationship with "Ripple"; and

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3 was interested in a Commercial Partnership and promoting XRP, just as it had done with Ethereum, another cryptocurrency on the market, when R3 never had intentions of forming a Commercial Partnership and in fact disparaged digital currencies like XRP in public.







62."Ripple" reasonably relied to its detriment on R3's foregoing misrepresentations.


63.R3's false representations were material-indeed essential-to "Ripple"'s decision to enter into the Agreements.
"Ripple" never would have entered into the Agreements had it known that R3's representations were false.



64.As a result of the knowing misrepresentations it made before and at the time of signing, R3 intended to, and did, defraud "Ripple" into executing the Agreements.
R3 defrauded "Ripple" so that it could profit from the Option Agreement, while simultaneously failing to meet its duties under the TPA Agreement.



65.As a direct result of, and in reliance upon, R3's misrepresentations, "Ripple" executed the Agreements.

65. R3の虚偽の表現の直接の結果として、またそれに依拠して、Rippleは契約を締結した。

66.Due to R3's fraud, "Ripple" has incurred, and will continue to incur, damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
Further, "Ripple" is entitled to recover punitive damages, because R3 committed its fraudulent acts maliciously, wantonly, and oppressively, and with knowledge that the consequences would negatively affect "Ripple".

66. R3の詐欺行為には、Rippleが発生し、引き続き裁判で決定される金額の損害が発生します。


SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION(Fraudulent Concealment-Against All Defendants)


67."Ripple" realleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


68.R3 fraudulently concealed from "Ripple" material facts before closing and while soliciting "Ripple"'s participation in the Agreements.
Among these material facts Were:

・ R3's prior knowledge and intent to unveil a product that directly competed with "Ripple"'s ILP software;

・ R3's prior knowledge and intent to focus exclusively on its Series A fundraise for the next ten months after executing the Agreements which would consume their entire team for that duration;

・ R3's prior knowledge of the shakiness of its consortium, and the likely departure of key members after the signing of the Agreements; and

・R3's simultaneous partnerships with competingfintech companies that it would promote-often times against "Ripple", to "Ripple"'s detriment.







69.R3 withheld this information with the intent to defraud "Ripple".
R3 knew that "Ripple" wanted a Commercial Partnership between the Parties, and by withholding this information, R3 misled "Ripple" into entering the Agreements.



70.R3's omissions were material-indeed essential-to "Ripple"'s decision to enter into the Agreements.
"Ripple" never would have entered into the Agreements had it known the foregoing material facts.



71.R3 had a duty to disclose the foregoing material facts because R3 possessed superior knowledge regarding its business model and the effect of its upcoming announcements to investors.


72.In entering into the Agreements, "Ripple" justifiably relied to its detriment on R3's omissions of material facts.


73.Because of R3's fraudulent concealment, "Ripple" entered into the Agreements on August 16, 2016.


74.Due to R3's fraud, "Ripple" has incurred, and will continue to incur, damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
Further, "Ripple" is entitled to recover punitive damages, because R3 committed its fraudulent acts maliciously, wantonly, and oppressively, and with knowledge that the consequences would negatively affect "Ripple".

74. R3の詐欺行為に対して、Rippleが発生し、引き続き裁判で決定される額の損害賠償が発生する。


THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION(Negligent Misrepresentation-Against All Defendants)


75."Ripple" realleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


76.R3 recklessly or negligently misrepresented existing material facts to induce "Ripple" to enter into the Agreements, both before closing and while soliciting "Ripple"'s participation in the Agreements.
Among these material facts were:

・a materially false and misleading fact that that R3 led a strong, robust consortium of over 50 global financial institutions, a consortium to which "Ripple" would get access through R3;

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3's roster of banking members would continue to grow and include leading financial institutions;

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3 had the time and resources to devote to developing its relationship with "Ripple"; and

・ a materially false and misleading fact that R3 was interested in a Commercial Partnership and promoting XRP, just as it had done with Ethereum, another cryptocurrency on the market, when R3 never had intentions of forming a Commercial Partnership and in fact disparaged digital currencies like XRP in public.







77.Ripple reasonably relied to its detriment on R3's misrepresentations.


78.R3's reckless or negligent representations were material-indeed essential to "Ripple"'s decision to enter into the Agreements.
"Ripple" never would have entered into the Agreements had it known that R3's representations were false.



79.As a direct result of, and in reliance upon, R3's misrepresentations, "Ripple"
executed the Agreements.

79. R3の虚偽の表現の直接の結果として、そしてそれに依拠して、Rippleは、合意を実行した。

80.Due to R3's negligent misrepresentations, "Ripple" has incurred, and will continue to incur, damages in an amount to be determined at trial.Further, "Ripple" is entitled to recover punitive damages, because R3 committed its fraudulent acts maliciously, wantonly, and oppressively, and with knowledge that the consequences would negatively affect "Ripple".

80.R3は詐欺的行為を悪意を持って犯したため、Rippleは致命的な損害賠償を請求する権利があります。 欲求不満で、そして圧迫的に、結果がRippleに悪影響を及ぼすことを知っている。

FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION(Breach of Contract-Against All Defendants)


81."Ripple" realleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


82.The Parties executed the TPA on August 16, 2016.


83.R3 has not performed in accordance with the TPA in various respects. For example, the TPA expressly required R3 to negotiate in good faith with "Ripple" with the goal of executing a term sheet relating to the Commercial Partnership no later than the conclusion of Project Xenon.
That test was completed weeks before the Parties' joint press release on October 20, 2016. R3 materially breached these obligations. Similarly, the TPA required R3 to negotiate in good faith towards executing a final agreement no later than 30 days after the execution of the term sheet. R3 materially breached these obligations as well.

83.R3は、TPAに従って様々な点で実施していない。例えば、TPAは、Project Xenonの結論よりも早く商業パートナーシップに関連する用語シートを実行する目的で、Rippleと誠実に交渉することをR3に要求しました。

この試験は2016年10月20日の両者の共同プレスリリースの数週間前に完了した.R3はこれらの義務に重大な違反を生じた。同様に、TPAは、用語シートの実行後30日以内に最終合意を実行することに誠意をもって交渉するためにR3を要求した。 R3はこれらの義務に重大な違反を生じた。

84.Because of R3's material breach of its obligations under the TPA, "Ripple" has been deprived of benefits that would have accrued to it under the TPA.


85."Ripple" has been damaged as a result of Defendants' conduct in an amount to be proven at trial.


FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION(Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Against All Defendants)


  1. "Ripple" realleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


  1. As set forth above, "Ripple" and R3 entered into the Agreements.


  1. Under New York law, the Agreements imposed on R3 a duty of good faith and fair dealing, which required, among other things, that R3 refrain from taking actions that would harm "Ripple".
    This duty would also require Defendants to refrain from taking action, or inaction, to deprive "Ripple" of the benefits of the TPA.



89."Ripple" fully honored its obligations and covenants under the Agreements.


90.However, R3 breached the covenants and deprived "Ripple" of the benefit of the TPA.


  1. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendants' conduct, "Ripple" has been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial.


SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION(Declaratory Judgment-Against All Defendants)


92."Ripple" re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs.


93.An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the Parties regarding their respective obligations under the TPA and the Option alleged above.
The Parties dispute whether the TPA and the Option are valid or not.



94.A judicial declaration is necessary and proper at this time in order to
ascertain each Party's rights and obligations."Ripple" seeks a judicial declaration as to the invalidity of the TPA and the Option by virtue of R3's fraudulent and or negligent misrepresentations and concealment.



95.Alternatively, "Ripple" seeks a judicial declaration that it has validly
terminated the agreements based on R3's material breach of the TPA.




WHEREFORE, "Ripple" prays for relief as follows:

A.For a declaration of this Court that the Agreements are invalid, void, and
subject to rescission;

B.For an Order requiring Defendants to pay damages, including punitive
damages, in an amount to be determined at trial;

C.For all damages to "Ripple" arising from Defendants' misconduct;

E.For an award of "Ripple"'s costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in
connection with this Action; and

F.For such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.







E. Rippleの費用と合理的な弁護士費用の授与



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