Chris Hemsworth Is Exactly What’s Wrong With

in risad •  4 years ago 

Deceit is a foundation for much of the fitness industry.
Think back to the early 90s when television bombarded us with fitness infomercials. They sold us the idea that a simple piece of fitness equipment would give us abs in a matter of just “five minutes a day”.
Absolutely no scientific evidence was required. The only evidence we needed (apparently) was how amazing the fitness models in the advertising look.
Social proof is what we marketers call it.
Or bullshit.
It was probably the first time the models had used that piece of exercise equipment. Instead, they dedicate their lives to looking fantastic. It’s their job.
The advertising also never really mentioned how strict our diets need to be at a body fat level low enough to see our abs.
Apparently, all you need is this ab machine. 5 minute abs are easy to sell — but changing your lifestyle isn’t.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out this monstrosity.

Source: YouTube
Also without mention are the “supplements” they might be taking. For most of us — whey protein, creatine and fish oil . Or, or something much stronger.
Something that begins with P and ends with EDs.
Performance-enhancing drugs.
If not steroids, it’s HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), SARMS, or another steroids variation.
And that’s a massive problem with the fitness industry — they sell us a look that is unattainable in a natural way. Their marketing tells us that we can look like this if we use this piece of equipment or use this diet or supplement.
They persuade us that we can also look like these people if we train properly and take the right supplements. They do not tell us the real “supplements” required to get those results.
The celebrity movie transformation? Steroids.
This point brings me to Chris.
What Chris Hemsworth is Doing
It is not so much what Chris did, but his body double. But, Hemsworth is helping spread the lies and deceit that are rife in the fitness industry. This Instagram post is evidence of that.
If you don’t know who Chris Hemsworth is, he is the star of the movie Thor.
Hemsworth used to be a star on an Aussie soap called Home and Away. I watched the show as a teenager. There were always good-looking people and Alf.
He has bulked up over the years to play Thor, Norse God of Thunder. He was also a part of the pretty successful Avengers movies. They are all fit looking superhero dudes and dudettes — but Thor is an especially big and muscular guy.
For the filming of the fourth installation of the popular Thor movie series, Hemsworth got even bigger and more muscular, which means his stunt double has to build a comparable physique.
Chris Hemsworth muscles flipping tyre
Source: Chris Hemsworth’s Instagram page
“Chris Hemsworth’s stunt double is tired of eating seven meals a day to try to keep up with the Hollywood actor’s ever-increasing size.” (CNN)
The Stunt Double
Bobby Holland Hanton, Hemsworth’s stunt double for Thor, said he’s struggling with the eating and training to keep up with the actor’s muscle gain.
After the interview appeared in a blog for paid health and fitness app Centr, numerous news media out

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